I Contracted Myself

【633】Sneak attack

This time, his target was not the arm, but the underground Jiebo clown.

Only by seeing the Jiebo clown completely, Wuming could understand the situation of the Jiebo clown and deal with it in a targeted manner.

He did not use his mind to scan the underground situation, mainly because he was not sure whether the Jiebo clown was contaminated by the power of the Eternal Silence Space. If his mental power spread over, it would be troublesome if he was contaminated.


As the light spear fell, the ground suddenly burst into brilliant light, and the soil instantly vaporized in the light. The soil on the ground was visibly reduced, and a huge, twisted, weird and evil body gradually emerged from the light.

The huge head was grotesque, and it looked round and big from the front, and the expression on his face seemed to be fixed, and there was no other change.

He also had faces on both sides, one of which was the face of a middle-aged man crying, with a thin cheek, and a little swelling on the side close to the fat face, looking like an unlucky guy who was punched.

The other face is a woman's face, a very standard oval face. If you just look at the face, she is probably a beauty, but it looks scary when it grows on the side of the Jiebao Clown.

Below the head, there are several faces on the neck. These faces are quite common and basically there is nothing to describe.

Next is the Jiebao Clown's body. This body is very fat, but also very strange. For example, the ribs are not bulging fat, but two spiral-shaped strange organs. At the same time, his body is covered with a lot of talismans, and there is a jade seal on his back.

This jade seal seems to have endless weight, pressing on the Jiebao Clown's back, making it difficult for the Jiebao Clown to move.

When seeing the complete image of the Jiebao Clown, Tianxing Mingyue immediately said: "Wuming, this is definitely not the Jiebao Clown I know. Be careful. I'm afraid it has changed that we don't know."

"Well, I know." Wuming was not surprised by this.

Although this plane world was born naturally, its birth must be related to the prisoners on the third floor.

For example, the death of some prisoners caused a large number of different forces to mix together, and finally produced a big explosion or some kind of sublimation, resulting in the birth of the plane world.

Regardless of the process, many prisoners on the third floor must have survived to the birth of the plane world. Even if they were imprisoned, how could they not have ideas?

In the countless years since the birth of the plane world, who knows what these guys have done.

The World Explosion Clown may have long been a puppet of other prisoners, or it may have mutated under the influence of some strange forces. It can only be said that everything is possible.

At this time, Wuming thought about it, and dense golden threads appeared.

In a blink of an eye, the only arm of the World Explosion Clown that broke free from the seal was tied up and forcibly bound to the ground.

Next, Wuming took out the materials for the formation and quickly arranged the formation around him, preparing to seal the World Explosion Clown in place, but as soon as he entered the first formation node thousands of meters away, the ground shook violently.

All the faces of the World Explosion Clown were twisted into a ball, and at the same time, his mouth opened wider and wider.

"Not good!"

Wuming quickly flew back to the sky above the Blast Clown, and Titan's hands appeared around him.

Be quiet!

Wuming moved his mind, and Titan's hands fell one by one, directly holding down the Blast Clown. Dense golden threads appeared again, wrapping the Blast Clown like a mummy.

But the next moment Wuming felt a terrifying force surging from the golden threads, and the golden threads quickly broke off one by one, forming dense cracks, and a black gas gushed out from them.

Before Wuming continued to exert force, suddenly a large number of little people with big heads and small bodies and bat wings flew out of the black gas.


"Hehe, kill him and make mom happy!"

"Hehehe, his blood smells so good, I want to drink all his blood!"

These little people have dark skin, strange smiles on their faces, and chirp and make messy sounds.

They all rushed forward, Wuming immediately shot out dense golden scorching suns, and many villains collided with the golden scorching suns, which immediately caused a terrifying explosion, and screams came one after another in the explosion.

"This requires demon children? Although they are a little different, these demon children should be the ability of Yunmu Yaoji!" Tianxing Mingyue said.

An endless stream of demon children appeared from the black air, and the golden scorching suns around Wuming continued to condense and emit. He locked the demon children and said: "In other words, the Jiebao Clown and Yunmu Yaoji merged?"

"It's possible, you have to be careful, these two prisoners are very difficult to deal with, and they can only be killed at a specific time and in a specific place." Tianxing Mingyue said.

Wuming frowned and said, "A specific time and a specific location?"

"Yes, they all communicate with the evil gods through special rituals to control powerful powers, but these powers are not inferior to their own, so every time they use their power, their souls will be eroded, and finally they will be completely out of control.

After losing control, they are actually puppets of the evil gods. If you want to kill them, you must first use the reverse ritual to remove the connection between them and the evil gods. Otherwise, no matter how many times you kill them, they will be resurrected again." Tianxing Mingyue said.

At this time, Gao Shanggong appeared beside Wuming and smiled, "In fact, there is a simpler way, that is to find the evil god who lent them power and kill the evil god once and for all."

As he spoke, he waved his hand lightly, and many demon children who came out of the black air exploded.

Although his power was suppressed in this world, the remaining power was far more than Wuming's countless times. After stabilizing this plane world, he still had the spare power to come to help.

With Gao Shanggong joining, no matter how many demon children appeared next, they would be easily killed.

The two of them discussed how to re-seal the Jie Blast Clown while killing.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, both of them sensed the danger and moved quickly while reminding each other.

But in an instant, a tongue pierced Gao Shanggong's heart, and then turned to attack Wuming. Because it attacked Gao Shanggong first, it gave Wuming time to react. Wuming used spatial ability at the moment the tongue attacked, flashing to avoid the tongue's attack.

The tongue attack missed and immediately retracted into the Jie Blast Clown's body.

Gao Shanggong covered his heart and said with an ugly face: "Fishing Saint!"

Although the other party did not use a fishing rod, the elusive trajectory of the tongue and the extremely precise attack still allowed Gao Shanggong to recognize the origin of the attacker.

Because the other party was arrested by him personally.

That battle was the most difficult one he had ever fought.

At this time, all the gold threads on the Explosion Clown's body exploded, and a golden force surged out from the Explosion Clown's body. Then, a voice that was difficult to distinguish between male and female sounded: "It is worthy of being the heart of the king of the golden human race. Such a powerful force!"


The jade seal behind the Explosion Clown broke into pieces, and the seal was lifted.

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