[Identification Successful]

[Name: Zhu Yanbing]

[Race: Human]

[Factors : Yu Beast Zhu Family 】

【Potential: ⭐⭐】

【lifespan :98】

【Level: top awakened 】

[Level: 36]

[innate talent]

[Innate talent: The heart is born with a variety of abilities. It will help your body Additional abilities, but at the same time your food addiction, sexual addiction, etc. will undergo slight changes. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Magic Tentacles: The strange fetus grows countless Blood God Scriptures that are linked to your body and grow on your back Six flexible tentacles come out. ]

[high level-Evil evil spirit: You can extract the evil spirit of evil spirits for manipulation. After extracting evil spirit, the evil spirits of evil spirits will wake up slightly, and you will become more combative and bloodthirsty. 】

【Top-Wei Er Awakens: Completely awaken the Wei Er in the body, the body enters the Evil God transformation. 】


Zhang Ping looked at Zhu Yanbing and suddenly felt whether he was too big.

Can he really solve such an enemy?

Just look at the attribute and feel really strong.

Then he looked at Zhu Sanchi and launched the appraisal again.

Although he can’t tell who is the top awakened by naked eye alone, the problem is that Zhu Yanbing and the others have a problematic position. Zhu Sanchi is on his left and a masked woman is on the right. Then the other members are a little behind.

As long as you are not fools, you can guess that the two top awakeneds who can stand with Zhu Yanbing are definitely the other two top awakened.

[Successful identification]

[Name: Zhu Sanchi]

[Race: Human]

[Factor: Yu Beast Zhu Family 】

【Potential: ⭐】

【lifespan :105】

【Level: top awakened】

【Level: 35]

【innate talent】

【Long spear of light: It can consume the energy of light elements in the body and condense a long spear composed of light elements to attack. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Rage of Light: When the long spear of light collapses, a violent explosion will occur. 】

【high level-illusion of light: control the emission of light elements that constitute the long spear, forming an illusory illusion, so that the enemy cannot distinguish the location of the real attack. 】

【Top-Spiral of Light: All the energy of light elements can gain more powerful power through rotation. 】


This seems to be easier to deal with!

Zhang Ping thought silently after reading the attribute.

However, Fenglaixian needs to deal with two top-level awakened at the same time. It is better to leave it to Fenglaixian.

Then he looked at Zhu Yanbing's covered face female on the other side, and activated the Appraisal Technique again.

It is worth mentioning that Zhu Yanbing and the others did not notice the movement of turning his head while observing the three of them because it was blocked by the face of Death God.

In Zhu Yanbing's eyes, Zhang Ping is more like staring at him all the time.

[Successful identification]

[Name: Zhu Rina]

[Race: Human]

[Factor: Royal Beast Zhu Family]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 88]

[level: top awakened]

[level :37]

[innate talent]

[Fire Element control: can convert physical energy into Fire Element energy, and can do as one pleases control the Fire Element energy in the body. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Energy Compression: Compress the Fire Element energy in the body, greatly increasing the upper limit of its own energy storage. ]

[high level-Blazing high temperature: Sacrificing part of the control power, greatly increasing the temperature of the flame. ]

[Top-Fire of Life: Consume a small amount of lifespan, instantly control the Fire Element energy to form a small sun bombing target. 】


Zhang Ping, after watching the three top-level awakened attributes, has already arranged something in his heart.

Obviously, both Zhu Sanchi and Zhu Rina are more suitable to be dealt with by Feng Laixian, so his opponent can only be Zhu Yanbing, who is the most difficult to deal with.

In fact, he observed Zhu Yanbing and the three of them, and it only took more than ten seconds. Everyone on the ring was still adjusting their breathing, and at the same time observing the opponents on the opposite side.

Zhang Ping is not only observing.

Although other people do not have Appraisal Technique, they can also figure out the opponent's ability and fighting style by observing the opponent's weapon, body shape, etc.

"Master Zhang Ping, do you need me to provoke the opponent?" Zhao Yanhu asked in a low voice at this time.

Zhao Yanlong helplessly said: "Don't speak out, listen to the command of the adults."

"Phoenix Hall Master, hand it to you on the left and right sides, and I will deal with the black blade in the middle. "Zhang Ping said to Feng Laixian.

Feng Laixian glanced at Zhu Sanchi and Zhu Rina, nodded and said: "Okay, leave it to me!"

"Fatty, that thin man, please Here you are, be careful of his knife." Zhang Ping then arranged.

After the Appraisal Technique is advanced to the King’s Blood Edition, the high level awakened only needs to activate one appraisal to be able to appraise successfully, because he quickly read all the enemy’s attributes.

According to each person's ability, he quickly made arrangements.

Because he directly killed the opponent's high level awakened with a floating cannon, there were two more people on their side than on the other side, so he arranged Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie to be in charge of support, if there is an opportunity to win quickly Opponents, they can intervene in anyone's battle.

"Allocated?" Zhu Yanbing suddenly opened the mouth and said.

He gradually showed a weird smile, shouted: "Let’s start!"

In an instant, he appeared in front of Zhang Ping, the black long knife slashed towards Zhang Ping’s facade, and Zhu Sanchi appeared next to Zhang Ping, and the long spear of light was impressively in his hand, stabbing Zhang Ping's abdomen directly.

And Zhu Rina is even more cruel, consumes lifespan directly, and a bright red sun condenses in her hands.

She was taken into the air by another high level awakened, her eyes fixed on Zhang Ping on the ground, completely ignoring that Zhu Yanbing and Zhu Sanchi were also beside Zhang Ping, and she hurled the little sun neatly. Zhang Ping.

One to one?


Zhu Yanbing and the others didn't plan to fight other people from beginning to end.

Their goal of this trip is only one, and that is-kill Zhang Ping!

"My lord, be careful!" Zhao Yanlong shouted, but it was too late to stand by Zhang Ping's side.

Liu Sishan They also didn't expect Zhu Yanbing and the group to do this. They reacted one by one, but they wanted to help but it was too late.


A loud noise!

Then the sun went down, and a violent high temperature broke out again.

Everyone can only step back, Feng Laixian walked forward, but was quickly pushed a few meters away by the powerful shock wave.

After a while, the dust settled.

Zhu Yanbing and Zhu Sanchi are lying on the ground riddled with scars, both of them are not lightly injured, and in front of them, Nethermist shrank into a ball, looking like an egg .

"Sure, Jiang is still hot, Old Mister Situ, you guessed it again." Zhang Ping's voice came from Nethermist.

Following the rapid surge of Nethermist, forming the image of Death God again, Zhang Ping hid in Nethermist, took out a stick of pure water from the bracelet, and poured it directly on his head, quickly recovering from his injury.

On the way here, Situ Shibai reminded Zhang Ping that people from Zhu Family are likely to target him.

So he kept a mindful, using Nethermist's occlusion, placed several petal shield gems on his chest, always in a state of excitation.

It's just that he didn't expect Zhu Family to be so cruel.

Therefore, although the Petal Shield gem blocked the damage of the overwhelming majority, he was still injured.

"Monster, this is not dead!"

Zhu Sanchi lifts the head with difficulty, glanced at Zhang Ping, and finally paralyzed to the ground feebly.

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