As time goes on, more and more spirits change from black to white.

The spirits surrounding Zhang Ping all change from distortion, despair, resentment, and pain to peace, tranquility, gratitude, and joy.

This scene is too shocking.

The people present all quieted down spontaneously, witnessing the miraculous picture in front of them.

Finally, the last black undead entered the clean world from the pure world gem, and then it also emerged from the white rays of light, gathered around all the spirits, waiting for Zhang Ping to wake up .

Zhang Ping was actually not in a coma, just immersed in the aftermath of pain.

To put it simply, it means that there is phantom pain after the pain, and he hasn't alleviated it yet.

About half an hour later, he slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Su Jingyao next to him, his expression was as changeable as a trick. He was surprised at first, then surprised, and then It was unbelievable later, and finally tried to believe it.

"Su Jingyao, you are not dead!"

He immediately got up and wanted to hug Su Jingyao, but his body passed through Su Jingyao and hugged him directly. The smile on his face suddenly solidified.

Then he felt an invisible force pushing him away. He sat up straight before realizing it later that he was surrounded by countless white Spirit Physiques.

He was surprised and stunned at first, then clear comprehension, and he couldn't help but smile.

At this time, Su Jingyao smiled lightly at him, stretched out his hand and tapped lightly between his eyebrows, and then entered the clean world through the pure world gemstone in an instant, and then all the spirits bowed slightly to him Some even kissed his face or waved to him, and finally all returned to the clean world through the white light on the ground.

Zhang Ping knows that these spirits are actually very weak and cannot stay outside the clean world for too long. Even the Spirit Physique of Su Jingyao is not that stable.

So they all need to stay in the clean world for a while before they can appear in this world at will.

After all the spirits had left, Zhang Ping looked at his bloodied hands. For some reason, his mood became more and more cheerful, and finally couldn't help but laugh.

Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping and couldn't help but smiled slightly at this moment.

She suddenly figured it out.

Although she is not going to give up revenge for the Master, she is not going to continue torturing herself. She is also influenced by Zhang Ping at this moment.

"Okay, after watching the show, it's time to work!"

Zhang Shouzhong turned around with a smile on his face and looked at Cao Fang and the others eagerly.

And Cao Fang and the remaining awakened immediately gathered together, staring defensively at Zhang Shouzhong, Liu Sishan and the others,

But when Feng Laixian stepped forward, they It became desperate. If it was just Zhang Shouzhong, Liu Sishan and the others, they would have the courage to fight even the last one.

Can face Feng Laixian, they don't even have the courage to do it.

At this time, Zhang Ping got up from the ground, and both of his hands turned into pure water, which quickly recovered after absorbing water molecules in the air.

He smiled and walked to Liu Sishan's side, looking at Cao Fang and the other awakened.

It was originally nine to nine. He used the floating cannon gems to directly kill a high level awakened. Lu Han and the others quickly solved one person. After Zhu Yanbing lost control, he killed Zhu Yanzhi and the other awakened. After excluding Zhu Yanbing, Zhu Sanchi, and Zhu Rina, there are only two people left on Cao Fang's side.

"Surrender and accept the trial of the sweeping team. If you haven't done too much in the past, you may not be sentenced to death!" Zhang Ping looked at the two persuaded.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "Yes, continue to put up a desperate struggle, you only have a dead end."

"Ha...hahahahaha, there is no hope anymore, surrender... It doesn't exist at all." Cao Fang looked at Zhang Ping and the others desperately, and a desperate laugh suddenly broke out in the silence.

Zhang Ping slightly frowned, immediately used Appraisal Technique on Cao Fang. After reading Cao Fang’s attributes, he sighed.

It turns out that this ring is at work.

Now that the effect of restraining the gemstones has long since disappeared, he wondered why the Sun God bird did not appear. After reading Cao Fang's attributes, he finally understood the reason.

This ring will not only trap everyone, but also eliminate the influence on the outside world and avoid the appearance of enemy reinforcements. Therefore, within the range of this ring, the Sun God Birds are also unaware of their breath.

Zhang Ping told everyone about Cao Fang's information, and then turned around and said: "What should they do? You can decide."

He knew very well that Cao Fang and another awakened They must die, otherwise this ring will trap them alive.

Feng Laixian immediately decided: "Then give them a good time!"

He didn't plan to discuss with anyone, so he waved his hand violently after speaking, Great Sun of crimson True Fire directly awakened Cao Fang and another awakened burn to ashes.

After the two died, he turned around to make up for Zhu Sanchi who was still alive.

As soon as Zhu Sanchi died, the ring quickly collapsed.


As soon as the ring broke up, the Sun God bird in the distant underground immediately sensed the breath of Zhang Ping, so the extinguished earth fire surged again, and even the distant volcano erupted again.

"Go, the Sun God bird has already sensed us, we must quickly enter the place of experience!" Zhang Ping said immediately.

Everyone sprinted towards the huge silhouette in front of them, and after crossing the mountain where Zhu Yanbing ambushed them, a huge toad was clearly visible.

"Walk around, the Sun God bird is coming out!" Feng Laixian sensed the position of the Sun God bird, getting faster and faster, and finally even ran.

Cheng Xuejie ran and suddenly eyes shined and said: "Morning glory, there are over there."

"I'll pick it, everyone keep running!"


Feng Laixian immediately speeded up to the position where the morning glory bloomed.

Behind them, hundreds of kilometers away, the ground suddenly burst open, and a huge fire bird soared into the sky, then hovered high in the sky, locking its eyes on the little black spot that was running in the distance.

It didn't drill straight up through the ground, but slanted upward in the direction of Zhang Ping and others, so the distance was much closer than Zhang Ping and others estimated.

Behind Shanzu is the place of experience, which is an ancient portal.

Its huge body only left a tiny gap for the portal, probably only enough for a person to pass through. It lay on the ground and looked up at the sky, its cloudy eyes reflecting the flame bird in the sky.


Feng Laixian came back very quickly. He ran to everyone and quickly distributed the morning glory to everyone .

But his face is getting more and more solemn, the Sun God bird is flying, the distance is getting closer and closer.

The closer they get to Shanzu, the more they can feel the horrible breath of Shanzu. But everyone can only hold the morning glory in his hand, brace oneself gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

"Zhang Ping, you go in first!"

Feng Laixian can feel that the Sun God bird is only a thousand meters away from them.

He grabbed Zhang Ping with one hand and pushed forward forcefully. Zhang Ping rushed into the field of experience like a rocket booster, and then he grabbed Bai De Push forward, and then Liu Sishan, Zhang Shouzhong and the others were also pushed into the land of experience one after another.


Feng Laixian ran forward with all his strength after sending people into the land of experience, but he knew very well that it was too late.

In an instant, the Sun God bird had entered within fifty meters, the hot breath had begun to bake the earth, and the ground was scorched and blackened at a speed visible to naked eye.

Fenglaixian is only ten meters away from the place of experience, but these ten meters are like a moat.

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