Floating Cannon Gems!

It can be thrown into an altitude of 3,000 meters, lock the target with your own eyes, start with your mind, and launch a light cannon with a width of 50 centimeters and a range of 5,000 meters to attack the target. After the attack, the gems float The cannon disappeared.

Good stuff!

Zhang Ping immediately activates the ability, and the cylindrical jewel in his hand soars directly into the sky, quickly disappearing above the clouds.

He can vaguely feel the existence of the floating cannon gems. He only needs to focus on the enemy he wants to attack, and the floating cannon in the sky will shoot at the target.

Suddenly, he looked at Bai De.

Bai De noticed his sight, slightly nodded, and pointed at the right hand side with his finger.

Some alienated beasts are rushing in their direction.

Not for hunting.

The alienated beast was also scared by the Sun God bird, it just happened to rush over.

Bai De and Zhang Ping’s hearing is one of the very best among all people, so they are the first to notice the approach of the alienated beast in the distance. Zhang Ping closed his eyes after receiving Bai De’s confirmation Monitor the distance of the alienated beast carefully.

"3, 2, 1, here!"

Zhang Ping suddenly opened his eyes, and a huge alienated bison jumped from a distance, approaching Zhang Ping and like a cannonball. the others.


Suddenly, in the sky, a light cannon fell from the sky, instantly piercing the body of the alienated bison.

Everyone who was going to take the shot was taken aback for a while, and then they all looked at Zhang Ping one by one.

Everyone knows each other's abilities. Only Zhang Ping, as an infinite awakened, can use some abilities that they don't know from time to time.

"How about, what level is the formidable power of that shot?" Zhang Ping asked with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong looked at the alienated bison that fell on the ground from a distance, replied: "I can't stop this shot, and there are not many high level awakened or above that can stop this blow..."


"Not only the high level awakened, even the top awakened, if you don't avoid the frontal strikes, I am afraid that, except for me, very few can survive." Feng Laixian said.

Zhang Ping was surprised: "Can't even hold the top awakened?"

"It's a thunder bull. It's just a fleshy body defense, I'm not as good as it It." Feng Laixian explained.

Of course, what he was originally strong was not the defense of the fleshy body, but the terrifying recovery ability.

Zhang Ping wrote down Fenglaixian's evaluation in his heart.

In this way, besides Nethermist, he has one more attack that is not weak.

It's just that each of the floating cannon gems can only attack once, unless he can create a large number of floating cannon gems in a short time, otherwise it is difficult to rely on the floating cannon gems to form considerable battle strength.

Floating gun gems can only be used as a backup method, but they are actually similar to bomb gems.

Next, Zhang Ping and the others walked and looked for morning glory. Originally, morning glory was not difficult to find. The problem is that after the Sun God bird raged, there were almost ten plants around. Compared to a century-old old tree that still stands tall after being burned, plants like morning glory are more likely to be destroyed by flames.

Zhang Ping was making king's gems while observing the situation all around. Suddenly his ears moved slightly and he heard a conversation.

He looked into the distance, and gradually showed a sneer.

Situ Shibai really guessed it right.

An investigation team ambushes them outside the land of experience!


The investigation team is not responsible for the safety of Pearl City.

Their task is to collect information and data about alienated beasts and savages, especially if they find unknown alienated beasts, they need to investigate the alienated beast's abilities and the upper limit of their level.

Because the investigation team is active in the field all year round, each team has great autonomy, especially Captain, and even holds the power to recruit and expel internal members.

This means that if Captain is loyal to Pearl City, then the members of the team are often loyal to Pearl City, but if Captain has different intentions, then his team is very likely to be evil.

Of course, Captain cannot be unscrupulous.

If the behavior is too suspicious, it will also be investigated secretly by the sweeping team. Once the actual evidence is obtained, the Captain will be taken by City. Lord was dismissed and even faced jail, the worst case is execute without any mercy.

After all, the investigation team has a great responsibility for the safety of Pearl City.

The investigation team has a total of 22 teams.

Shi Tianqian is responsible for the outermost investigations, and the Twelve Earthly Branches are responsible for the investigations around Pearl City.

Zhu Family has not given up on the infiltration of the investigation team and the patrol team, but the patrol team has Link's enemy to suppress everything, so the infiltration has always failed in the past.

The investigation team is different. Through their various operations, they finally infiltrated the investigation team.

Ten days of work, the'Ma Bin' of the Gui team is a member of the Zhu Family, whose original name is Zhu Yanbing.

Zhu Yanbing dormant in the investigation team for ten years, only then succeeded in becoming the Captain of the Gui team, and then it took him another five years to replace the entire team with Zhu Family. .

On the only way to the place of experience, Zhu Yanbing and all the members of the team have been ambushing one day, one night.

"Captain, it's been almost two days, are we going to ambush who?" a Zhu Family junior couldn't help but ask.

Zhu Yanbing is lying halfway in the haystack with a dog's tail grass in his mouth, hearing this replied: "A guy named Zhang Ping, it is said that he is also a person of infinite power!"


"Infinite ability?" The others asked in surprise.

Pearl City has not seen infinite powers for more than two hundred years, and the last one was Situ Shibai, who almost pushed Zhu Family to an end.

"Yes, infinite level!"

"Zhang Ping is only a mid-level awakened, and the Elders at first did not pay much attention to this person until he and Feng Laixian from Heavenly Fox Moon Prince escaped with his hands, and the Elders felt that something was not quite right."

"After investigation, a different discovery was made."

"This person is on the record. His ability is called the Greedy Gem, and it was actually evaluated as a useless ability, but he killed Huang Grade Five with a kind of mist, and his body could be turned into water and blood, and finally there was a means to escape quickly."

Zhu Yanbing took off the dog's tail grass in his mouth and threw it aside, watching the flames far away, slowly said.

"Counting the gems of greed, don't you have five abilities?" Some team members were surprised.

Zhu Yanbing said with a smile: "Maybe this is just the tip of the iceberg he showed, awakened infinitely, the ghost knows what abilities he hides, so it’s okay that Zhang Ping doesn’t appear this time. If you really appear outside of the land of experience, don’t underestimate the enemy and cost your lives in vain."

"Captain, don’t scare us, a mid-level awakened, even if he is an infinite-level ability person, isn’t it? Can you kill the top awakened in a second? This time our real opponent should be Feng Laixian, right." A brawny man said with a smile.

The other team members were hearing this and laughed.

This brawny man is named Zhu Sanchi, one of the top three awakeneds of the Gui team, and his ability is'long spear of light'.

He can continuously create a long spear made of light. He only needs to throw the long spear to have a strong destructive power, and his melee ability is not weak, so he can fight with the long spear of light. , The enemy is extremely difficult to resist.

In addition, the armor on his body, the bracelet on his wrist, and the necklace he wears are all special equipment.

The armor gives him strong defensive power, the bracelet comes with the characteristic of being able to hit the hand when attacking, and the necklace greatly increases the recovery speed of his spirit strength.

With three pieces of equipment in his body, his strength is not weaker than Fenglaixian.

Putting the eyeliner on the investigation team is of great significance to Zhu Family, so Zhu Family does not hesitate to cost, not only arranges three top awakened to join it, at the same time, each top awakened also has more than three special equipment.

This is also their confidence to ambush Zhang Ping and the others.

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