Zhu Yanbing’s eyes trembled crazily on his chest, as if he wanted to get rid of Zhu Yanbing’s fleshy body.

But a dark black blood vessels tightly connect the two, so that crazy will begins to act on Zhu Yanbing himself, densely packed feet grow out of his body , He wanted to wake up the evil fetus several times, but was disturbed by these little feet, so that his success was defeated.

Not far away, Feng Laixian quickly got up from the ground, and the big hole in his chest recovered at a speed visible to naked eye. He saw this scene slightly frowned, and raised his hand to shoot out a Great Sun True Fire.

The problem is that the Great Sun True Fire fell on that eye, and it couldn't be burned.

"Zhu Family...Sure enough, I still like this kind of demons crooked way!"

Feng Laixian looked at Zhu Yanbing rolling on the ground with disgust, and took two steps back after finishing talking. .

Then he rode up his horse and blasted out three consecutive waves of chaos at Zhu Yanbing.

"As expected of Fenglaixian, the form of the Great Sun Red Emperor, too strong."

Zhang Ping stood not far from Fenglaixian and did not intervene in the fight. He looked at Zhu Yan Bing was battered by the three chaos, and he thought to himself.

In fact, his injury has almost recovered.

Most of the attacks of Zhu Yanbing and Zhu Sanchi were blocked by the Petal Shield gems, mainly because Zhu Rina's small sun instantly evaporated a lot of water from him, which threatened him the most.

Speaking of which, Zhu Yanbing, Zhu Sanchi, and Zhu Rina still underestimated him, that's why we have the current situation.

Now they have completely gained the upper hand. Zhu Yanbing is the only three top awakened in Zhu Family, and only Zhu Yanbing still has some resistance. Feng Laixian is enough to suppress Zhu Yanbing.

In the high level awakened battle, there is no suspense at all because there are far more people here than on the other side.

As Liu Sishan said, if they still lose to the opponent in this case, it means that there is a problem with the training method of the sweeping team.

At this moment, Zhang Shouzhong was violently beating Zhu Yanzhi with Zhao Yanlong. Cheng Xuejie and Lu Han instantly killed the awakened on the opposite side. Now they are glare like a tiger watching his prey with Liu Sishan watching Cao Fang.

"die, die, die, die!!!"

Suddenly, Zhu Yanbing made a sharp scream, and his body bounced abnormally.

His whole body began to split, growing densely packed eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and even a lot of small hands and feet.

"I'm grassy, ​​so disgusting!"

Zhang Shouzhong stopped violently beating Zhu Yanzhi, and when he turned around to see Zhu Yanbing's horrible look, he suddenly felt that the intensive phobia was committed. .

Others were also shocked by Zhu Yanbing's disgusting appearance, and they all stepped back, even those on Zhu Yanbing's side.

But the people on Zhu Yanbing's side didn't think Zhu Yanbing was disgusting, but they knew what Zhu Yanbing was all about.

Zhu Yanzhi was hurt all over, holding the hamster back quickly, and murmured to himself as he retreated: "How is it possible, how can Captain get out of control!"

" It's over, this time is over." Cao Fang looked at Zhu Yanbing in despair.

Her ability can only be lifted when she is dead, otherwise she can't be lifted, but because of this absolute attribute, her ability is effective for awakened below King.

It's really a cocoon!

She gave a wry smile, and simply stepped back to the corner, trying to make herself as inconspicuous as possible.

At this moment, all of Zhu Yanbing’s eyes suddenly looked at Zhu Yanzhi, Zhu Yanzhi’s eyes widened suddenly, and he hurriedly shouted: "Captain, I’m Zhu Yanzhi, I am... myself ......"


Densely packed rays shot from Zhu Yanbing's eyes, and Zhu Yanzhi was shot into a sieve in an instant.


Zhu Yanzhi slowly knelt down, opened his mouth, and finally fell to the ground and died.

Then Zhu Yanbing twisted his body and aimed at an awakened, densely packed ray again. Although the awakened tried to dodge, it was still hit by the ray and his body was cut during the movement. Into countless pieces.

"Your opponent is me!"

Although Feng Laixian does not sympathize with Zhu Yanzhi and the others, this method of death is disgusting.

He rushed directly to Zhu Yanbing, his body was instantly injured by Zhu Yanbing's eyes, but the rays from these eyes were too small, and this injury was not fatal to him.

In an instant, he knocked Zhu Yanbing to the ground, and then hit him with punch after punch.

At this moment, all the mouths of Zhu Yanbing's body made a sharp cry, all eyes looked towards Fenglaixian, the huge eyes on the chest shot out a beam of light, the rays of other eyes fuse together , Directly blasted Feng Laixian from the ground into the air.

"Monkey King Style, Great Saint from heaven!"

Feng Lai was immortal in the air, and the densely packed wounds healed quickly. He looked at Zhu Yan who was still twisting on the ground. Bing, shouting loudly, fell from the sky and brought the Great Sun True Fire onto Zhu Yanbing's body. Under the strong force, Zhu Yanbing's body was directly trampled off with one foot.

But at the next moment, before he could stand firm, a small arm on Zhu Yanbing's body swelled fiercely and swept him out neatly.

Zhu Yanbing's little hands and feet began to swell quickly, and then densely packed black bloodshots connected his upper body and lower body together.

At this time, he can no longer see the appearance of many humans. Two huge arms are lying on the ground, and the other arms are held together to completely wrap his body. There are only countless legs from His legs stretched out, entangled with each other to form a limb similar to the tail of a scorpion.

The pupil of evil resentment slowly came out of Zhu Yanbing's chest and eyes, just in the forefront of the'Scorpion', exuding an aura of evil resentment.

"What the hell is that?"

When Zhang Ping saw Feng Laixian being photographed, he looked at Zhu Yanbing solemnly.

When he saw that eye, he had a strange feeling, subconsciously, he activated the Appraisal Technique to the eye.

In an instant, countless images appeared before his eyes, and densely packed men and women were driven into a large circular pit.

"Mother, I'm so scared!"

A little girl looked at the person wearing a black robe above the big pit in fear, curled up in her mother's arms, milky and milky Said.

The little girl’s mother was also frightened, but she comforted the child. She actually didn’t understand what Zhu Family members wanted to do. It was obvious that the rebels had already hit the city wall. Why? Want them to come here?

"Grandma, I will support you. When the resistance comes, we will be free."

A young man supported an old grandma, and he quietly glanced with hatred The black robed man above the big pit, whispered whispered.

This big pit is big enough to hold thousands of people. Densely packed Zhucheng residents in ragged clothes were ordered to gather in the big pit. They didn’t understand what Zhu Family people wanted to do. Zhu Family's martial power can only obey orders under duress.

After everyone entered the pit, several black robed men pressed their hands on the ground, and the ground overturned in an instant, trapping everyone in the pit.


"What do you want to do, let us go out soon."

"wu wu wu, mother, mother...ah."

For a time, the people in the big pit felt something was wrong.

The young and strong young people immediately tried to break through. The old people realized the purpose of Zhu Family and looked at the youngsters distressedly. The children cried and the mothers were afraid of distress. Coax the child.

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