In addition to this ability, his potential has also changed.

Originally, after Zhang Ping got Zhao Yanhu's blood, his potential skyrocketed to eight stars, but after the formation of the Jewel of the Pure Realm, his potential was exhausted and all eight stars were gone!

Without waiting for Zhang Ping to think about it, suddenly the eyes of evil resentment in his hand burst out with endless black air.

Densely packed undead flying out in the black air, and then spinning frantically around Zhang Ping, their shapes are very vague, their faces are twisted and ugly, all of them are watching Zhang Ping with malicious intent.

Then an undead hit the jewel on Zhang Ping's brow, and he suddenly screamed and knelt on the ground.

At the moment the undead hit the gem, he seemed to feel the pain of the undead. If it turns out that he only understood it on the surface, like the pain of skin-cutting, then this moment is a pain in the heart.

When Feng Laixian saw this scene, he immediately strode forward. His Great Sun True Fire is the most restrained against this kind of evil things, and a fire can burn all these undead.

"Don't come here!"

Zhang Ping gritted his teeth and endured the pain of the undead, and immediately stopped speaking.

"so that's how it is, huh...this is really...hehe!"

Zhang Ping covered the jewel on the eyebrow with his hand, after slowing down, he looked up The undead all around densely packed already understand in their hearts how to use the pure world gems.

He needs to guide these painful souls into the clean world, and the way to enter is through the gem on his forehead.

But this process is not beautiful. In the process of entering, he will feel the pain of the undead, and he must use his own spiritual power to fight against this pain. Only he can resist the invasion of pain. Only the undead can get rid of the past, reach the clean world within the gem, and become a new spirit.

In simple terms, he is like a layer of filter, intercepting the resentment and pain of these undead, so that the undead can usher in a new life.

"I won't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

Zhang Ping looked at the densely packed and revolving souls around him, recalling the scenes he saw in Appraisal Technique, Finally a wry smile.

He really wants to do something for these poor people. If he doesn't have the ability, then forget it, but now he has the ability.

Then, even if the process is painful, he still wants to do it.

It's just that he doesn't know if he can bear such a huge pain.

There are thousands of undead, each of whom died in extreme pain, and was repeatedly tortured in the pupil of evil grudges. This pain has accumulated for more than two hundred years. .

"So... do you want to do it?"

"Want to do it!"

Zhang Ping asks his heart and answers himself.

He closed his eyes, first took a deep breath, and then loudly said to Feng Laixian and the others: "I am probably going to do something crazy. Don't interfere. Don't Attack these poor undead, please believe me!"

After finishing speaking, he put down the hand covering the gems, gritted his teeth and said: "Come on, I will purify all your pain!"

next moment, these undead are like piranha smelling blood, all surging crazily, and then an undead hits on the gem of the pure world, and the body is instantly absorbed by the gem of the pure world. There are countless black ones. The breath was immediately intercepted outside the pure gem.

Zhang Ping this time has sufficient psychological preparation, but it is still groaned, blood vessels protruding one after another, eyes widening, seeing the dark pit, nose smelling fishy smell, endless The pain came, and he could only make no sound by clenching his teeth.

An undead, trapped in the pupil of evil grievances for more than two hundred years, everyday all repeats the experience before death, which is equivalent to repeating 73,000 times in 365 days a year and 200 years.


Zhang Ping originally thought that his will was sufficient to resist the suffering of the undead, but at this moment he realized that his will was not as strong as he thought. Only part of the pain of an undead made him want to die.

both of his hands tightly grasped the steel plate on the ring, and gradually his fingernails split, leaving a line of blood on the ground.

Finally, the first undead successfully entered the clean world, but before Zhang Ping breathed a sigh of relief, the next undead could not wait to hit the pure world gem. He once again experienced the almost desperate pain.

Next, one after another, the undead continued to enter the clean world through the pure gems.

Zhang Ping's screams never stopped, and finally his voice became hoarse and tired.

Others looked at Zhang Ping anxiously, while Cao Fang and the others did not dare to act rashly, but looked at Zhang Ping in shock. They knew the terrifying of these undead better than Liu Sishan and the others.

Although I don't know what Zhang Ping is doing, just listening to Zhang Ping's screams can realize what a painful experience it is.

Zhang Shouzhong clenched his fists and whispered, "Is Zhang Ping really okay?"

"Trust him."

Liu Sishan has nail piercings Into the meat, whispered.

She knew that Zhang Ping must have learned something, so she insisted on doing so. She believes in Zhang Ping's choice and believes that Zhang Ping will definitely stick to it.

Five minutes, ten minutes...

The undead around Zhang Ping have not diminished in the slightest.

These undead can't wait to enter the clean world, they don't have self-thinking, this is completely instinct.

Probably not much different from Piranha's smell of blood.

Zhang Ping has no strength to scream, he is paralyzed on the ground, his whole body is wet with sweat, and at the same time he is exhausted, his spirit also begins to trance.

He doesn't know if he is in the big pit or where.

Even, he doesn't know how bad his state is, and he doesn't have extra energy to think about how dangerous he is.

But when he was about to reach his limit, he seemed to be back to school.

It was a hot afternoon, and the cool breeze blew into the teacher. He woke up dazedly and found Su Jingyao lying on the desk, looking at him with sullen eyes.

Su Jingyao seemed to be talking, but he couldn't hear what Su Jingyao was saying. He tried hard to guess what Su Jingyao's mouth shape, and finally realized that she was saying: "Hold on!"

Not far from the waterfall, the ground where Su Jingyao's human skins are buried.

A blue beam of light penetrated the material and rose into the sky, flying towards the location of Zhang Ping at a very fast speed.

Zhang Ping also opened his eyes suddenly at this moment, a little awake, but soon this awakeness was overwhelmed by endless pain.

"What's that?" Zhang Shouzhong looked up at the sky at this time, and saw a blue light group flying quickly.

Liu Sishan squinted slightly, and then her pupils contracted slightly. In the rays of light, she vaguely saw an unfamiliar face. During her investigation of Zhang Ping, she saw this face. .

"Su Jingyao? How could it be!" she muttered to herself in a daze.

This time group fell and turned into a silhouette of light blue. She happened to stop by Zhang Ping's side. She knelt on the ground, her hand on Zhang Ping's shoulder, and the blue streamer slowly merged into Zhang Ping. In the body.

next moment, centered on Zhang Ping, the ground is covered by white light.

A white spirit emerges from the rays of light. They have no specific faces, only a general human shape, but they all kneel beside Zhang Ping and stroke Zhang Ping's body with their hands. , The streamer of one after another white is also integrated into Zhang Ping's body.

These spirits are the spirits that Zhang Ping has just purified. Under Su Jingyao's communication, after learning about the state of Zhang Ping, they all spontaneously appeared, using their meager power to relieve Zhang Ping's pain.

Next, countless spirits were purified and successfully entered the clean world.

Then they came out spontaneously, all surrounded by Zhang Ping, using their extremely weak power to guard Zhang Ping, who was trying to protect them.

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