Under the dark clouds, the once dense forest has become sparsely scattered after the Sun God bird ravaged it.

Because it had just rained, a faint mist formed in the woods under the steaming heat. Many surviving animals continued to move in the outer direction, and some alienated beasts stopped. Down, I was observing the changes in the forest.

Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu walked in the forest, and the animals around them gradually increased.

"Brother, who did you learn those poems from?" Zhao Yanhu played with a poisonous snake crawling on his neck and curiously asked.

After finishing talking, he learned from Zhao Yanlong, raising his hand and saying: "If there is any violation, human beings will punish him!"

"If you don't speak anything, shut up if you don't speak. This is what I heard in Yering Village. It is said that ancient times swore like this." Zhao Yanlong said ill-humoredly.

The so-called different styles of hundreds of miles, different customs of thousands of miles.

There are countless villages outside Pearl City. Almost every one is completely different. Some villages are more civilized, some are more barbaric, some are more superstitious, and some are more ancient and conservative.

The Yoling Village mentioned by Zhao Yanlong is actually a strange village. The villagers in it are all keen on singing. As long as other villages are not here to find fault, they will welcome each other to come to the show.

"Okay, there are enough animals. Let's go. This is the first time we have performed Master Zhang Ping's mission. Don't mess it up!" Zhao Yanlong saw what Zhao Yanhu wanted to say, and immediately said .

His younger brother is good at everything, but he has a long mouth.

several dozen li outside.

Beside Zhu Yanbing, the team member Zhu Yanzhi closed his eyes. His ability is to share vision with his Contract Beast.

At this time, a hamster is squatting on the edge of the woods where the fire raged, holding a fruit in his hand, but looking at the woods ahead, many animals ran past under its eyelids. Then two young men passed under it on a giant deer.

"Captain, there are two awakeneds coming towards us. They don't look like people in the city." Zhu Yanzhi opened his eyes and said quickly.

Zhu Yanbing said flatly: "Unlike the people in the city, they are savages. First stare... to see their intentions."

At this time, a bird flew He reached above them, hovered for a while and then left suddenly.

"Oh, we seem to have been found."

Zhu Sanchi glanced at the flying bird, said with a smile.

He got up from the ground while speaking, and a golden long spear was instantly condensed in his hand. When the bird was about to fly out of his sight, he loudly shouted and threw the long spear directly at the bird. The direction of departure.


In an instant, the bird was hit by the long spear of light, and its body exploded directly.

Zhu Sanchi grinned said with a smile: "This meeting ceremony, I hope the other party will like it!"

"Aren’t we here to ambush them? You swaggered like this, really no Question?" Cao Fang, the female player, vomited at this moment.

Zhu Sanchi said with a smile: "Cao Fang, the birds are all stuck on their faces, do you still want to ambush?"

"You were stuck on your face by the birds." Cao Fang rolled the eyes, yelled angrily.

At this time, a large number of snakes crawled out of the forest in the distance. Most of these myriad snakes were poisonous snakes. After leaving the forest, they spread out like a peacock, and then from Different angles are advancing in the direction of Zhu Yanbing and the others.

"Look, those two savages came for us." Zhu Sanchi said proudly.

Zhu Yanzhi closed his eyes and manipulated the hamster to jump between the trees. Suddenly a snake emerged from the side of the tree and directly bit the hamster's fat body.

"Come back!"

Zhu Yanzhi immediately opened his eyes and shouted quickly.

With his roar, the hamster in the distance twisted and disappeared from the snake's mouth in an instant, and then appeared in his hand, but it was dying.

"Damn savages, I'm going to kill them!" He looked at the hamster distressedly, gnashing teeth said.

Then his fingernails became longer and pointed, and he gently pierced the hamster's body. In an instant, the hamster opened red's eyes, and then his body swelled and deformed wildly, and finally became a three-meter-high head. polar bear.

On the other side, Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu are walking back.

"Nine people, six of them are high level awakened, and three top awakened." Zhao Yanhu rode on the back of the giant deer, and through the animals, he quickly learned the specific information of the investigation team ambush.

The other party has three top awakeneds. Of course, they will not go to courting death stupidly, so after inquiring into the information, they are going back to report to Zhang Ping.

All the members of the Gui team are ready to fight the enemy, and they all wait intently.

About ten minutes later, Zhu Sanchi felt wrong. He opened the mouth and said: "Aren't those two wild men afraid right?"

" You mean they backed away?" Zhu Yanbing frowned.

Zhu Sanchi shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, it may just come to inquire about intelligence, after all, we think they are savages, they are really savages?"

"Yes, there are also It may be... from Zhang Ping." Cao Fang said immediately.

Zhu Yanbing sighed, opened the mouth and said: "No matter what, we are right here to stay here, lest Zhang Ping them lured the tiger away from the mountain."

This is the only way to enter the place of experience. By guarding the pass, you can stand on the ground and wait for the rabbits. They don't need to chase and kill Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu.

If they are really Zhang Ping people, they will be delivered to the door by themselves soon.

In a few minutes.

Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu returned to the team and told the investigation team’s intelligence.

"There are three top awakened, then I will deal with one, Feng Hall Master will deal with two, leaving six high level awakened, Sister Sisi, are you okay?" After Zhang Ping listened, some Asked worriedly.

High level awakened, they only have five here, namely Liu Sishan, Bai De, Lu Han, Zhang Shouzhong, and Cheng Xuejie, but there are six people on the opposite side.

Obviously, judging from the number of people, they obviously suffer a little bit more here.

Sometimes one more person is not simply an extra battle strength, but it can defeat the enemy faster. Once the rolling ball effect is formed, the disadvantage will be rapidly magnified, so that it is difficult to recover.

"Wait, there should be seven people on our side, and my big brother and I will also participate in the battle. For Zhang Ping, go through water and tread on fire, let's go through!" Zhao Yanhu interrupted.

Zhao Yanlong nodded and said: "Master Zhang Ping, please treat us as a part of the team!"

"Then...seven to six, is there a problem?" Zhang Ping looks at Liu Sishan.

Liu Sishan responded: "If there are still problems with seven and six, it only means that our sweeping team has a big problem, and everyone must come back and rebuild!"

Her meaning is self-evident.

"Let's go, now there are four or five minutes before the end of the effect of the jewel of breath, we do it quickly, and then in a spurt of energy rush into the place of experience!"

Zhang Ping looked at everyone, said with a smile.

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