I Contracted Myself

【645】Make a plan

Dahuang Special Zone, Dahuang City, Wenxin Courtyard.

Wuming, Zhang Shouzhong, Lin Renmei, Gao Shanggong, Lucy Phil and others gathered together.

"The Ten Thousand Demons Sect is going to treat the Great Wilderness Special Zone like a sandwich cookie. Once they set up a dragnet in the real world and occupy all the sacred space, we may really become turtles in the jar." Zhang Shouzhong said while watching various news. .

Wuming showed up the regional map of Shenzang Space and said: "No, now is actually our opportunity. The golden area is connected with the Chengtian area. Uncle Gao, you can contain Luo Jiu in the golden area. Once Luo Jiu is no longer in Chengtian, In the Tian area, you directly launch an attack on the Chengtian area and force Luo Jiu to return to confront you, which is equivalent to breaking Rama's arm!"

This was the reason why after he heard the announcement, he decisively discussed with Gao Shang Palace and finally transferred the golden area to Gao Shang Palace.

"The problem is that even without Luo Jiu, Rama is still not an opponent we can solve." Zhang Shouzhong said.

Lin Renmei said calmly: "We don't need to take action against Rama. Our target should be those loose regional controllers. We must twist them into a rope and let the Shenzang Space become the place where we compete with the Ten Thousand Demons Sect. Once If the war breaks out, these areas will rely on our Great Wilderness Special Zone and will consume the vitality of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect for a long time. "

"And there is another advantage, that is, once the Divine Tibetan Space becomes unsafe, many people will choose to settle in our Great Wilderness Special Zone. The population of our Great Wilderness Special Zone will further increase dramatically and become a veritable pearl of all worlds." Wuming laughed. road.

Lucifer frowned and said, "The question is...will those regional controllers be obedient?"

"If they don't want to die, they can only choose one side to cooperate. Life or death is not up to them anyway." Wuming said seriously.

Each of these area controllers has huge power and can deal with the life and death of the practitioners in their area at will. If you choose to join the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, you will be an enemy. Sooner or later, he will kill those area controllers.

If you want to join his side, you must wear the collar obediently and obey his commands from now on.

In his opinion, the regional controller must also be restrained. Since he has the ability to restrain the other party, he will naturally do his part. As long as he has a clear conscience and can do things worthy of everyone, then there will be no problem.

Gao Shanggong looked at Wuming and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Apparently, the experience in the Everlasting Prison Tower had changed many of Wuming's ways of doing things. If it were before, Wuming would definitely not be so domineering.

But...it's good to be domineering.

The Great Wilderness Special Zone now controlled by Wuming is related to the lives of countless people.

If Wuming is still too kind and generous as before, he will be irresponsible to everyone.

Gao Shanggong smiled and said: "Then let's wait and see what they choose. Now... do you want to go to the golden area to see it?"

Wuming got Bipson's Sword of Dynasty area, and originally planned to visit the Sword of Dynasty area the next day. Who knew that the next day, news came out that the Ten Thousand Demons Sect had killed many area controllers.

Now on day three, they had this area but had never been there.

"Well, let's go take a look, and by the way... go to the border to meet Luo Jiu for a while!" Wuming thought for a while and said with a smile.

Everyone immediately set off for the renamed golden area. Through the teleportation array, they entered the central city of the golden area. However, there were only a few pedestrians left in the entire city. Most of the shops on both sides of the street had been closed, making the entire city look particularly desolate.

"Greetings, sir." A guard saw Wuming and others, so he stepped forward and bowed.

Wuming looked at Gao Shang Gong, who asked, "Where is Bipson's palace?"

"Sir, Lord Bipson... His palace is over there, please come with me." The guard replied, because he almost subconsciously called Bipson your majesty, he turned around with a bad look on his face.

Wuming observed as he walked, and asked casually: "Many people have left, why don't you leave?"

"Master Wuming, do you know the oath of your heart?" the guard asked helplessly.

Wuming suddenly said: "So that's it, many people here have sworn by heart?"

"Basically, those who haven't left have either made a vow before, or have relatives or friends who have made a vow. After all, everyone knows that the king... the golden area will soon become a war zone." The guard smiled bitterly.

In fact, there were still many people staying in the golden area yesterday. After all, compared to the tyrant Bipson, it would actually be better for Wuming to rule them.

Moreover, our industries are all in prime areas, and if we move to other areas hastily, we may not be able to adapt to the local environment.

As a result, the action of Wanmomen yesterday broke the dreams of countless people. When they realized that there was a high possibility of a war between the Golden Area and the Chengtian Area, people began to flee.

During the chat, Wuming and others learned a lot about the past of the Sword of Dynasty area. In fact, the population of this area has never been very large. After all, Bipson is a famous tyrant.

However, for little people, living anywhere is not an easy task. Compared with those areas where land is very expensive, the housing prices in the Sword of Dynasty area are somewhat attractive, so gradually there are various practitioners Check in.

Later, Bipson and Wuming disappeared together, and some people with a small amount of wealth ran away first.

Two days ago, Wuming gained control of the area, and a group of Bipson's accomplices also ran away. Yesterday, the news came out that Wanmomen had captured the Immortal League, and another group of people ran away.

In the end, only some people who were reluctant to leave and those who couldn't leave were left here.

"Sir, the palace of Baipson is ahead." The guard stopped in front of a long stone staircase and said to Wuming and others.

Wuming saw that he did not go up and showed a puzzled look. The guard explained: "We guards cannot enter the area in front. This is also part of the oath. Please understand, sir."

"Baipson does not allow others to enter his palace?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

The guard replied: "Under normal circumstances, only women that Baipson likes can enter, but the scope of action is also strictly regulated. Once you enter a place that is not allowed to enter, you will be executed."

"Really cruel." Zhang Shouzhong muttered.

Next, everyone climbed the stairs and entered Baipson's palace.

"The name of this palace is the Sword Emperor Palace. Baipson is really shameless. It means that all the swordsmen in the world are regarded as his subjects." Zhang Shouzhong took a look at the palace with a sword-like aura and couldn't help complaining.

Wuming laughed when he heard this and said, "Bipson's sword is actually very powerful. If I hadn't been accidentally teleported to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, I wouldn't have been 100% sure to defeat him."

"I don't know where he was teleported to, and whether he died miserably. It's a pity that I didn't see how he died with my own eyes." Zhang Shouzhong said regretfully.

Then everyone entered the palace together. There was nothing to see in the front hall. Although there were many treasures and antiques, no one paid attention to them. Except for Zhang Shouzhong who touched them, no one else even looked at them.

After a quick tour, passing through several halls and sleeping palaces, everyone entered the library of the Sword Emperor Palace, where there were a large number of classics collected by Baipson.

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