I Contracted Myself

【626】It really appeared

True Self Amateur sighed helplessly. How could they have a good talk after Wuming said this?

Sure enough, the next moment, Byrampu's expression changed. He looked at the three people with hostility and sneered, "I have seen many wizards. You think that you can be on an equal footing with us who are born with noble blood just by getting a little bit of power. Do you have the qualifications to have a good talk?"

After saying that, he immediately rushed towards Wuming at a very fast speed, wanting to teach Wuming an unforgettable lesson.

However, as soon as he approached Wuming, he was hit in the head by Wuming's punch. Before he could react, he continued to punch him on his wolf nose.

Finally, Wuming kicked Byrampu in the abdomen and kicked Byrampu onto the wall of the Wolf Castle.

Byrampu was a ghost werewolf. His body went through the wall directly, rolled continuously in the air, and finally fell to the ground. He sat on the ground with his back against a tree. Only then did he react belatedly. It seemed that he had been beaten severely by Wuming.

The space ahead rippled slightly, and Wuming appeared in front of Byrampu through the ripples, and asked condescendingly: "Are you qualified to talk now?"

Byrampu roared, bounced up from the ground against common sense, and immediately grabbed Wuming with both hands. Wuming's movements were faster than him. Before his sharp claws fell, he punched him in the nose again, and then kicked him in the abdomen, and he was kicked out again.

This time, Byrampu rolled hundreds of meters, from the Wolf Castle to the back mountain, and finally stopped inside a big rock.

Before he could catch his breath, the big rock exploded, and Wuming walked slowly from the outside to him and asked: "Are you qualified to talk now?"

"Damn wizard, you can't kill me, time will make you lose your power, and then you and your descendants will all wail and beg for mercy in front of me... the great Byrampu!" Byrampu was extremely angry, and he gritted his teeth and cursed.

Wuming sighed, then kicked Byrampu's chin, and Byrampu suddenly rose up quickly into the air.

In fact, Byrampu, who became a ghost werewolf, has three abilities.

Werewolf is an ability from his bloodline, and it still exists even if he becomes a ghost. This is not given by the wish-fulfilling elf.

The abilities he possesses are ghost body, powerful strength, and immortality.

This is also the reason why he did not die after withstanding Wuming's attack.

If he was just an ordinary soul, Wuming would be able to blow him up with one punch. If he was not strong enough, Wuming would be able to fly to the end of the world with one punch.

It is precisely because he has these three characteristics that he can hold on for a little longer under Wuming's fist.

In the air, Wuming appeared above Byrampu's head and kicked Byrampu to the ground with one kick. Then he appeared on the ground again and kicked Byrampu into the air with one kick, and so on and so forth.

After hundreds of times, Wuming landed on the ground, and when Byrampu fell like a ball, he kicked Byrampu in the abdomen. Byrampu flew out again, and it took a long time for him to stop with his powerful will.

"Are you qualified to talk?" Wuming appeared in front of him and asked.

Immortality is a very powerful force, but it is not that powerful. Immortality without power is the best guinea pig.

There are many similar creatures in the heavens and the worlds, especially in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, where such monsters are everywhere. A mere Byrampu is really not qualified.

"I will kill you, I will kill all the blood of your family!" Byrampu looked up and stared at Wuming.

Immortality does not mean no pain. In fact, Wuming's attack on him was particularly painful, as if the pain was intensified ten times.

Next, Wuming sighed and continued to beat Byrampu savagely.

After Zhenwosu and Gao Shanggong untied the old man and the child hanging on the city wall, they followed. Seeing this scene, Zhenwosu asked, "Don't you need to stop him?"

"Don't worry, Wuming knows what he is doing." Gao Shanggong smiled slightly.

Zhenwosu immediately reacted and asked, "He wants to use Byrampu as bait to lure the Wishes Elf?"

"Don't you think Byrampu is the most suitable candidate? He was betrayed by his brother and summoned the Wishes Elf when he was dying. We just need to make him desperate and painful, maybe he can call out the Wishes Elf again.

And he has one biggest advantage, that is... he is very weak, we have enough margin to control him and ensure that he will not have the opportunity to make a wish." Gao Shanggong said with a smile.

Zhenwosu fell silent.

Because he didn't think of these things, he felt that he lost to Wuming in intelligence again.

"Of course, Wuming should also do all this according to his own wishes. Maybe he himself didn't think so clearly. I over-interpreted it." Gao Shanggong suddenly added.

Gao Shanggong's words immediately broke the somewhat unwilling mood of Zhenwosuren, and he didn't know what mood he was in for a moment.

He sighed, then looked at the flying Byrampu and the elusive Wuming, and asked: "What do you think is the probability of the dream elf appearing?"

"Half and half." Gao Shanggong said casually.

Zhenwosuren rolled his eyes, half and half is the same as saying nothing.

"Ghost, come out!"

"Ghost, I need you!"

Byrampu once laughed at William, thinking that it was stupid and ridiculous for William to pin his hopes on the ghost.

But when he himself encountered an unmatched opponent, he found himself ridiculous, because he really had no other choice now. Apart from pinning his hopes on the ghost, he had no other choice.

Wuming was too strong, faster and stronger than him. He was like a badminton in front of Wuming. Apart from being hit back and forth, he had no room for resistance.

"Ghost, you didn't fulfill my wish!!!!"

"Ghost, come out, you didn't fulfill my wish!"

Byrampu was kicked into the air. The severe pain made his mind become extreme. He didn't even know whether he was praying for the appearance of the ghost or cursing the ghost for deceiving himself.


He was kicked to the ground by Wuming. Because of his mental instability, he didn't penetrate the earth this time, but hit the ground heavily, making a big hole in the ground.

"So noisy!"

Suddenly, a ball of light appeared next to Byrampu.

Wuming's fist stopped at the tip of Byrampu's nose, only a few millimeters away from Byrampu's nose.

The eyes of everyone present suddenly widened. They didn't expect that the elf would really appear as they wished. Then, when Byrampu was about to speak, his mouth was entangled by golden threads and he could only make a meaningless "woohoo" sound.

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