I Contracted Myself

【644】Treat as a weed

In the Shenzang space, both the regional controllers and ordinary practitioners were stunned. Then some showed a relieved expression, while others murmured to themselves, "Bipson died only now", and some were in a complicated mood and looked worried.

Countless regional controllers were silent, but their moods were not very good.

In fact, they were worried about the threat of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect just like ordinary practitioners, but they were worse off than ordinary practitioners. Now most of the practitioners in the region came in through the Great Wilderness Special Zone, but do the regional controllers dare to go to the Great Wilderness Special Zone?

Although Wuming's reputation has improved so far, the problem is that Wuming's previous behavior of charging high entry fees or borrowing fees from many forces and organizations has made many regional controllers suspicious and dare not go to the Great Wilderness Special Zone with their real bodies.

If the real bodies cannot enter the Great Wilderness Special Zone, it means that they cannot enter the Shenzang space with their real bodies, so their real bodies will face the threat of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

In the past few years, the regional controllers have been particularly tormented.

Not only do they not trust Wuming, but they also do not trust other regional controllers. What if they meet in the real world and the other party suddenly kills them?

Who doesn't want their region to continue to expand, or add a controllable region?

"Although the Great Wilderness Special Zone connects reality and the Shenzang Space, it is not actually adjacent to the Shenzang Space. The real world cannot reach the Great Wilderness Special Zone through the Yongji Space, but now Wuming controls the Dynasty Sword area of ​​Baipson. Do you know what this means?" Several regional controllers gathered together, and one of the female regional controllers said.

Then she sighed and said, "This means that Wuming's hand has reached the Shenzang Space. Great God Chengtian, your area happens to be connected with Wuming's area. What do you think?"

"Use stillness to control movement. I don't intend to conflict with Wuming." Great God Chengtian said, stroking his beard.

The real name of Great God Chengtian is no longer known, but he is a relatively old existence among countless regional controllers. He is highly respected in this small alliance. After he spoke, others nodded in approval.

But the next moment, a hand penetrated the body of the Great God Chengtian. Many people's eyes widened suddenly. Some people turned around and ran, but they were knocked to the ground by various attacks in the next second.

The Great God Chengtian frowned and looked at the female regional controller who had just spoken, and asked: "Bilian Tianzun, you... have you forgotten the contract?"

"Contract? Sorry, the sect master has already unlocked the contract for me. You people can't even see the situation clearly. It's really sad." Bilian Tianzun suddenly laughed.

This time, the meeting of the small alliance was held in the area of ​​Bilian Tianzun. Because of the tacit understanding and trust of countless years, these regional controllers did not doubt Bilian Tianzun. After all, Bilian Tianzun also held meetings in their areas in the past.

Who knew that something would happen this time.

However, Bilian Tianzun himself did not take action, but various black-clothed people took action.

The Great God Chengtian wanted to struggle, but the arm that pierced his body was extremely powerful, and it seemed to have a magical power. He was like a fish on the hook, and he could not break free from the shackles of this hand at all.

"Bilian, you did a great job. The sect master is the most disciplined. He always punishes those who have committed mistakes and rewards those who have made contributions. You can think about what you want." Luo Jiu pulled his arm out of the body of the Great God Chengtian, and the Great God Chengtian suddenly dried up and turned into a corpse and fell to the ground.

At this time, notices rang out one after another:

"Luo Jiu defeated Yuan Chengtian, the controller of the Chengtian area, and the Chengtian area officially belongs to Luo Jiu."

"Lenuel defeated Feng Deklai, the controller of the Winner area, and the Winner area officially belongs to Lenuel."

"True Self Tianren defeated Nami-Abruns-Kogat, the controller of the Forest Fairy area, and the Forest Fairy area officially belongs to True Self Tianren."


Dozens of notices were constantly refreshed, and everyone in the Shenzang space was silent. Some people were even too shocked, and their hearts beat very fast. In the quiet streets, their heartbeats sounded like drums.


Panxi Great God frowned, and the four Tianzun looked stern.

When the announcement was over, Jiao Yue Tianzun said with an ugly face: "Something happened to Xiantian League. I'm afraid that Bi Lian Tianzun betrayed Xiantian League!"

The area controllers who died in the announcement just now were all members of Xiantian League. The only one who didn't die was Bi Lian Tianzun. There was no need to guess that Bi Lian Tianzun must have a problem.

"The hand of Wan Mo Men finally reached the Shenzang space. I'm afraid the peaceful days are gone forever." Yuan Guang Tianzun smiled bitterly. Although the area controller is almost invincible in his own area, if his area is surrounded by enemy areas, there is still a danger of being breached.

Countless area controllers felt heavy pressure at this moment, and some even made up their minds and decided to surrender to Wan Mo Men.

"Father, what should we do next? What if Wan Mo Men finds our world in the real world? I'm afraid we can't stop Wan Mo Men with just a few of us." Jiao Yue Tianzun asked at this time.

In Shenzang space, they are still strong, but leaving Shenzang space and returning to the real world, just the five of them will be a piece of cake against Wan Mo Men.

It is estimated that there is no need for Rama and Luo Jiu to take action. The elders and leaders under the Wanmo Sect alone are enough to kill them.

Now the Wanmo Sect has set its sights on the Shenzang Space. The conflict between them is unavoidable. Once their hiding place in the real world is discovered, the consequences will be disastrous.

After listening to the words of Jiaoyue Tianzun, Panxi God was silent for a moment and looked at Yeqin.

"I'll go find Wuming!" Yeqin stood up and said.

Chichao Tianzun said, "If Wuming has bad intentions, you're just walking into a trap."

"Qinqin, wait a little longer, we can wait and see how Wuming will respond before making a decision. The Dynasty Sword area is connected to the Chengtian area. Now the Chengtian area is controlled by Luo Jiu, the deputy leader of the Wanmo Sect. There must be a battle between them!" Yuanguang Tianzun opened the light curtain and said while studying.

At this time, a notice sounded: the controller of the Great Wilderness Special Zone and the controller of the Dynasty Sword area, Wuming renamed the Dynasty Sword area to the Golden Area, and at the same time transferred the Golden Area to Gaoshang Palace.

Wuming gave up the area of ​​Shenzang Space!

"Haha, Wuming doesn't care about the little bit of Shenzang Space at all, but we regard it as our lifeblood. It's really ridiculous." Jiaoyue Tianzun couldn't help but laugh at himself at this time.

At the same time, the mood of many area controllers in Shenzang Space became even more complicated. The area they regarded as a treasure was treated as nothing by Wuming, who said it would be transferred without any hesitation.

If the big move of Wanmomen made them feel worried and frightened, then Wuming's behavior was like a heavy punch, knocking these area controllers who were used to being high and mighty to the ground.

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