I Contracted Myself

【643】Unexpected windfall

"Practicing the divine fortune, knowing the gold..."

Wuming was lying on the jade rattan rocking chair, reading and healing.

In the past few years, he has read a lot of medical books, and his healing ability has improved by leaps and bounds, especially the treatment methods for the soul and the sea of ​​consciousness. He has mastered a lot of them. He estimates that he will be completely healed in a while.

But just when he finished reading the last page, Maria suddenly covered his eyes and asked in a rhubarb voice: "Guess who I am?"

"Maria!" Wuming said helplessly.

Maria let go of her hand, lay on the back of Wuming's chair, and smiled: "Master Wuming, I'm back."

"Well, how did you learn today? Is there anything you don't know?" Wuming closed the book and asked with a smile.

The school Maria is currently studying at is Haiya Academy under the Scholars Foundation. The courses are all-encompassing, and almost every teacher is a scholar above level 200. It can be said that it is the best school in Dahuang City.

Maria has only been studying at Haiya Academy for one year, and her level has been raised by one level. It is conceivable how much benefit Maria has gained from going to school.

However, Maria did not live in Wenxin Villa, because the Wanmomen and Yongji monsters were raging in the real world, and her parents moved to Dahuang City. Although Maria would stay in Wenxin Villa for a short time on weekends, she lived with her parents most of the time.

"No, I don't know. Those things are so simple that they can't stump me at all!" Maria said confidently.

Then she sat on the swing chair next to Wuming, and while swinging, she suggested: "Master Wuming, let's play Little Gladiator."

"Okay, come on."

Wuming also felt a little tired from reading, so he agreed with a smile.

Cultivation is not just blindly doing it, and it is also very important to combine work and rest. He will not give up normal life in order to become stronger or to heal his wounds.

Sometimes, life will give him all kinds of surprises, and playing may also sublimate his soul.

Little Gladiator is an advanced version of Little Fighting King, and it is also a new toy launched last year. However, this time the gladiators did not fight on the ring, but in a circular arena.

At the same time, the choice of gladiators can be wider, and there are more options.

Many players even make gladiators according to their own abilities, and then use them to challenge various monsters.

Yes, Little Gladiators can be played by oneself or with multiple people, and even several people can challenge powerful monsters together.

Wuming and Maria made their own gladiators, and then chose the challenge mode to randomly produce a powerful monster.

The two put their gladiators into the arena, and the next moment the monster suddenly came out of the cage and roared angrily. The huge size formed a sharp contrast with the two gladiators.

"Master Wuming, I want to enter the operator mode, do you want to come?" Maria asked.

Wuming nodded and said, "Then let's go together."

In reality, he has not taken action for a long time, and his life rhythm is completely like a retired uncle. However, after buying the little gladiator, he occasionally enters the arena with Maria to fight.

The two held the remote control and immediately entered the operator mode. In an instant, they opened their eyes and their consciousness was already in the huge arena. They could still see themselves with their eyes closed when they looked up.

"Master Wuming, let's go left and right!" Maria shouted immediately with a fist.

Wuming smiled and said, "Okay!"

After that, they dispersed and rushed towards the monster.


The Eternal Silence Prison Tower, the sixth floor.

Because of Luo Jiu's Life and Death Wheel Sword, the entire upper floor of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower was cracked, and even a large number of areas collapsed.

However, some areas formed a small confined space because of the fall of the Life Stone, and there were still prisoners surviving in the confined space.

Bipson was lying in the corner, his lower body had disappeared, and the huge wound was obviously caused by a bite from some monster.

He looked forward in despair, and a monster with thick long hair and a head a bit like a golden retriever was eating one of his legs.

In fact, he had resisted the monster, and he had several helpers around him at that time, but in the end, those helpers were eaten by the monster, and he was being eaten now.

This monster was not afraid of attack, and it seemed that it had no self-awareness. It would only eat instinctively. Any material caught by it would be torn apart. Bipson's weapons were torn apart and eaten one by one.

Now he had nothing except his body.

"Wuming, I curse you!!!"

Bipson thought of Wuming, who had caused him to fall into this situation, and suddenly roared with grief and hatred.

Of course, he actually knew in his heart that in such a dangerous place, Wuming might have died earlier than him, and his curse had no meaning.

It was precisely because he knew it was meaningless that he only "cursed" Wuming, but did not mention anything about the curse.

At this time, the monster had eaten his legs, and the pair of terrifying eyes suddenly raised...


Small arena.

Wuming kicked the monster on the head, and then the reaction force fell to the side, and immediately rolled to avoid the monster's huge palm.

"Look at my whirlwind kick!" Maria yelled, spinning in the air, and then kicked the monster hard on the head.

The monster tilted under this kick and almost fell to the side, but fortunately it had several hands, and at this time it pressed its hands on the ground to support its huge body.

"Good opportunity!"

Wuming's eyes lit up when he saw this scene, and his right leg suddenly burst into golden light.

"Look at my deadly sliding kick!"

Wuming smiled and shouted, and immediately used a sliding shovel to attack the monster's hands that were supporting its body.

On the other side, the monster opened its mouth, held Bipson's shoulders with both hands, and seemed to want to bite Bipson's head off in one bite. Bipson could smell the fishy breath coming from his mouth.

He was unwilling to give in. He didn't want to die, especially he didn't want to die so cowardly and be swallowed by a monster.

"No, I can't die!"

Bipson pressed his hands against the monster's body and thought painfully.

In the arena, Wuming and Maria clapped their hands and showed happy smiles. Behind them, the monster collapsed and could not get up again.

"Mr. Wuming, my gladiator has been upgraded. It's better for me to learn new skills. Is it better to upgrade the whirlwind kick to one level?" Maria asked excitedly.

Wuming smiled and said: "If it were in the real world, of course it would be better to learn new skills, but this is a game. I think it is more appropriate to continue upgrading with Tornado Kick."

"Okay, then I will continue to upgrade the whirlwind kick." Maria agreed.

Wuming was in a happy mood, turned on his gladiator's attributes, and began to add points to the gladiator.

When he pressed the upgrade button, the monster on the other side bit down hard, and blood spurted out from the severed head with a click, covering the monster's body.

Suddenly there was a 'ding dong' sound.

The level of the nameless gladiator increased, and at the same time a voice sounded: "The controller of the Great Wilderness Zone, Wuming, defeated Bipson, the controller of the Sword of Dynasty area. The Sword of Dynasty area is officially owned by Wuming."

He raised his head with a puzzled look on his face, and his head was full of question marks.

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