I Contracted Myself

【628】Power of the Heart

Gao Shanggong and Zhenwosuren had an urge to refute, but after thinking carefully, it seemed that there was no room for rebuttal.

Although the wish-fulfilling elf was very strong, even a little bit strong, it was just a rule-making creature after all. In essence, it was no different from the devouring and annihilating power in the frog power.

Wuming looked at Byrampu at this time, and Byrampu suddenly widened his eyes and begged for mercy frantically.

He was really scared at this moment.

Even the ghost was solved by the mysterious wizard in front of him, so how could he have the confidence to maintain his arrogance in front of Wuming.

"You can have revenge, but don't touch the child, okay?" Wuming squatted down and said with a smile.

Byrampu immediately nodded frantically. If his mouth was not wrapped in gold wire, he would definitely agree to Wuming's request.

"Very good, it seems that we can reach a consensus. Let's say so." Wuming smiled with satisfaction, and then released the gold wire from restraining Byrampu.

He smiled and said, "Okay, you can go now."

"Thank you, sir. I'll leave now. I will take good care of my younger brother and sister and will never hurt them again." Byrampu said, and then he stood up and fled towards Wolfburg.

After Wuming dealt with Byrampu, he smiled and said, "Okay, let's go too. Let's find a place to stay first. I'll study the new power I got."

"Well, then let's go back to Lousun Village first." Gao Shanggong agreed.

Lousun Village is the first small village they came into contact with when they came to the third level. The people in the village are simple and honest, and they can exchange various materials with only a small amount of gold.

The only bad thing is that many people in the village regard them as monsters who accidentally drank the water of the human-transforming spring.

The main reason is that they are neither residents of other villages nor nobles in big cities, but they are quite rich.

Unknown identity and inexplicable wealth.

This is enough to make many villagers think of some strange legends.

The three returned to Loushen Village, and the village chief still warmly entertained them. They stayed at the village chief's house. Wuming simply handed the trivial matters to Gao Shanggong and Zhenwosuren, and concentrated on experiencing the power of the wish-fulfilling elf.

However, similar to the power of the frog, he did not sense the power to fulfill other people's wishes.

This word "heart" has the ability to perceive other people's inner thoughts in a large range, and the more intense the inner thoughts, the stronger the induction.

For example, now, many villagers in Loushen Village are suspicious that the three of them came back this time to eat people.

And their ideas are reasonable, such as some discomfort when they just became human beings, and they need to investigate how strong humans are. Now Wuming and his team have figured out the truth about humans, so they have to take action against humans.

There are many villagers who doubt these ideas, and many villagers' ideas can really make sense.

If Wuming was not the person involved, he would really believe it.

He pulled the heart out of his body and said helplessly: "Is it just the ability to sense other people's hearts? It's a pity that the ability to make wishes cannot be controlled."

It doesn't mean that the ability of the wish-granting elf to fulfill other people's wishes has disappeared, but this ability is wrapped in the heart, just like the devouring and annihilation forces inside the frog power are wrapped in the frog power, and these powers cannot be directly controlled.

This also means that if Wuming really changes the wish-granting elf back to its original appearance, it is still possible to make a wish to it out of control.

The more Wuming studies, the more he finds that the ability of the wish-granting elf to fulfill other people's wishes is more tricky. It not only listens to the wishes of the wisher, but if someone nearby also hears the wisher's wishes and has other ideas in his mind, it will still affect the result of the wish-granting elf fulfilling the wish.

For example, two people meet the wish-granting elf at the same time, and one of them makes a wish: "I want to be tall, rich and handsome, and all women like me."

Then the person next to him hears it and thinks maliciously: "It's a pity that after becoming tall, rich and handsome, you will like men, and all men don't like you."

So, the wish-granting elf will realize the wish according to the thought it senses.

The wisher will become tall, rich and handsome, and all women like him, but he inexplicably likes men, and men are inexplicably hostile to him.

What's more terrifying is that the wish-granting elf listens to a wide range of inner voices, and sometimes even adds messy ideas.

For example, A makes a wish: "I want to become a millionaire."

B asks the teacher for leave from a very far distance: "Teacher, I want to take a leave, I have to poop."

The wish-granting elf mishears, so it understands A's wish as 'I want to become a pooping millionaire', and the result will be that the wisher will poop like gold, or even some more bizarre results.

It must be said that Byrampu is actually very lucky. At least his wish has not been distorted too much. In the records of the word "heart", most of the countless wishes it has fulfilled in the past are distorted.

There are many "lucky people" who have met the wish-fulfilling elf, who died inexplicably in various strange places or turned into various strange things without even having the opportunity to tell their tragic experiences.

After learning about the various black histories of the wish-fulfilling elf in detail, Wuming made a silent decision in his heart that he would never make a wish to the wish-fulfilling elf.

Of course, the wish-fulfilling elf still has a chance to fully realize other people's wishes, so Wuming will never let his enemies make wishes to the wish-fulfilling elf.

Perhaps maintaining the status quo is the best choice.

Wuming put away the heart character and walked out of the room. Zhenwosuren and Gaoshanggong were drinking tea in the living room. Seeing Wuming coming out, Zhenwosuren put down the teacup in his hand and asked, "How is it? Can you still make a wish? How much effect can you keep?"

"Suren, you may be disappointed. The effect of the wish-fulfilling elf is a bit tricky." Wuming sat down, poured himself a cup of tea, and after taking a sip of tea, he told the two of them what he knew.

Zhenwosuren was indeed disappointed, and Gaoshanggong couldn't help laughing and said, "Wuming, in fact, you don't have to be so absolute. It's too extreme to absolutely not use anything.

Many rule secrets are not much safer than the wish-fulfilling elf, and the rule secrets are not useful abilities at the beginning. What you need to do is not to block a road, but to study its use and how to use it to benefit yourself."

In fact, there are many rule secrets, which are even more harmful than the wish-fulfilling elf.

But as long as he finds a suitable way to use them, Gaoshanggong will still use these rule secrets, and will not use them because they are dangerous.

"I'll think about it again." Wuming was a little shaken after hearing this.

If someone else persuaded him, he might have sneered, but Gao Shanggong, as the first person in the field of rule secrets research, really knew much more about this than him.

Since Gao Shanggong said so, he must have his reasons.

Wuming is not the kind of stubborn person. He will continue to study the power of the mind, but he still won't use the power of the mind easily. As for whether he can use the power of the mind in the future, it depends on the results of his research.

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