I Contracted Myself

【639】Intention is nameless

When Rama's voice sounded, the five prisoners found that their bodies were out of control and they naturally raised their heads.

Some prisoners were not convinced and secretly tried to lower their heads again, but soon found that no matter how much strength they exerted, their heads were still firmly raised and there was no tendency to lower their heads.

Rama glanced at the five prisoners, and finally fixed his eyes on Lenur, smiling and said: "You are very good, do you want to join our sect?"

"Lenur, meet the master!" Lenur immediately knelt down and shouted seriously.

Rama smiled and said: "Very good, polite and well-behaved, you will be the guardian elder of our sect in the future, get up."

"Thank you, master!" Lenur stood up and said.

Rama then looked at the other prisoners, his eyes fell on a muscular man, and asked: "What's your name?"

"Sir, my name is Liumei." The muscular man replied.

Rama smiled and said: "Are you sick?"

"Sir, I'm not sick." Liumei immediately retorted.

Rama looked at Liumei with a smile. Liumei's forehead gradually began to sweat. He was about to speak, but Rama spoke first: "You obviously have a neck disease. It is not a good habit to hide your illness and avoid medical treatment. You will die if you move your neck now."


Liumei wanted to defend himself, but as soon as he opened his mouth, a slight vibration was transmitted to his neck, and then there was a crisp sound, and his head fell to the ground.

A strong man above level 200 died in such a funny way.

Except Lenur who didn't look at Liumei at all, the remaining prisoners all showed shock and looked at Liumei's body in disbelief.

"Master, Liumei's strength is actually not bad. Even if he is going to die, he should change his death method, such as letting him die on the battlefield." Luo Jiu said with a little regret.

Rama said indifferently: "I asked him to raise his head, but he wanted to lower his head. This is called a proper death."

Then he looked at the other prisoners and smiled: "From now on, you will listen to Elder Lenur. Is there any problem?"

"No, no, thank you, Master!" The remaining three prisoners immediately bowed their heads.

Rama was very satisfied with their reactions and answers. He looked at Lenur and ordered: "Now pass on my order, Lenur, go and kill all the creatures on this planet, even a bacterium must die." "Yes, sir." Lenur accepted the order.

Rama said with satisfaction: "Go."

After Lenur left, he looked at Luo Jiu and smiled: "Look, isn't it much better now?"

Then the two continued to play chess, and there was a bloody storm outside. Lenur had no choice but to follow Rama's order and kill everyone, whether it was intelligent life or ordinary life.

"Luo Jiu, where do you think the most valuable land is at present?" Rama defeated Luo Jiu by half a piece, and smiled after dropping the chess piece.

Luo Jiu hesitated and said: "The old site of Wanmomen? Does the master want to rebuild Wanmomen on the old site?"

"Haha, it's the Great Wilderness Special Zone." Rama laughed and gave the answer.

Luo Jiu was stunned, and then said helplessly: "It's a pity that I didn't know his identity at the beginning. If I knew he was the master of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, I should have spent more time to keep him."

At the beginning, Wuming was in the same world with him, and he had the upper hand, and he had a chance to catch Wuming.

It's just that he didn't know Wuming's identity or his value at that time, so he missed the opportunity.

"It doesn't matter. Wuming, the controller of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, has the biggest weakness of being too kind. Let Lenur and others destroy a few more worlds, and he will always appear." Rama said indifferently.

He only prepared a large framework to ensure that his plan would not go wrong, but there were many small details that he did not expect.

Wuming was an accident.

But it was a valuable accident. The Great Wilderness Special Zone links reality and illusion, and exists both in reality and in the Shenzang space. It can be said to be the best territory.

Ramu did plan to rebuild the Wanmo Gate at the old site of the Wanmo Gate at the beginning, but after learning about the Great Wilderness Special Zone, he changed his mind.

He wanted to plunder the Great Wilderness Special Zone and then rebuild the Wanmo Gate in the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

Of course, he would not foolishly go to the Great Wilderness Special Zone to challenge Wuming, but was preparing to launch a plan to lure Wuming out of the Great Wilderness hot zone.

He had already prepared the bait, and now he just had to wait for the fish to take the bait.

When it comes to fishing, he is actually more experienced and better at it than Luo Jiu, who has the nickname of "Fishing Saint".

Great Wilderness Special Zone, Wenxin Villa. Wuming sat in the yard in front of the house, drinking a sip of tea from time to time, like a retired old man.

He was actually seriously injured by the Sword of Life and Death, and it was not as simple as just being unconscious. His sea of ​​consciousness was branded with the breath of the Sword of Life and Death, and there were also sword energy particles remaining in the sea of ​​Wuming.

If he did not expel these, he would have to distract himself to suppress this part of the injury during the battle. Once he gave up suppressing it, he would be attacked by the breath of the Sword of Life and Death. If he triggered the sword energy particles in his body, his body would be riddled with holes in an instant.

"The Life and Death Wheel Sword is so terrifying."

When Wuming just recalled the Life and Death Wheel Sword, the Life and Death Wheel Sword's aura in his sea of ​​consciousness began to jump, forcing him to quickly suppress it.

This power is extremely difficult to deal with, it cannot be removed or eliminated, it is just like rogue software.

Even if Wuming uses the "Eye of Ignorance", he can only temporarily devour this power. Once he opens his eyes, this power will appear again and cannot be eradicated at all.

"That bone sword can withstand such force, I'm afraid it's not easy." Wuming didn't dare to think about it anymore, and murmured to himself after taking a sip of tea.

His injuries were actually relatively good, but Gao Shanggong's injuries were really serious. Even though Aries Palace and Lucifer treated him, he was still unconscious.

Accidents are accidents precisely because they are unpredictable and always appear unexpectedly.

Although Wuming was not particularly confident in repairing the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence before, after Gao Shang Palace and Zhenwo Suren also joined the team, he actually became quite confident.

Who would have thought that after finally climbing to the third floor, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower would be destroyed by Luo Jiu.

"Luo Jiu..."


When Wuming thought about what the two of them had done, he wanted to kill them quickly, but when he thought of their strength, he quickly calmed down.

It's a pity that the two of them didn't come to his Dahuang Special Zone, otherwise he would definitely entertain them well.

He closed his eyes and sighed: "Okay, don't think so much, continue to heal, wait until the injury is healed."

In the Great Wilderness Special Zone, he can use his status as the controller of the Special Zone to mobilize the power of the Great Wilderness Special Zone to heal himself. Although the breath of the Revolving Sword of Life and Death in the Sea of ​​Consciousness and the particles of sword energy in the Nameless Sea are difficult to deal with, in the end they are just water without a source, which can be wiped out. It's a matter of time.

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