Zhang Ping does not like violence and does not like killing.

But if only violence can solve the problem, and only killing can bring peace, then he will never be merciful.

Of course, if the enemy becomes a prisoner, then he will still guarantee the basic life safety of the prisoner, provided that the opponent has the opportunity to become a prisoner.

Everyone quickly moved towards the ambush of Zhu Yanbing and the others, Zhao Yanhu kept whispering the distance.

"There are still 20,000 meters, and the slightly rising mountain behind that mountain is where they ambush." ​​Zhao Yanhu said quickly, looking forward from their position, you can already see the place of experience. pass.

Zhang Ping is still condensing the king's gems, striving to prepare more hole cards before the battle.

On the way, he handed a few explosive gems to Zhang Shouzhong and the others as hole cards.

The most interesting thing about King Jewel is that he can transfer control. This transfer is very flexible, and is completely based on his subjective will.

He wants others to use it, then others can use the King’s Gem. If he does not want others to use it, even if the King’s Gem falls into the other’s hands, the other party cannot use it.

When he gave the King’s Jewel to Zhang Shouzhong and the others, the equivalent to authority was actually transferred.

At this time, a bud-shaped gem was formed in his hand. After he understood the attributes of the gem, he immediately put it away, and then he gritted his teeth and continued to make the gem.

"Be careful!"

Bai De quickly turned into a werewolf, and suddenly accelerated forward and punched.

A hamster jumped from the tree and turned into a white giant bear in a blink of an eye. It happened to hit Bai De with a punch, Bai De groaned, and quickly backed away.

After the hamster landed, he roared at the crowd, and his body quickly distorted and disappeared.

"Is that a mouse or a bear?" Zhao Yanhu said curiously.

Bai De rubbed his hand, frowned: "Maybe it’s a hamster bear. It’s a lot of strength. It’s not a body-enhanced awakened one. Don’t meet force with force. Otherwise, it’s definitely necessary. Suffer."

"It seems that they have given up their plan to ambush, but don't take it lightly and let's go." Liu Sishan said.

Everyone continued to move forward, and after going around a mountain, they could already see the pass of the land of experience.

Vaguely, they could see a behemoth lying on the ground further away.

"Is that Shanzu? It's so big." Zhang Shouzhong said in surprise.

Cheng Xuejie was surprised: "I thought Shanzu was a tiger or the like. It turned out to be a big toad, but it's really big."

"Don't worry about it yet. Shanzu, prepare to fight." Liu Sishan reminded.

Sometimes, the victory or defeat is just a moment, and distraction is especially fatal.

Zhao Yanhu looked at the mountain in front, opened the mouth and said: "The enemy is in that mountain, about 300 meters, do you see the white rock on the mountainside? It's a little bit to the left of that rock There is an awakened in ambush at the location."

"Then give him a welcome gift!" Feng Laixian ran and inhaled decisively. The air all around was instantly inhaled into his lungs, and then his eyes flicked. , Spit out a sigh of relief directly towards the mountain peak ahead.

The nameless low mountain, the location of the mountainside.

An awakened was squatting in the woods to observe. He had a bad premonition when he saw Fenglaixian inhaling, so he got up and shifted position decisively.

Just after two steps, there was a loud bang, and a big hole was punched where he was standing.

"It's risky!"

Awakened was shocked secretly.

At this time, in the sky, a light fell sharply. Before awakened could react, the body turned into dust in the rays of light.

"Solve one!"

Zhang Ping lightly saying.

He has just been making gems. Anything he makes floating cannon gems, he will immediately throw them into the air. When it is needed to use it, he can start it instantly by focusing on the target.

Although he doesn't want to kill people, he doesn't want Liu Sishan and the others to be injured or killed, so if he has to choose, he can only ask the enemies to die.

At the foot of the mountain, Zhu Yanbing opened his eyes, frowned: "Aliu is dead!"

"They are here, I'm afraid this is to give us a good start, hehe, in that case , I'm also welcome!" Zhu Sanchi squinted said with a sneer.

While speaking, his legs are slightly bent, and his developed leg muscles bulge fiercely.

Then he lightly shouted and took off directly on the spot, and the whole person quickly jumped into the air for fifty meters.

In the air, he instantly locked Zhang Ping, condensing a long spear of light in his hand.

"Take a shot from your uncle!"

He was loudly roared, and directly threw the long spear in his hand to Zhang Ping in the distance.

The speed of the long spear of light was extremely fast, almost equal to his voice, so when everyone heard Zhu Sanchi's voice, the long spear of light was already in front of them.

Zhang Ping raised his head to look at the long spear of bright light. He did not dodge and it was too late to dodge.

In an instant, a golden lotus shield bloomed in front of him, just blocking the long spear of light. The moment the long spear collided with the lotus flower, the long spear of light exploded immediately, and the ground shook.

Zhu Sanchi was falling down quickly. He squinted at the location of the explosion. When the dust cleared, he saw a black skull mask.

"Is this an infinite-level ability person? Really abnormal."

He fell to the ground and said to himself that he was a top-level awakened full strength attack. A mid-level awakened can't solve it.

Zhu Yanbing pulls out the huge black blade about three meters long, and said with a smile: "So you must kill him before he can fully grow up!"

Yu Beast Zhu Family, no one hopes that Pearl City can have another infinite ability.

They can't breathe even if a Situ Shibai is overwhelmed. Then there is an infinite ability person. Wouldn't their Zhu Family be killed to the last one?

So Zhang Ping must die!

"Listen, everyone, this time the mission is mainly to kill Zhang Ping, even if you die, you must complete the mission!" Zhu Yanbing glanced at all the members of the Gui team and said solemnly.

Others expressed their understanding.

Zhu Yanbing looked at Zhang Ping and the others getting closer, holding the black blade coldly said: "So... kill!"

He jumped up, Six black tentacles grew out of the back, and black energy rings appeared at the ends of these six black tentacles. The energy ring vibrated slightly, and he got huge power, and the whole person flew like a bullet to Zhang Ping and the others.

Other members have followed, and at the same time, they have activated their abilities to prepare for the battle.

However, Cao Fang fell at the end instead. She pressed her hands on the ground and said with a slight smile: "The performance has begun!"

Starting with her hands, the ground quickly became a steel plate. , And spread to the location of Zhang Ping and the others, and then the steel plate swelled violently, forming a huge arena.

The challenge of life and death.

When there are two forces on the ring at the same time, only one party can completely die before it can be released, otherwise everyone will not be able to leave!

Zhu Yanbing carried the black blade and landed on the edge of the ring, with the black tentacles behind him dancing like a frenzy, and other members also stood behind him.

He looked at Zhang Ping at the other end, and Zhang Ping was holding a scythe of fear, and he was also observing Zhu Yanbing.

The battle is about to start.

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