I Contracted Myself

【646】Relics of the Pyramid

Each area controller is extremely wealthy, and many of their collections are unique.

After entering the library, Wuming and others found that many books were unique and not available in the library of the Scholar Foundation, so Wuming decisively collected all the books in the entire library, and slowly sorted them out when he returned to the Great Wilderness Special Zone. Finally, he would donate the books to the Great Wilderness Library.

The Great Wilderness Library is a super-large library founded by many forces such as the Great Wilderness City and the Scholar Foundation. The internal collection of books is difficult to count. The entire library has a total of nine floors. The top floor contains many taboo books. Only those who have obtained specific permissions are eligible to climb the ninth floor.

The reason why Wuming was so anxious to collect it was mainly because he was worried that the Sword Palace would be attacked by Luo Jiu.

Although Luo Jiu did not dare to step into the golden area, he could launch an attack on the golden area at the border, because no one knew when the attack would start, so Wuming decided to collect it early and feel at ease.

Most of Baipson's collection of books is related to kendo. It is estimated that if you can read all the books, even practitioners who do not know kendo can have a good kendo practice.

Of course, it is possible that they only master theoretical knowledge, but their practical ability is still zero.

After coming out of the library, Wuming and his friends found Baipson's bedroom. Gao Shanggong saw the sword pool made of sword tomb stone and the various broken swords in the sword pool, and sighed: "It's really extravagant. So many artifact-level swords are all used as consumables for refining sword intent."

"Let's look for it first to see if there are any good things." Zhang Shouzhong smiled.

Next, everyone dispersed and searched for treasures in Baipson's bedroom. This place will soon become a war zone. If there are any good things, it is better to put them away quickly to avoid being destroyed in the crossfire.

"Look, how about this sword?" Zhang Shouzhong found a long sword with a peculiar style in the secret compartment and asked.

Gao Shanggong walked forward, took the sword from Zhang Shouzhong and observed it carefully, then laughed: "I didn't expect that the swordsman Xiao Lang's Xiaoyao wave sword would fall into the hands of Baptson."

"Xiao Lang? Is he the unlucky guy who got drunk before the duel, and his sword was stolen, which led to his defeat in the duel?" Wuming was holding a vase in his hand, and turned around and laughed when he heard the conversation between the two.

Gao Shanggong smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's that unlucky guy. His sword is a good thing. If any of you are interested in kendo, you might as well try this sword."

"Forget it, I know nothing about kendo, and this sword is so frivolous that I definitely can't control it." Zhang Shouzhong shook his head.

At this time, Lucy Phil stood in front of a life-size painting of Baptson. She frowned, and then a sword intent popped out of her finger. The life-size painting absorbed the sword intent and slowly turned into a vortex.

"What's going on?" Zhang Shouzhong looked at it and couldn't help but step forward to observe.

Gao Shanggong also stepped forward. He looked at it and said, "It should be a teleportation array, but it's hard to say where it will be teleported to."

"Fatty, go in first and take a look." Wuming stepped forward and said.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded, and the fat on his body instantly turned into armor. Then he stepped into the vortex and his body disappeared instantly.

About a minute later, he came out of the painting again and said, "There is a tunnel in front. I didn't dare to go too far, but I don't think it's dangerous."

"Then let's go and take a look. Maybe it's Baipson's treasure room." Wuming nodded.

Then, everyone stepped into the vortex in an orderly manner and came to a tunnel that only one person could walk in. There were grooves of the array on the walls on both sides of the tunnel, and blue energy slowly flowed from the grooves.

Wuming took a look at the structural lines of the array and roughly guessed that it was an array for isolation detection.

At the same time, the top of the tunnel was inlaid with a large number of glowing gems. The entire tunnel was not dark, but very bright, and the air was very fresh, without the dull and moldy smell unique to the tunnel.

Then everyone slowly explored forward. Maybe Bipson had never considered that someone could come here, so there were no traps or anything like that in the tunnel.

After walking for about 30 minutes, a small room appeared in front of them.

Zhang Shouzhong, who was walking in front, opened the door and found that the room was very small, about the same size as a toilet. In the middle of the room was a square stone pillar.

On the stone pillar was a stone model similar to a pyramid.

This model was very small and had an extremely ancient feeling. There were obvious wear and tear on the corners. I don’t know what it was used for.

“What is this?” Zhang Shouzhong walked into the room and began to lose weight, making more space for everyone to come in.

Wuming walked into the room and his eyes fell on the pyramid of the stone pillar. He did not touch it rashly, but continued to walk forward and made room for Lin Renmei, Lucy Phil and Gao Shanggong behind him.

After the five people came in, everyone looked at each other, and no one could see the significance of this pyramid.

However, one thing is 100% certain, that is, this thing must be not simple. It can make Bipson hide it here so preciously, and it is definitely not garbage.

"Spiritual power cannot penetrate it. When spiritual consciousness falls on it, it feels like an ordinary stone. It's strange." Gao Shanggong said at this time.

Zhang Shouzhong reached out to grab the pyramid at this time. He used all his strength but couldn't lift the pyramid. Finally, he leaned against the wall in frustration and said, "This thing is so heavy."

"Let me try!" Wuming was a little interested.

He stepped forward and grabbed the two corners of the pyramid, and then used force to lift the pyramid up bit by bit. He had to admit that the weight of this thing was extremely exaggerated. If he hadn't used his abilities, his legs would have sunk into the ground. .

"It's really heavy, and I just tried it, and it can't be stored in the storage space." Wuming put the pyramid down and took a breath before saying.

Gao Shangong speculated: "Then this should be a space treasure. Generally, things that cannot be stored in storage spaces will most likely be related to space. Maybe there is a large space inside it."

"Could this thing be actually the treasure house of that old ghost Bipson?" Zhang Shouzhong immediately became excited.

Wuming nodded in agreement: "It is indeed possible. After all, such a heavy treasure room cannot be moved even if it is discovered."

His strength is so great that even if he can't move things, most people will definitely not be able to move them. Even if a thief finds this place, they won't be able to steal the treasure.

"But how to enter the treasure room?" Lin Renmei asked.

Gao Shanggong squatted down, stared at the pyramid, and said, "Maybe the answer is on the pyramid, let me look for it."

This pyramid was definitely not built by Bipson himself. Perhaps Bipson obtained it accidentally and later discovered some special features of it, so he used it as a treasure room.

As long as they figure out how to open the pyramid, all the treasures Bipson has collected over the years will naturally be in their possession.

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