At this moment, Feng Laixian calmed down instead.

When he made a choice, he knew in his heart that he might not have time to enter the place of experience.

But he does not regret it.

Because he has sent the seeds of hope that can save Pearl City to the place of experience, in the future these seeds will surely take root and become the towering trees sheltering Pearl City.

The place of experience seems to have a magical power that isolates the outside temperature from the portal, but Zhang Ping and the others can still see the scenery outside the place of experience.

"Feng Hall Master, come in!" Zhang Ping turned around and saw the Sun God bird getting closer and closer, he shouted hard.

Feng Laixian just smiled slightly at Zhang Ping, instead, she turned around and prepared to see the Sun God bird again, and then went to die calmly.

But the moment he turned around, a loud thunderous noise suddenly rang in his ears.


Shanzu suddenly opened his mouth, and a mossy tongue shot out instantly.

The speed of this tongue is incredible. In a blink of an eye, it penetrates the Sun God bird's chest, and then pulls the impossibly Sun God bird into his mouth and swallows it.

Whether it is Zhang Ping or Feng Laixian, their mouths are open at this moment, and their heads are blank.

But ginger is always old and spicy.

At this moment, Situ Shibai opened the mouth and said timely: "Zhang Ping, let Feng Laixian come in, the morning glory in his hand has withered!"

Zhang Ping After reacting, he simply rushed out of the place of experience. The ground was originally extremely hot, but everything he passed quickly became cooler. He ran to Feng Laixian, turned Feng Laixian and ran back.

When both of them returned to the land of experience, Fenglaixian opened the mouth and said: "You shouldn't come out."

"Your morning glory!" Zhang Ping took a breath and reminded.

Feng Laixian looked at the morning glory in his hand. Under the high temperature of the Sun God bird, the morning glory had turned into black dried morning glory.

If he didn't enter the place of experience in time, he might be attacked by Shanzu.

"Really didn't expect...The Sun God bird was swallowed by Shanzu." Zhang Shouzhong said with a shocked expression at this moment.

Cheng Xuejie looked at some withered morning glory in her hand and whispered: "Fortunately, Shanzu doesn’t like to eat morning glory."

"In fact, those morning glory are all The investigation team is outside, but the old man hasn't come for a long time, so I'm not sure if there are any more." Situ Shibai said with a smile.

Because he was not sure whether the morning glory was still there, he reminded Zhang Ping to pay attention to looking for morning glory along the way.

Zhang Ping looked at the place of experience at this time and asked: "Old Mister Situ, there seems to be nothing but trees here."

"Yes, Captain, investigation team What can you experience here?" Zhang Shouzhong asked in agreement, scanning the sparse trees.

Others also looked at Zhang Ping’s bracelet. Situ Shibai’s voice came out: "Hehe, this is only the outermost periphery of the land of experience. The direction behind Zhang Shouzhong is a small room prepared by the investigation team. You should I’m tired. Let’s take a break and set foot in the place of experience tomorrow."

"Well, we are indeed in poor condition now, so let’s go to the cabin mentioned by Captain and rest for one night. Tomorrow Explore the place of experience again." Liu Sishan nodded agreed.

Everyone walked in the direction that Situ Shibai said, and after about five minutes walk, they saw a small house made of rocks.

The cabin does not have a door lock, there are only six simple straw beds inside, and there are also some messages left by the investigation team.

After confirming that these straw beds were okay, Zhang Shouzhong lay directly on a bed, opened his hands and feet in a big font, and closed his eyes to say with a smile: "Ah, I can finally rest."

"I'll look at the surrounding situation!" Lu Han opened the mouth and said at this time.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "Make sure the surrounding situation is really necessary. I will go with Senior Lu."

"I will come." Bai De opened at this time the mouth and said.

His sense of smell and hearing are both one of the very best in the audience, so he is more suitable for this type of work.

Liu Sishan looked at Bai De and saw that Bai De showed a kind smile, so he nodded and said: "Then trouble the white instructor!"

"Everyone is for Pearl City, No trouble if there is any trouble." Bai De said with a smile.

Zhang Ping handed a few bomb gems to Bai De and Lu Han, opened the mouth and said: "Senior Lu, instructor Bai, after all, this is a place of experience, please be careful, if you encounter alienation Beast, as long as you use these gems, I will immediately notice the situation on your side."

"Got it, let's go!" Bai De accepted the bomb gem, nodded responded.

He just used a bomb gem when he fought against Zhu Family. He knew that the bomb gem formidable power is not big, but it does have its own uniqueness. Detonation at a critical moment can have miraculous effects.

Zhang Ping watched the two leave, and then chose a bed to lie down. His physical exertion was not great, but his mentality was close to the limit.

He closed his eyes, next moment thoughts move, and saw a holy and peaceful space.

All the spirits are resting in this space, while Su Jingyao is sitting in the air, her body emitting a faint blue light.

Perhaps sensing his gaze, Su Jingyao slowly opened her eyes, she raised her head to look in the direction where Zhang Ping's line of sight fell, smiled calmly, and then closed her eyes again and entered the state of meditation again.

Out of curiosity, Zhang Ping tried to use Appraisal Technique on Su Jingyao.

[Successful identification]

[Summoned Beast: Su Jingyao]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Guardian Spirit ]

[Potential: ⭐]

[lifespan: none]

[level: primary level Guardian Spirit]

[level :3]

【innate talent】

【divine sense force: can substantive spirit strength, thereby interfering with real matter, the stronger the spirit strength, the stronger the interference force. 】

【Spiritual Guardian: There is a very small probability of perceiving the state and safety of the target being guarded, and reminding or supporting the opponent in the form of a dream. King’s Blood Identification: This is the inherent talent of Guardian Spirit, hidden attribute: the more dangerous the target is, the higher the probability of perception. ]

[Absolute Order: You have absolute sovereignty over Summoned Beast, and Summoned Beast absolutely cannot violate your order]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner’s order, Summoner's orders, you will faithfully execute them]


Obviously, after Su Jingyao changed from a human to a Spirit Physique, there is no single potential.

But Zhang Ping looked at the explanation of Spirit Guardian, and suddenly remembered that Moon Prince was round the night, Su Jingyao awakened him.

I thought it was just a dream.

Only at this moment did he realize that it was a warning given to him by Su Jingyao.

He retracted his gaze, and his spirit quit the clean world.

At this moment, he wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh, he couldn't cry even if he wanted to cry, he clenched his fist slightly, and made up his mind secretly to cultivate Su Jingyao into a powerful Spirit no matter what. Physique, even...resurrection is not impossible to think about.

"Hehe, the motivation is not here!"

Zhang Ping simply got up from the bed, took out a contract gem condensed in advance, swallowed it, and then sat cross-legged and meditated.

After experiencing countless pains, he is not that absolutely does not have gains, at least his current mental toughness is unimaginable, and he can easily enter a deep meditation state and quickly recover what he has consumed spirit strength.

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