These people don’t know what Zhu Family wants to do to them.

They are all ordinary persons, too far away from the awakened world.

Although the rule of Zhu Family is brutal, the rulers are not without brains, at least the information related to the sacrificial offering ceremony, they will certainly not leak to these ordinary persons.

In the big pit, they abused, guessed, begged for mercy, and wept bitterly, but they didn't make any sense.

In the dark pit, I don’t know how long it took, suddenly light appeared above, and then a lot of food fell from above.

Everyone gathered at the light source to eat the food. Suddenly an egg fell on the food pile. The egg cracked quickly. Everyone stopped and looked at the egg one after another.


A tiny bloodshot stabbed from the egg, killing an old man in an instant.

"Ah, it's an alienated beast!"

Someone reacted immediately and quickly stepped back.

But there was also a young man who was very brave and immediately gritted his teeth and walked forward, punching the egg.

But it was useless. His fist fell on the egg without leaving a trace.


The young man shouted unwillingly, beating the egg frantically, and gradually leaving countless blood marks on his fists.

Other people saw this scene and immediately tried to smash the egg, but even if everyone worked together, the egg was still intact.

Finally, after a few hours, everyone is tired.

Everyone stayed away from the egg and gathered together to rest.


I don't know when, another person died.

Everyone got together again in despair and madness, desperately trying to destroy the egg, but it still made no sense.

Next, day after day, people continued to die, old people, children, young people, and women. This egg was obviously a random murder, and everyone here was its prey.

When everyone was numb, the egg was taken away.

"Zhu Family...what does it want to do?"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Ping can't guess the purpose of Zhu Family at all.

The mental state of these people is obviously not normal, and their emotions have all become extremely sensitive.

Suddenly, a large amount of blood fell into the big pit from above...

Zhang Ping saw this and immediately breathed, he could feel the despair of these people firsthand. He also experienced the pain of suffocation.

But he still underestimated the cruelty of Zhu Family...

There is something in the blood!

Screaming, moaning in pain, and crying of fear from children, one after another.

Suddenly densely packed bloodshot pierced from the blood, and instantly hooked the skin of these people. They didn't want to sink, so they could only go upstream frantically, the skin was torn apart one after another bloodstain.


In the end, there were only countless mournful scream left in the blood.

When everyone died, the blood began to solidify under the guidance of a certain force, and then a huge vortex was formed.

A round crystal fell from the small hole above the big pit, and the blood and the corpse were quickly absorbed by the crystal.

I don’t know how long it took, the Zhu Family put the egg from the previous killing again, and the egg finally cracked. A strange and indescribable alienated beast crawled out of the egg and opened its mouth. Swallow.

Naked eye is visible, and its forehead is split.

The crystal appeared on its forehead and gradually turned into an eyeball.

【Evil Resentment Eye: Demon Scorpion has obtained the terrifying eye bred by the crystal that seals countless evil spirits. It has endless evil energy and contains the souls of countless innocent people, but these souls have qualitatively changed. 】

This time, Zhu Family’s ceremony is the opposite.

Instead of using the alienated beast's materials to make special equipment, it uses certain natural characteristics of the alienated beast to cultivate even more bizarre organs.

And under certain conditions, this organ becomes the most terrifying equipment.

If Zhu Yanbing succeeds in awakening the evil fetus, and his body enters the state of Evil Godization, then he who has the pupil of evil resentment is equivalent to unlimited energy to squander, even if it is Fenglaixian It is difficult to resist his endless attacks.

It's just that Zhu Yanbing obviously has scruples, so he uses this move without at first.

Zhang Ping witnessed the process of making the pupil of evil grievances, and felt very uncomfortable in his heart. It is difficult to describe what he saw by text description, so it is difficult to understand his mood at this moment.

He looked at Zhu Yanbing, who was like a strange scorpion, and his body was transformed into a body of flesh and blood, and then into a body of king blood.

"Feng Hall Master, he will let me solve it!"

Zhang Ping walked to Zhu Yanbing, and when he passed Fenglaixian, he said directly.

As he approached Zhu Yanbing, or approached countless delirious wraiths, these wraiths directly controlled Zhu Yanbing to make a sharp howling, and the tail fell directly at him.

The lotus shield is in full bloom, just blocking the tail's attack.

The Nethermist on Zhang Ping's body quickly dissipated. The moment the lotus shield broke, he reached out and touched the'tail' and quickly penetrated into Zhu Yanbing's body.

In an instant, countless chaotic, self-conscious souls appeared in his induction, and Zhu Yanbing had obviously lost consciousness.

He quickly grasped Zhu Yanbing’s physical condition, and then tried to talk to these undead, but no matter how much he sent out, these undead still have no ego, they are like one after another program, only left Revenge, killing, resentment.

At this moment, he understood the nature of these wraiths. They were no longer the original people, but were completely transformed by the power of the demon scorpion and completely destroyed the Spirit Physique.

There is no self, no consciousness, only'task'.

But this'task' is too cruel.

Zhang Ping can feel the residual pain of these undead, they are like the experience of reincarnation of death, constantly deepening their own pain and resentment.

It is this endless cycle that brings endless evil energy.

"What can I do for them?"

Zhang Ping feels very uncomfortable, but his ability cannot avenge these painful souls, nor can they bring them to rest. .

He controlled the blood to leave Zhu Yanbing's body, and for an instant Zhu Yanbing's tail hit him again, but he was blocked by Nethermist.

Next, the densely packed Nethermist turned into a sharp blade and inserted it into Zhu Yanbing's body, directly cutting off the connection between Zhu Yanbing and the pupil of the evil grievance.

After entering Zhu Yanbing's body, Zhang Ping grasped all the conditions of Zhu Yanbing's body, and naturally understood how Zhu Yanbing and the pupil of evil grievance were connected together.

Just understand this, Zhu Yanbing is just the meat on the chopping board, he can cook whatever he wants.

However, Zhang Ping only calmly gave Zhu Yanbing a knife.

After killing Zhu Yanbing, he slowly walked in front of Zhu Yanbing, bending over to pick up the pupil of evil resentment after falling off.

Suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly, and he immediately reached out and touched his forehead, and a hexagonal emerald slowly grew from the center of his eyebrows.

After using Appraisal Technique, he saw that he had one more ability.

【Pure gems: Supreme gems containing the clean world are condensed in the center of the eyebrows, which can guide and absorb Spirit Physique contained in them, and all kinds of wonderful spirits will be born.

Note: Your heart is the world, which will affect the abilities of every spirit. 】

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