I Contracted Myself

【630】Marnie’s answer

At noon, Wuming was sitting by the campfire. A piece of roasted meat was brought to him by his mind. As soon as he thought about it, the meat was cut into countless small pieces.

After tasting a piece, Wuming couldn't help but said to himself: "Fat man, you are right, the weirder it looks, the better it tastes!"

That strange shrimp that followed the unicorn and wanted to hunt the unicorn. The meat above the head was not tasty, but the indescribable part tasted really good.

Wuming was eating meat while chatting with everyone in the Wuming Sea. After some meat was roasted, he sent it into the Wuming Sea.

"Wu Ming, can you use your great power on stones? If you use it on various stones, can you extract a large number of 'stone' characters? Then if you add countless 'stone' characters to a stone, the result will be What will happen?" Zhang Shouzhong asked the question while eating barbecue at home in his bubble world.

Wuming thought for a while and replied: "It should be possible to create a rock with a hardness and weight equal to the sum of all the stone characters."

"What if we continue to superimpose?" Zhang Shouzhong continued to ask.

Wuming sent a piece of barbecue to Marnie and replied: "There is an upper limit. I can probably fold it a hundred times at the moment."

"Oh, that means there is an upper limit to how you can give your original text to others?" Zhang Shouzhong was stunned for a moment, and then came up with another answer.

Wuming nodded and said: "Of course there is a limit. There must be a difference in the number of source words that creatures of different strengths can hold, and the power contained in different source words is also different. Some source words can explode ordinary people with one word, and some can explode ordinary people. Even ordinary people can withstand more than ten or twenty original texts, and the specific situation must be analyzed in detail. "

He has actually been studying his great power during this period, and has achieved a lot of results. However, he is not the type who likes to abuse his power. His normal state is similar to that of ordinary people, so many insights are not obvious. exposed.

Some practitioners are particularly showy. In order to show off their power, they either add a halo to the back of their head or a halo above their head. If that is not enough, they also add various dazzling special effects to let people know that they are extraordinary at a glance.

Wuming didn't like this. He hardly used any special abilities when he wasn't fighting, and many times his state was indeed that of an ordinary person.

This is the realm he learned from the Shenzang Trial, and he still maintains it well today.

"I don't know when I will reach the realm of a great god." Zhang Shouzhong said enviously.

Cheng Xuejie complained across several bubble worlds: "Just think about it. You are so lazy in your cultivation. If you can become a deity, it will be Amitabha Buddha."

"Fat man, practice the "Precious Fat Diamond Kung Fu" well. This technique is very consistent with your super power. It is not impossible to reach the realm of a great god in the future. There is a big difference between having inheritance and not." Wuming said with some emotion. said.

He is a wild child without inheritance. His current strength is entirely due to his character and luck, and he has no inheritance at all.

In fact, there are many practitioners in the cultivation world who have inheritance. They have various methods to improve their own strength. Although the road is long and difficult, it takes a lot of time to practice and a lot of time to collect various heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

But in fact, they will not feel confused about their future.

Nameless is different.

After he reached the realm of the Great God, there was no way ahead.

He really didn't know how to practice next, although... he didn't know how to practice before.

"From Tianzun to Great God, it is actually to integrate everything in one's past to form one's own power of great god. Going up to the level of deity seems to be to give birth to gods with one's own power of great god. I see a lot of discussions on the Internet. You can take a look at his post when you have time." Zhang Shouzhong heard Wuming's confusion and said.

Wuming complained: "You dare to believe everything on the Internet, what if the key part is wrong?"

"Then you can ask Uncle Gao." Cheng Xuejie suggested.

Wuming smiled and said: "Uncle Gao's approach is different from mine. I'll look around later. I remember that superpowers had a formal system in ancient times. Let's check the information first."

"Actually, having inheritance doesn't necessarily mean you are strong. And although Wuming you don't know the way forward, at least you are still getting stronger every moment. In fact, this is better than many people." Tianxing Mingyue joined the discussion. , he felt that Wuming was completely Versailles.

Even if there is a transcendental level of inheritance, it may not be possible to cultivate to transcendence. Moreover, the vast majority of cultivators have received inheritance, let alone cultivating to transcendence. In fact, those who can cultivate to the level of Tianzun are rare.

In addition, the so-called inheritance, to put it bluntly, is the path of others. It is easy to continue to follow the path that others have taken, but it is impossible to be stronger than the predecessors. After all, it is just copying the wisdom of others.

Although Wuming does not have a messy inheritance, his combination of pure abilities is very strong in itself, and even if Wuming cannot find a way to advance to a god for a while, at least he is still getting stronger, getting stronger all the time.

This is actually better than most practitioners who stand still.

"Actually, I have always had a doubt. According to the information on the Internet, detached people seem to be omnipotent and omniscient beings. Wouldn't they be boring? After all, they can do whatever they want and know anything they want. I know immediately, and if there is more than one transcendent person, then if one wants to pick up the stone and one does not allow the other transcendent person to pick up the stone, wouldn't the result be contradictory?" Zhang Shouzhong said curiously at this time? .

Tian Xingmingyue was immediately lost in thought.

If the first transcendent picked up the stone, it means that the other transcendent is not omnipotent. If the transcendent cannot pick up the stone, it means that he himself is not omnipotent.

"This question... is too difficult." Tian Xingmingyue felt a little confused, and finally smiled bitterly.

Lin Renmei said calmly: "We are not transcendents, how can we know what will happen specifically? Think about this question when you become a transcendent."

"Fatty, the hypothesis you mentioned is actually the problem of spear and shield. Have you ever thought that the result may be that the spear and shield are destroyed at the same time?" Wuming asked with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong asked: "Do you mean that if this happens, the stone will be annihilated?"

"Maybe not only the stone will be annihilated, but countless worlds, even the heavens and the worlds will be annihilated in an instant, and then everything will return to chaos, filled with infinite existence and infinite nothingness..., and then two worlds will be born, one world will evolve according to the ideas of a transcendent, and all contradictions will return to tranquility." Mani suddenly said in a hollow voice at this time.

Everyone fell silent, feeling as if Mani had said something horrible.

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