In fact, Zhu Sanchi itself is awakened with high offense and low defense.

His main attribute is the same spirit strength as Liu Sishan, but he is wearing the armor equipped by the family, so he was not killed by Zhu Rina's little sun.

"It's not over yet!"

At this time, Zhu Yan, who was also lying on the ground, opened his eyes fiercely. Spread to the whole body, the injury began to recover quickly.

He looked at Zhang Ping for an instant, and the tentacles behind him grew longer and pierced from the bottom up.

Although Zhang Ping maintains the tall image of Death God on the outside, his body has actually become a pure water curled up inside Death God.

The tentacles hit the illusory Nethermist, and directly penetrated through the Nethermist, but they did not hit Zhang Ping's body.

Then Zhang Ping controlled Nethermist to cut the tentacles like scissors.

His body made of pure water quickly deformed, manipulating Nethermist to roll up the fear scythe on the ground, and directly slashed at Zhu Yanbing on the ground.

Zhu Yanbing quickly rolled to avoid the slash of the sickle.

Missed a hit.

Zhang Ping immediately swung the sickle and slashed again, but Zhu Rina, who had just landed, wrapped the sickle far away with a flame whip.

"What are you still doing, come on!"

Feng Laixian loudly roared, and immediately rushed to Zhu Rina, more than ten meters away. Zhu Rina had to give up the flame whip and concentrate on dealing with Feng Laixian. .

Actually, it was only a few seconds since the three people hit Zhang Ping together. Everyone reacted and immediately rushed to the previously arranged opponent.

Zhang Ping waved the sickle again, but Zhu Yanbing had already seized the opportunity to get his black blade. The two weapons collided with each other, and numerous sparks were immediately rubbed.

"I'm so strong!"

Zhang Ping stepped back a few steps, feeling a little helpless.

He could take advantage of the situation and directly beat Zhu Yanbing to death, but Zhu Rina restrained him a little, but he gave Zhu Yanbing a chance to breathe.

He is not fighting with the fear sickle in his hand, otherwise the fear sickle will collide with Zhu Yanbing's black blade, and he will definitely fracture. He is completely manipulating the Nethermist to hold the fear sickle.

But even the power of Nethermist is still inferior to the power of Zhu Yanbing's ontology.

Zhang Ping estimates that Zhu Yanbing’s main attribute has at least a power attribute.

At this time, Zhu Yanbing had risen from the ground, and there were many burnt scars on his body. At this moment, the scars fell off one after another, revealing the flesh and blood that had just grown.

The tentacles behind him were cut off once, but now they have grown again.

"People with infinite abilities are hard to kill, you really can't keep you!" He looked at Zhang Ping, and didn't hide the killing intent at all.

Originally they thought that Zhang Ping was infinitely capable, and the three top awakeneds could not escape death under the full attack of the three top awakened, but they didn't expect Zhang Ping not only to be dead, but also unscathed.

This plan has led to their own disadvantage.

However, Zhu Yanbing believes that he still has a chance. No matter how strong the intermediate awakened is, his quality in all aspects is far inferior to the top awakened. After using the hole cards given by his family, he may not be able to kill Zhang Ping.

It's just this hole card, if not necessary, he really doesn't want to use it.

He took a deep breath and directly opened a secret compartment at the handle of the black blade, and a wicked eyeball was placed in the secret compartment.

This eyeball seems to be alive, and the pupils can move continuously on the surface of the eyeball, seeming to observe the situation all around.

Zhu Yanbing opened his mouth and swallowed his eyeballs directly, and then a Purple Qi exuding purple light gushed out of his body, which wrapped around his body and gradually formed a purple armor.

At the same time, his chest split open, and an eye appeared on the chest.

"Guai Er wakes up!"

Zhu Yanbing's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally closed his eyes.

But at this moment, a big hand pierced through the purple evil spirit and directly choked his neck.

"I'll be your opponent!"

Feng Laixian was burning with red flames all over, looking at Zhu Yanbing coldly said.

Then he threw Zhu Yanbing behind him, and at the same time a Fire Dragon composed of Great Sun True Fire chased Zhu Yanbing and swallowed Zhu Yanbing in an instant.

Zhu Yanbing roared in the fire, a large amount of purple evil spirit burst into the flame, and fell on the ground for a certain distance before stopping.

He glanced at not far away, Zhu Rina was already lying on the ground riddled with scars, life and death uncertain.


Zhu Yanbing looked at the phoenixian who had entered the form of the Great Sun Red Emperor and issued an angry roar.

Actually, if Zhu Sanchi played against Feng Laixian, Feng Laixian would have won so fast. The problem was that Zhu Rina's ability was almost completely defeated by Feng Laixian. Even Zhu Rina's moves made Fenglaixian like a great sun, and could enter the form of the great sun red emperor faster.

So Zhu Rina was a tragedy.

Feng Laixian immediately turned around to support Zhang Ping after solving Zhu Rina swiftly and neatly.

He knew very well that Zhang Ping did not seem to be injured, but it was actually injured. It was just that Zhang Ping used Nethermist to cover up, and these enemies didn't see it.

At this time, the ends of the tentacles behind Zhu Yanbing split open one after another, one after another purple eyes locked on Phoenix, and the next moment shot out purple rays one after another.

"such insignificant ability!"

Feng Laixian's body was covered by Great Sun True Fire, and she slammed into Zhu Yanbing with the rays. Zhu Yanbing immediately swung the black blade to cut the menacing Fenglaixian. The knife and fist were about to collide. Fenglaixian slightly smiled from the fist to the palm, just holding the black blade's blade, and then the flames swept towards Zhu Yanbing. .


Zhu Yanbing screamed in pain, and the armor on his body quickly collapsed.

"Everything in the world can divide yin and yang"

"Your ability is evil. If you distinguish between yin and yang, it must belong to yin, and my Great Sun True Fire is yang. Zhongzhiyang, conquer everything Force of Evil Yin!" Feng Laixian's voice came from the fire.

Zhu Yanbing was just about to wake up the evil fetus in his body and enter the state of Evil Godization.

Unfortunately, because Feng Laixian stepped in, forcibly interrupted his ability.

So he did not succeed in Evil Godization.

The eyes on his chest were constantly shaking in the flames, and suddenly a red light shot out. Feng Laixian was caught off guard, the whole person was directly penetrated by the red light, and he flew out.

"Ahhh Ahhhh!!!"

Zhu Yanbing fell on the ground, clutching his chest and let out a series of screams, and then the process of eyeballs protruding from his chest, even bulging Densely packed flesh-colored feet grow out of it.

"You must enter the Evil Godization as soon as possible!!!"

Although Zhu Yanbing was in great pain, his mind was very clear.

The eyeball he swallowed is called the Eye of Evil Resentment. This is an eye with endless evil resentment. It can not only greatly increase the content of evil energy, but also continuously provide evil energy.

The problem is the pupil of evil resentment. The way it is made is extremely inhuman. There are countless crazy undeads in the eyeballs. He is uncontrollable and can only be controlled after entering the Evil Godization.

Because after Evil God turns, his character will become extremely arrogant and arrogant, he will definitely not take the initiative to eat the pupil of evil grudges, so he can only eat it before entering Evil God transformation, and then with the most Enter the state of Evil God at a fast speed, and then completely control the pupil of evil grievances.

Unfortunately, Feng Laixian interrupted him when he awakened the evil fetus, so the pupil of evil was not suppressed by Evil God, and now began to run away.

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