Zhang Ping is not surprised that Zhu Family knows that he is a person of infinite abilities.

Speaking of which seriously, only now I know that on the contrary, Zhu Family's penetration of Pearl City is actually not that great.

"Sister Sisi, there are people from Zhu Family lying in ambush outside the land of experience. Do you think it is better for us to fight head-on or avoid it?" Zhang Ping asked as he walked.

Liu Sishan frowned: "How many people are there?"

"Not sure, but the top awakened, at least two or more." Zhang Ping replied.

There are more than two people, which means that there may be more than two people, or three or four people, and they only have the top awakened Fenglaixian.

High-end battle strength, they obviously lost here.

Liu Sishan frowned, it feels a bit tricky.

A top-level awakened can completely slap a group of high-level awakened. For an existence like Fenglaixian, it may even take thousands of high-level awakened to hold it.

No matter how you think, it seems that you can't beat the opponent.

Feng Laixian opened the mouth and said at this time: "If there are only two top awakened, it is daytime, I can deal with more than two."

After all, the top awakened is also strong There is weakness.

He is confident that in the daytime, he needs at least three top awakened to be able to defeat him.

"I should be able to deal with a top awakened." Zhang Ping said thoughtfully.

He now has five Ultra Grade abilities. After just shooting the Benlei bull with a floating cannon gem, he has determined that all abilities with the word "king" are all Ultra Grade abilities, plus On the body of Nethermist, there are exactly five Ultra Grades.

Therefore, in addition to physical attributes inferior to top awakened, in fact, there is not much difference between him and top awakened.

"Zhang Ping, are you sure you can deal with a top awakened?" Bai De first questioned.

After all, in his heart, Zhang Ping suddenly possesses various special abilities, and even an infinite-level ability person with unlimited potential, but after all, he is only an intermediate-level awakened, which is far from the top-level awakened.

In the past, he has seen many awakened attempts to skipping grades to challenge opponents. Without exception, these awakened have been taught miserably, even paying the price of their lives.

Don't look at the awakened in the wild, sometimes you can kill the alien beast that is stronger than yourself and higher than yourself.

But that's because the alienated beast is also a wild beast, no matter how smart it is, once the beast is out of character, it doesn't have much brains, so as long as the attack power is enough, the defeat is not impossible.

There are too many factors to consider in the battle between people.

The difference between the main attributes of each other, whether the ability restrains each other, whether the opponent has special equipment, whether there is special gain or debuff ability.

Weak and small, their own attributes are not as good as powerhouse. Once there is a gap in these aspects, the victory or defeat is often in an instant.

So, it's not that Bai De looks down on Zhang Ping.

But the low-level awakened challenge the high-level awakened, the probability of winning is too small and too small.

"Unless it is a top awakened like Feng Hall Master, the problem is not big." Zhang Ping pondered for a moment and gave his own answer.

Not all top awakened have such an exaggerated life force as Fenglaixian.

Many top awakened, after all, are still not out of the scope of human beings, as long as they hit the other side's vitals, they can also be killed in one shot.

And he is very good at attacking!

Liu Sishan has been acquainted with Zhang Ping for a long time. She knows that Zhang Ping is not a person who likes to talk, so she analyzes: "Then we need to figure out how many top awakened the other party has. If there are less than three, We will attack directly, if there are more than three, then... find a way to go around."

"Go around? How to go around?" Bai De frowned.

There is only one entrance to the land of experience, and the other side is said to be the cliff of the abyss. They want to enter the land of experience, no matter which way they go, they seem to be unable to bypass each other.

The people of Zhu Family are not stupid either.

If you didn't know that it was the only entrance, how could it be there to ambush one day, one night.

Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping and asked: "Does your door have any more?"

"Not good said, I will try again." Zhang Ping immediately understood Liu The meaning of Sishan.

He sighed helplessly, muttering to himself: "Sure enough, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. If you say it all, it depends on me in the end."

"The greater the ability The greater the greater the responsibility, the more you speak well!" Feng Laixian felt that this sentence was very flavorful.

This sentence is incorrect in some cases, such as when the profiteer is a politician who eats a lot of brains...

But this sentence is placed in Pearl City All the awakened present felt very reasonable. After all, the ordinary person has been serving the awakened, and they themselves have the responsibility to protect the ordinary person.

So'the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility' is just applicable in Pearl City.

Bai De patted Zhang Ping on the shoulder, said with a smile: "Zhang Ping, I can’t tell, you brat can also say such philosophical words. I like this sentence. I have to write it down when I look back. As a family motto!"

"As long as you like it."

What can Zhang Ping say, I can't say that this sentence is actually learned from watching movies in his previous life.

Moreover, he himself didn't agree with this sentence very much. He just said hi.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!"

On the other side, Zhao Yanhu, who was held in Zhang Shouzhong's hand, muttered to himself, the light in his eyes getting brighter and brighter. He looked at his big brother, Zhao Yanlong, and found that the same was true for his big brother.

This sentence has a great impact on them.

Especially Zhang Ping desperately saved them before, and the essence of this sentence was almost perfectly interpreted in their hearts.

The two brothers are orphans.

No one has ever taken them seriously in the past.

Later, even if they became awakened, their treatment in the village improved, but it was only because they had use value.

After all, they are just dispensable tools, and they can be manufactured in batches again, so no one takes their lives as fate.

Zhang Ping is different.

Only Zhang Ping will desperately save them in a desperate situation, and take their lives as his life.

They originally thought Zhang Ping was abnormal, but now they understand Zhang Ping, not because of stupidity or because of brain problems, but because-the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

In an instant, Zhao Yanhu made a decision in his heart.

He struggled a bit, opened the mouth and said: "fatty, let me go!"

Zhang Shouzhong let go of his hand indifferently, and directly threw Zhao Yanhu to the ground.

However, when Zhang Shouzhong wanted to teach Zhao Yanhu, Zhao Yanhu immediately stood up and climbed up in front of Zhang Ping with difficulty.

His forehead is close to the ground, loudly said: "Zhang Ping big brother, please... Please give me a chance, I want to follow you and become your right arm, even if it is dead, I will I will stand in front of you and never take a step back!"

Zhao Yanlong reacted, and immediately broke away from Zhang Shouzhong's hands, climbed up to Zhang Ping with the same hands and feet, and crawled on the ground like Zhao Yanhu. Loudly said: "I, Zhao Yanlong, swear that I will only follow Master Zhang Ping in this life. If we violate it, God will punish him!!!"

"Ah, I also swear by Zhao Yanhu that I will only follow Master Zhang Ping in this life and this life. If there is any violation, the gods will punish them!!!” Zhao Yanhu suddenly realized that the words of the big brother were more imposing manner, and immediately followed and shouted again.

Zhang Shouzhong opened his mouth wide and watched this scene blankly.

Others also looked at the two brothers in surprise. If it was because of life-saving grace, they should have done this just now, but they didn't say anything just now.

Why are you suddenly accepting your head and worshiping now?

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