I Contracted Myself

【642】New situation

Dahuang City, Transmission Square.

A white light fell, and Ma Lie knelt on the ground holding a long sword, looking tired and covered with scars.

His left hand was still holding a little girl of six or seven years old. The child's face was covered with blood and her expression was a little dull.

"Okay, it's safe, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Ma Lie put the little girl on the ground, gently hugged the little girl, and comforted her softly.

Then many women dressed as nurses flew over quickly and began to hand over to Ma Lie. These nurses will be responsible for taking care of the little girl.

Although Wuming could not leave the Dahuang Special Zone, he reorganized the Rescuer Network after the change in public opinion, and used his huge wealth to provide funds for the Rescuer Network.

Now the Rescuer Network has no tasks. As long as you save people and pass the review of the Dahuang Special Zone, you can get rewards.

The rewards may be bonuses, or other props, weapons, or special benefits.

This has become a new profession in Dahuang City. Many practitioners are willing to risk danger to save people in the real world. They can not only get practice resources, but also satisfy their inner pursuit of justice.

Ma Lie joined the rescuers this year. This was his third time going out. He didn't expect to meet the leader of the Wanmo Sect and almost died at his hands.

Fortunately, Wuming can now mass-produce the node stones of the special zone and make them into teleportation bracelets. With just a thought, he can return to the Great Wilderness Special Zone through the bracelet.

Moreover, when returning to the Great Wilderness Special Zone, even the leaders and elders of the Wanmo Sect will step back, fearing that they will be involved in the teleportation and end up in the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

Previously, a demon from the Wanmo Sect attacked the rescuers when they started the teleportation, and as a result, he was also teleported to the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

The end of this demon was very miserable. The video is still circulating on the Oracle network, and the barrage is full of the four words "very happy".

Ma Lie came out of the hospital with a bandage on his body. He walked to the teleportation array and selected the node he wanted to go to in the light curtain. The next moment, he appeared in Xiaoqian Street in the northern part of the lower city of Dahuang City.

Xiaoqian Street is part of the residential area, and Ma Lie's home is in a community next to Xiaoqian Street.

"Brother Xiao Ma, are you going on an adventure again? I think you are so handsome. If you go to the upper city for a few rounds, you might catch the eye of some rich woman. You have everything you want, so why do you need to take such an adventure?" An old man dressed as a beggar was lying on a tiger skin carpet. The bowls in front of him were all filled with various magic cores and black crystals. He couldn't help but teased Ma Lie when he saw that he was covered in wounds.

Ma Lie smiled bitterly and said, "Senior Huoyun, you are actually very handsome when you clean up. You are also humorous. I think rich women prefer you. They don't like me."

"Hahaha, you have good taste!" The old beggar laughed.

Ma Lie passed through the laughter of the beggars, and finally looked at the huge statue in the distance, his hand slightly clenched the hilt of the sword. The statue was carved with Wuming, and it was also his only belief in this life.

He and Wuming didn't have many intersections. The first time he asked for help on the rescuer website, and finally Wuming accepted his rescue mission.

Although the rescue was not successful, at least all the people in his world were transferred to a better place to live, and he could practice in the Shenzang space with peace of mind.

The second intersection was when he withdrew from the Shenzang space.

He found himself in Wuming's bubble world, and had no choice but to ask Wuming for help, and then Wuming transferred him from the bubble world to the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

That was the second time he saw Wuming in person. Wuming personally sent him to the Great Wilderness City at that time. He asked many questions on the way and was also impressed by Wuming's heart.

Now Wuming can't leave the Great Wilderness Special Zone, so he has to work harder to practice, do everything Wuming wants to do, and save everyone he wants to save.

His level is still very low, and there are very few people he can save, but he will keep working hard until he dies or the Ten Thousand Demons Sect is destroyed.

Back to his own hut, the artificial intelligence has been running for a long time, and the energy concentration in the air is just right. He can slowly become stronger as long as he stays in the house.

He put the sword on the shelf next to him, and slumped on the sofa. The TV immediately turned on automatically and started playing the news.

"The latest news is that Kutluya was attacked by the Ten Thousand Demon Sect. The rescuer Zhang Shouzhong, regardless of the danger, successfully transferred 35,307 people. See the detailed report below."

In the picture, countless demon cultivators defeated the world barrier, like locusts falling from the sky, huge fireballs, black flames, and terrifying swords fell one after another. For a time, countless people fled in fear, but they seemed to be under various attacks.

The photographer was also running away, but a sword flew over at this time, and the camera shook and fell to the ground, but the next moment the flying sword was caught by a fat arm. The next scene was Zhang Shouzhong turning into a huge fat man and fighting with the demon cultivators. While fighting, he threw out a formation plate and opened the portal to the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

Because the photographer also ran to the portal, the picture ended only when the white light of entering the portal was reached.

"One day, I can do it too!" Ma Lie was so excited that he clenched his fists and thought to himself.

The news is still being broadcasted. A certain force has decided to move into the Great Wilderness Special Zone. The city lord Yuan Mulanzi welcomes all law-abiding organizations to settle in the Great Wilderness City.

A photographer has discovered the largest Eternal Silence monster so far, with a length of 16 million meters. Currently, some scholars have suggested naming it the ‘World-Destroying Long Snake’.

In the picture, a gray monster was slowly moving in the dark void. Its huge body could not be fully captured by a video.

Just seeing the terrifying size, Ma Lie felt terrified. Such a monster might kill him if it touched him.

"The demon sect will not be eliminated, and the monsters will not be eliminated!" Ma Lie could not help but mutter to himself in a low voice.

If the Ten Thousand Demon Sect is not solved, it will be difficult for all forces to organize to deal with the Eternal Silence monster, because if they are fully engaged in dealing with the Eternal Silence monster, there are still the demons of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect next to them, and they can't fight against the Eternal Silence monster wholeheartedly.

Once they are attacked from both sides, the result is self-evident.

Therefore, all forces are now making various plans against the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

The Ten Thousand Demon Sect is indeed rampant with demonic flames. Now it is rampant in the heavens and the world, destroying the world at will, but there are also demons who are targeted, assassinated, and beheaded by all forces.

The problem is that as long as Rama and Luojiu are alive, the Wanmo Sect will still be the Wanmo Sect. Even if a few elders are killed, the impact on the Wanmo Sect is actually minimal.

It must be said that the prisoners in the belt of the real self amateur are indeed a great gift.

The Wanmo Sect has no shortage of cannon fodder, and once it conquers a world, the Wanmo Sect will not treat those worlds gently, but will squeeze all the resources of those worlds, and then quickly cultivate demon cultivators who can fight through the "Wanmo Sutra".

Compared with the slow and gentle practice of the righteous way, although the foundation of demon cultivators is unstable, they win in speed and large output.

Today's Wanmo Sect has two peerless masters, Rama and Luojiu, who suppress everything, and middle-level demon cultivators who can be mass-produced. Other forces can't make waves in front of the Wanmo Sect.

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