I Contracted Myself

【634】Five in One

At the moment the seal was lifted, a terrifying momentum erupted.

The Blood Coagulation City was razed to the ground in an instant, and all the residents of the Blood Coagulation City were wiped out in an instant.

Among the other three families belonging to the four major families, only one werewolf persisted for one more second, and then his flesh and blood dissipated in the terrifying momentum, turning into bones and falling to the ground, and his essence was completely washed away by the momentum.

The third layer of prisoners, composed of Jiebao Clown, Yunmu Yaoji, Diao Shengke, and two other unknown prisoners, prisoner fusion, level: 275.

The momentum alone is enough to make countless creatures disappear in an instant, making the whole world seem like a fragile bubble that can be broken with a poke.


In the mountains thousands of kilometers away from Wolf Fort, Wuming was embedded in the mountain.

He was also blown away by the powerful momentum of the prisoner fusion after the seal was lifted, and finally pierced through the mountains and stopped here.

"Level 275, that is already a battlefield we can't touch." He flew out of the mountain, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then said worriedly.

Zhang Shouzhong agreed, "Just the momentum makes the whole world shake like a bubble, it's terrible."

"You're right, what we have to do now is to consolidate this world, otherwise the billions of lives in this world may die in the aftermath of the battle." Wuming reacted and said seriously immediately.

At this time, the prisoner fusion fought with Gao Shanggong.

At first it was just a competition of momentum, then the prisoner fusion suddenly broke into pieces, but after the pieces broke into pieces, the prisoner fusion shot out a lot of blood, which was like a fishing line, shooting at Gao Shanggong at various angles.

Gao Shanggong's body was immediately protected by a mist, but when the fishing line passed through the mist, it turned back strangely, as if it had already gotten used to finding its way in the mist.

After running around for a while, a drop of blood appeared in front of Gao Shanggong, it spun like a flower, and a blood needle shot out from it.

This was just a single drop of blood.

In fact, when the blood here broke through the mist, blood also appeared in other places, and the effect was the same as this drop of blood.

In Gao Shanggong's eyes, he saw flowers blooming everywhere, and then blood needles attacked him.

Everything happened in a very short time. He reacted very quickly. At the moment the blood needles shot out, golden flames appeared on his body, and he easily blocked all the blood needles.

"Gao Shanggong, you have lived outside for so many years, how come you haven't made any progress at all!" Diao Shengke's voice came from outside the fog.

Then a huge arm broke through the fog and slammed Gao Shanggong's body with a palm, and Gao Shanggong was knocked away on the spot.

Gao Shanggong's own strength was suppressed. He could actually resist this suppressive force, but once he resisted, the reaction force would shake the world.

It's like someone holding your head down and asking you to bow your head. If you raise your head suddenly, the huge force will push down the person holding it down.

The metaphor may not be appropriate, but it's almost the same after rounding it off.

In fact, Gao Shanggong is now equivalent to having a negative state on his body. At the same time, because of Diao Shengke's sneak attack, his heart was severely injured and he was also in a state of severe injury.

The double negative state greatly reduced his strength.

In the distance, Wuming, who was trying to stabilize the space, observed Gao Shanggong's situation as soon as Gao Shanggong was injured. He frowned and said, "Uncle Gao can't exert his full strength now. He was just attacked by Diao Shengke and his heart was injured. I'm afraid the situation is not good now."

"Then try your great ability?" Cheng Xuejie suggested.

Wuming smiled bitterly and said, "My great ability is indeed very strong, but there is a prerequisite, that is, I can guess what the opponent's original text is. What do you think the original text of this enemy will be?"


Inside the Wuming Sea, everyone was stunned because the prisoner fusion was too "mixed".

For this kind of enemy with multiple attributes at the same time, the original text seems to be any word, which is really not so easy to guess.

"Then let's observe first and do what we can do now." Lin Renmei said at this time.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, we will strengthen the space while observing the enemy's abilities. Perhaps its original text is hidden in many abilities."

Although Gao Shanggong is temporarily at a disadvantage, and can even be said to be suppressed, Gao Shanggong is one of the top powerhouses in the world, and his life is not in danger for a while.

It's just that the prisoner fusion is really strong. The huge body of the world explosion clown contains the power of several prisoners. Under the blessing of these prisoners, his skin is extremely strong. Gao Shanggong's counterattacks on his skin are not painful.

And even if the body of the world explosion clown is cut into pieces, the world explosion clown can still repair itself in a very short time, and then launch a more fierce counterattack.

The world explosion clown is not in a hurry to destroy the world, but uses the power of the world explosion to attack the enemy's must-save place. Several times, Gao Shanggong has been controlled by the same means.

In addition, the demon children released by Yunmu Yaoji are also troublesome. When they gather enough, they will chirp and attack. Once Gao Shanggong is distracted, he will be attacked by Diao Shengke.

What's even more terrifying is that there are two unknown prisoners hidden in the body of Jiebao Clown.

These two prisoners are very hidden. If they hadn't leaked their aura at the moment the seal was lifted, Gao Shanggong and Wuming would not have known of their existence.

The problem is that the aura only appeared for a moment and now it is hidden again.

While Gao Shang Palace was dealing with three known prisoners, it also had to be wary of the two unknown prisoners.

This battle was at the right time and place, and almost everyone was not on Gao Shang Palace's side. The only thing he could believe was that Wuming and Zhenwo Suren were definitely taking action. At least there was harmony on their side!

"Wu Ming, do you have the special zone node stone?" At this time, the real person flew from a distance, with blood still remaining on the corner of his mouth.

He was the weakest among the three, and due to the suppression of this world, his strength was partially suppressed. Therefore, when the prisoner fusion unlocked the seal, he was deeply hurt by the terrifying aura.

"Youdai, do you want to set up a teleportation array and let us escape back to the special zone first?" Wuming frowned and looked at Zhenme Suren and asked.

Zhenwo's face suddenly turned red, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Don't underestimate me. Even if I die, I will not be a coward who runs away from the battle. I have a plan. We can lure the other party to use the teleportation array to enter the Wilderness Special Zone, and then you use the Special Zone The identity of the controller, kill him!"

"Your plan didn't work from the beginning. Do you think he is that stupid?" Wuming said speechlessly.

If it's just a clown, maybe the other party might be fooled, but there's still a fishing saint hidden in the clown's body, and that's an old yin.

Wuming can be 100% sure that the other party will never be fooled.

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