I Contracted Myself

【635】Life and Death Sword

As the name suggests, the fishing saint is a fisherman who takes "saints" as prey.

Strong men around level 200 are now called Tianzun. Strong men above level 250 are called great gods. Strong men above level 260 are called venerables.

Going up to level 270, that is a saint.

Countless saints died at the hands of the fishing saint.

In the end, he was defeated when hunting Gao Shanggong, and was imprisoned in the Yongji Prison Tower.

At this time, in the body of the Jiebao clown, the fishing saint sat cross-legged on the head of the pregnant mother demon, holding a fishing rod made of bones in his hand, and his dove-shaped face showed a meaningful smile, and said: "Gao Shanggong, you don't think you can really beat me, Luo?"

"Are you trying to say...you deliberately lost to me?" Gao Shanggong avoided the harassment of a large number of demon children and said with narrowed eyes.

The fishing saint smiled and said, "You want to trick me? But at this moment, the overall situation has been decided. I might as well tell you, so that you will die with a clear mind. My name is Luo Jiu, and Rama is my elder brother."

In an instant, Gao Shanggong's pupils shrank violently, and then he was hit by the palm of the Jie Blast Clown. He immediately spurted out a mouthful of golden blood and flew backwards.

At this time, the fishing saint Luo Jiu showed a successful smile, and swung the fish tank in his hand fiercely, and an invisible fishing line instantly shot out from the Jie Blast Clown's ear hole.

He knew that his words would definitely make Gao Shanggong lose his mind, and everything was in his plan.

On the other side, the real self amateur who was discussing with Wuming suddenly felt a palpitation. He immediately released several prisoners, but all the prisoners exploded instantly, and a bone fishhook penetrated the blood mist and instantly hit the real self amateur's heart.

Everything happened very quickly.

When Wuming realized that the fishing saint was attacking, the real self amateur's body was immediately pulled by the fishing line and flew towards the Jie Blast Clown.

"Help me, hair!"

The real me spat out a mouthful of blood and immediately took out a golden hair from the storage ring.

This was the life-saving prop he prepared before the action. After it was activated, the hair would turn into a substitute and swap with his original body, thus saving his life.

At this time, the life-saving hair emitted golden light, and in a blink of an eye it swapped with the real me's original body. The fishhook pulled the substitute transformed from the life-saving hair and disappeared quickly.

But before the real me could breathe a sigh of relief, another fishhook suddenly attacked, instantly pierced his throat, and pulled him to continue flying towards the world-exploding clown.

Gu Xing's eye-cutting freezing light technique! Wuming was already prepared at this time, and instantly activated his ability on the fishing line, but his rule secret technique hit the air, and the fishing line seemed to be non-existent.

"Immortal Feather!"

The real me is indeed a strong second-generation. Seeing that Wuming's rule secret technique did not work, he immediately took out a burning feather.

With a burst of flames, his body was torn into pieces, and flames were burning in every crack. He reassembled his body and said, "The target of the fishing saint is me. Maybe I have something he needs. You quickly set up the formation and I will leave here first. At least, I can't let his plan succeed." "Okay!" Wuming responded and immediately dived to the ground, took out the special zone node stone and quickly set up the teleportation formation. On the other side, the real self amateur took out another prop and freed himself from the fishhook. This fishhook has extremely strange characteristics. Once it is hooked, the body seems to lose its activity, and many of his abilities cannot be used. Otherwise, he really doesn't care about the injury caused by the fishhook. Even if he forcibly tore off a part of his flesh and blood, it would not be hooked away by the fishhook. "What on my body is the fishing saint determined to get?" The real self amateur could sense that he was locked again, and kept thinking in his heart. No matter what the other party wants, he can't let the other party get it. At this time, Gao Shanggong, who was severely injured on the other side, recovered. He noticed that Zhenwosuren was targeted, and also realized that Zhenwosuren had something that the fishing saint needed. He appeared beside Zhenwosuren in a flash and slapped him when the hook shot.

The golden palm collided with the white hook. The next second, the hook pierced Gao Shanggong's palm and instantly shot into Gao Shanggong's eye socket. An eyeball was directly fished out, and golden blood spurted out of the wound.

Gao Shanggong groaned and said, "Go, I'll block it here!"

"Gao Shanggong, can you block it?" Luo Jiu's laughter came.

Gao Shanggong's face was solemn, and he said seriously: "Luo Jiu, whether you can block it or not, your plan will never succeed, and you can't save Rama!"

After Luo Jiu, the fishing saint, said the name Rama, Gao Shanggong realized Luo Jiu's real purpose.

Back then, maybe Luo Jiu really lost to him on purpose, and his purpose was to enter the Eternal Silence Prison Tower to rescue his elder brother... Rama!

Rama, nicknamed Rama of Ten Thousand Demons, wrote the "Ten Thousand Demons Sutra" which is still the bible of countless demon cultivators. In the past, the Ten Thousand Demon Sect under his command even suppressed the heavens and the worlds. No matter good or evil, they could only live under the arrogance of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

The most terrifying thing is... Rama is also the only prisoner who was not imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower because he was not defeated.

He was implicated by the vest flow, his strength was only one tenth of what it was, and he was also possessed by the devil, so he was picked up by the righteous cultivators and finally imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Gao Shanggong could not imagine what a terrible catastrophe the heavens and the worlds would face once Rama escaped from the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.


Luo Jiu did not say anything, and then just let out a series of mocking laughter.

In a blink of an eye, the demon child controlled by the pregnant mother demon Ji attacked, and dense arms appeared behind Gao Shang Gong, frantically killing all the demon children.


The Jie Blast Clown slapped the ground with both hands, and his huge body suddenly jumped up like a toad, suppressing Gao Shang Gong below with the momentum of a mountain.


On the other side, because the Jie Blast Clown slapped the ground with both hands, it directly caused a terrible earthquake. Wuming could only stop the formation and reinforce the surrounding land first, while guiding the shock wave to the surroundings to avoid disrupting the deployment of the teleportation array.

"How long will it take?" The real self amateur fell to the ground and asked.

Without waiting for Wuming to answer, a more violent collision sounded in the distance, and then the entire plane was torn apart, and a huge crack quickly spread over. The real self amateur had to turn around and press his hands on the ground. A stream of energy radiated outwards to stop the momentum of the crack spreading.

This time the vibration was caused by the Jie Blast Clown's body hitting the ground.

The next second after the ground crack stopped, rolling dust came like a sandstorm, and instantly the True Self Amateur and Wuming were shrouded in thick sandstorms.

A scarlet tongue, like a giant snake, attacked from the direction where the Jiebo Clown landed.

The True Self Amateur had no time to take out the props, and a hand stretched out from the tongue to grab his neck and twisted it. With a crisp sound, the True Self Amateur's neck was broken.

Then the tongue quickly retracted, and the hand holding the True Self Amateur instantly returned to the Jiebo Clown's mouth.

"Hahahaha, Gao Shanggong, you lost, the sword of life and death!!!"

Three seconds later, the sharp laughter of the Diao Shengke came from the Jiebo Clown, and the next moment the Jiebo Clown's mouth suddenly opened, and a thick sword light shot out.

The entire plane collapsed instantly, and everything died!

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