I Contracted Myself

【640】Using static braking

A month later, Gao Shanggong woke up.

However, the collapse of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower and his defeat to the Fishing Saint seemed to have dealt a heavy blow to him. Wuming had no way to comfort him and could only wait for him to figure it out.

Wuming himself was still healing silently, and at the same time using the Oracle Stone to pay attention to the news from the outside world.

While integrating its own power, the Ten Thousand Demon Sect began to settle accounts with the forces that had taken advantage of the situation, and at the same time severely punished a group of traitors.

Now, countless forces in the heavens and the worlds are in a state of panic, fearing that the world they run will be attacked by the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

In fact, there are only two people in the Ten Thousand Demon Sect that these forces are afraid of, the Ten Thousand Demons' Morama and the Fishing Saint Luo Jiu. Once the two are eliminated, the rest of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect are actually cannon fodder, not worth mentioning.

The biggest problem now is that no one can beat Rama and Luo Jiu.

Rama's magic mantra ability is weird and unpredictable, and Luo Jiu's life and death wheel sword is powerful. Even if some forces have trial props, they still fall into the hands of the two.

In addition, the monsters in the Eternal Silence Space are also wreaking havoc on the worlds. Almost every one or two days, you can hear news about a certain world being conquered by the Eternal Silence monsters.

At first, people were still shouting that they should organize forces to fight, but countless forces were too busy with external and internal troubles to organize effective forces. As a result, a group of hot-blooded vagrants sent themselves without thinking and were directly wiped out.

After this group of people died, the Oracle Network became much quieter, and no one clamored to fight against the Eternal Silence monsters anymore.

Wuming looked at the news and actually wanted to help.

Unfortunately, his reputation on the Internet is now very bad, and no one on the Rescuer Network has accepted the task, so even if he wants to do something, he can't do it.

Now, as long as he dares to speak online and dare to broadcast live, there will definitely be a large number of netizens spraying him.

Although he has tried his best, the collapse of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is an indisputable fact, and if he had not let Byrampu go, but controlled Byrampu, perhaps things would not be so bad.

He has figured out a lot of things in this month. Some things cannot be judged purely by good and evil, but should also be judged by the degree of threat.

After obtaining the immortal soul, Byrampu is actually an unstable factor.

Regardless of whether Byrampu was good or evil before, he should have foreseen the possibility that Byrampu would do evil or be used by evil people, and then sealed Byrampu in advance to prevent this possibility.

Maybe this is not fair to Byrampu himself, but it is the greatest responsibility to the heavens and the worlds.

Sometimes, doing good will accumulate evil, and he should do what he thinks is right even if he is burdened with sin.

"Wuming, how about we go to those disaster-stricken worlds?" Zhang Shouzhong saw Wuming drinking tea in the yard, jumped out of the window, sat next to Wuming, and said with some eagerness.

Mainly during this period, there are more and more pictures of disaster-stricken worlds in the Oracle network, and countless tragic videos make him feel distressed. Although he is very angry that netizens accuse Wuming for no reason, he still has great sympathy for the victims.

"No, now anyone can move, only we can't move." Wuming pondered for a moment and sighed.

Zhang Shouzhong frowned and said, "Why? Are you scared?"

"At first I wanted to take action, but there were more and more reports like this, and I felt... How should I put it? Maybe I fell into too many traps. I now have a strong premonition that these news are actually for me to see, do you understand?" Wuming explained with difficulty.

Zhang Shouzhong immediately thought about it and said, "Do you mean someone wants to lure you out of the Great Wilderness?"

"Well, it is very likely that it is Rama and Luo Jiu. If they have the idea of ​​getting involved in the Great Wilderness Special Zone, the only way is to lure me out of the Great Wilderness Special Zone." Wuming nodded.

In fact, he was also guessing, but he felt that this possibility was very high.

Zhang Shouzhong narrowed his eyes and said, "Don't say it, your guess is really possible. I will analyze it. Maybe I can analyze a lot of useful information from these news."

After that, he stood up and jumped onto the balcony on the second floor, turned around and went into his room.

At this time, Aries appeared outside the yard. He gently shook the bell on the door and smiled, "Good afternoon, Mr. Wuming."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Aries, please come in." Wuming stood up and smiled.

Aries came in from outside the fence and said, "I'm here to see Gao Shanggong. Can we chat later?"

"No problem, I'm very free recently." Wuming agreed.

Then Aries went into the house to find Gao Shanggong. Wuming sat down again and simply took out a book and slowly flipped through it.

There are too many tragic contents and cyberbullying contents on the Internet recently. He is not very interested in surfing the Internet. If it is not for obtaining more information from the outside world, he will definitely not go online again in a short time.

More than three hours later, Aries came out of the house, sighed helplessly, then walked to Wuming and sat down, apologizing, "Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"It's okay, just in time for me to read a book." Wuming closed the book and said with a smile.

Aries smiled slightly and said, "Recently, the Scholars Foundation has also suffered a great blow from the Ten Thousand Demons Sect. Some scholars hope to move the headquarters from reality to the Great Wilderness Special Zone. What do you think, Mr. Wuming?"

"My opinion? Of course I welcome it. I heard that the Scholars Foundation has countless books. As long as the books can be opened to me, the Scholars Foundation can be moved to the Special Zone. I have no objection." Wuming said happily.

Aries hesitated and said, "Books? We need to hold a meeting to discuss this before we can answer you. Many of the books in the Scholar Foundation are taboo knowledge. The knowledge itself is extremely dangerous. For example, the rubbing of "Waste Man Sutra" still contains magical power. Once read, it is possible to become a complete waste. Therefore, we are not only to protect these knowledge, but also to protect those who are not informed. We cannot make hasty decisions."

"I understand, I understand, then I will wait for Mr. Aries' good news." Wuming smiled.

Aries smiled bitterly and said, "I guess I will have a lot of headaches to deal with when I go back. I really hope to have another good fight with Mr. Wuming."

"There will be a chance in the future." Wuming smiled.

He did not reject fighting with Aries, because it would also be good for him.

Next, Aries talked about a lot of things in the outside world. Because of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect and the Eternal Silence monster, the Scholar Foundation was in a mess. Some were already rescuing knowledge from various worlds, and some were trying to save people.

In fact, both the Eternal Silence monster and the Ten Thousand Demon Sect were attacked by the forces led by the Scholar Foundation, but their attacks were more like small fights.

The super-large Eternal Silence monster is not something that ordinary people can deal with. Even if Wuming has a large number of vitality bombs, it is difficult to seal monsters of that level.

The Ten Thousand Demon Sect is even more so.

If Rama and Luojiu are not killed, the other members are just cannon fodder. No matter how many are killed, it will not hurt the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

During the chat, Aries Palace took another half an hour to relax. Finally, because the people from the Scholar Foundation urged him to leave, he reluctantly said goodbye to Wuming and left the Heart-to-Heart Villa.

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