I Contracted Myself

【629】Walk into a trap

First floor.

Outside the cell of Qiongling Niang, an egg suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Qiongling Niang in the cell noticed the egg outside the cell, tilted her head slightly, and showed a thoughtful look.

At this time, the egg cracked, and then a chick broke out of the shell.

"Chicken? So cute, come here, come here, good, come here." Qiongling Niang said to the chick with a strange smile.

The chick was confused and noticed Qiongling Niang at the first time. It also tilted its head, as if thinking about whether to go over. After a moment, it shook off the eggshell fragments on its body and walked towards Qiongling Niang carefully.

One hand instantly grabbed the chick, and then Qiongling Niang stuffed the chick into her mouth, chewing it in big mouthfuls, and the hideous look was very scary.

But before she had time to enjoy the taste of flesh and blood, her heart suddenly beat rapidly, she covered her chest and whimpered in pain.

Finally, she fell to the ground, curled up into a ball, and her vitality was slowly deprived.

At this time, a yellow flame emerged from her body, completely burning her to ashes, and a half-man, half-chicken man was reborn from the flames.

"I feel so guilty!"

In the flames, the god of sacrifice slowly opened his eyes and covered his chest and said.

The method of self-sacrifice naturally appeared in his mind. As long as this method was used, Qiongling Niang could be resurrected.

As time went by, his guilt became stronger and stronger. He drew a self-sacrifice formation on the ground, then knelt in the middle of the formation, inserted his right hand into his heart, and blood immediately flowed out of the wound, dripping onto the formation.

After a while, the formation was filled with blood, emitting a bloody light, and the body of the god of sacrifice suddenly shrank and turned into powder.

In the blood light, Qiongling Niang was resurrected again. She opened her eyes in confusion and glanced at the formation on the ground. Then, before she could think of more information, her chest was in severe pain.

She covered her chest and fell to the ground in pain. A yellow flame suddenly emerged from her body, and then the god of sacrifice was reborn from the flames again.

Next, the two sides fell into a weird cycle.

When Qiongling Niang was resurrected, she was forced to sacrifice herself and resurrect the God of Sacrifice again. After the God of Sacrifice was resurrected, he was affected by a weird feeling of guilt and finally used himself as a sacrifice to resurrect Qiongling Niang again.

However, with each sacrifice, the power of the God of Sacrifice was actually getting stronger.

It could maintain itself for longer and longer, and Qiongling Niang could exist for longer and longer. After a few days, the God of Sacrifice completely suppressed Qiongling Niang.

"Hahahahahaha, hahahahahahahaha..."

The God of Sacrifice woke up from resurrection again and laughed extremely indulgently.

His laughter soon attracted an uninvited guest.

The Mad Knight Iron Box came over with heavy steps. He had been chasing the tyrant Celt before, and he didn't stop until Celt returned to his cell. Then he continued to patrol.

At this moment, he was attracted by the laughter. Seeing the sacrificial god laughing wildly in the cell, he said, "Quiet!"

"Who do you think you are, Quiet? Then use you as the first sacrifice!" The sacrificial god put away his smile and laughed disdainfully.

The next moment, he rushed to the iron box, and at the same time, a sacrificial formation appeared behind him. He was instantly reduced to ashes in the high-speed movement. Countless ashes continued to float forward, strangely penetrating the seal of the cell, and the next moment, Qiongling Niang appeared.

The iron box saw Qiongling Niang appear out of thin air and hit him at high speed, and he punched him almost instinctively.

Under this punch, Qiongling Niang was torn into pieces and died miserably.

But after the iron box killed Qiongling Niang, he immediately felt as if a hole appeared in his heart. This hole was called guilt. All his emotions could not fill the hole called guilt. In the end, he naturally realized the way to resurrect Qiongling Niang.

His chaotic mind knew very well that he should not feel guilty, but his hands had already moved by themselves.

A self-sacrificial formation appeared on the ground, and then he sacrificed himself. At the moment his body turned into powder, Qiongling Niang was reborn in the formation.

However, Qiongling Niang had no time to rejoice. Her chest ached again, and then she fell to the ground with flames coming out of her body quickly. The God of Sacrifice was reborn from the flames.

He glanced at the armor on the ground and smiled: "From now on, I will be immortal, truly... invincible!"

Every time he died, he would appear in a more powerful posture. Those who sacrificed themselves for Qiongling Niang were amplified because Qiongling Niang sacrificed everything to him.

Originally, he was definitely not the opponent of the iron box, but after the iron box sacrificed itself, he got the power of the iron box.

His original power plus the power of the iron box, now he is no longer afraid of any enemy.

This adventure is worth it to come to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower in his true body.

"The next sacrifice... Wuming?"

In the dark passage, the God of Sacrifice walked forward with a smile.

If the Great Wilderness Special Zone had not appeared, even if he coveted the power of Qiongling Niang, he would not dare to teleport into the Eternal Silence Prison Tower regardless of everything.

It was precisely because the Great Wilderness Special Zone appeared that he had a way out after obtaining the power of Qiongling Niang, and he could teleport away by passing through the Great Wilderness Special Zone, so he took the risk and descended on the Eternal Silence Prison Tower with his true body.

If he could obtain the power of Wuming, or even control the Great Wilderness Special Zone, he would become one of the strongest in the heavens and the worlds.


The god of sacrifice thought of the scene of himself dominating the heavens in the future, and laughed exaggeratedly again.

However, when he came to the stairs leading to the second floor and found that the road at the end of the stairs was blocked by a powerful force, his laughter stopped abruptly.

Wuming had set it up before leaving the Great Wilderness Special Zone, and the Great Wilderness Special Zone is currently in a state where it is impossible to enter or exit.

The first floor cannot enter the Great Wilderness Special Zone at all.

In the mountains of the third floor, Wuming searched for the Human Spring alone.

These days, the three of them acted together at first, but later they felt that the efficiency was too low and simply dispersed to search.

Wuming sat on the back of the Qilin made of the sea water of the Nameless Sea, studying the power of the heart while using his mental power instead of his eyes to observe the surrounding mountains and fields.

Like many worlds with extraordinary powers, this world also has all the great power belonging to individuals, so civilization develops very slowly and technology is very backward.

Except for the settlements spread out around a few cities, other places are still undeveloped, and human footsteps have almost never set foot in these places.

There are many strange creatures in these deep mountains and wild ridges.

Many creatures can be seen at a glance that they must have grown into strange shapes due to the influence of some unknown force, which is not what natural evolution can produce.

For example, the shrimp that sneaked behind the Qilin.

From the head, it looks like a shrimp, but from the body, it is unclear what it is. Anyway, Wuming has never seen such a strange thing before, and he can't even use words to describe what the shrimp's body looks like.

Maybe this is the legendary indescribable.

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