No words for a night.

In the morning of second day, it was probably related to the light rain yesterday, and the grove in the Land of Experience was misted.

Bai De and Feng Laixian got up early, hit a lost deer in the woods, and set up a bonfire outside the house for barbecue. Fenglaixian is good at grilling. After being peeled, the deer is skewered with wooden sticks, and the meat is golden in flame roasting and exudes a charming aroma.

"Morning, instructor Bai, Master Feng Hall."

Zhang Ping meditated for a whole night, walked out of the hut after the meditation, and greeted the two of them.

He chose a relatively clean rock, used the Inflammator to instantly dry the mist on the rock, and then he held the rock with both hands, stood upside down and started doing push-ups.

After a night of meditation, he has now fully recovered both his physical strength and spirit strength.

After doing about 1,500 handstand push-ups, Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu also got up one after another. They came out and saw Zhang Ping working so hard, so they also did push-ups next to them.

"I'll move my muscles and bones too!"

Bai De saw that the deer still needs to bake for a while, so he got up and said with a smile.

The physical fitness of the four of them is not bad, and they can chat while exercising. When Zhang Ping asked about the condition of the woods, Bai De told Zhang Ping about the situation of the inspection yesterday.

The place of experience is actually located on the edge of a great valley.

Its all around are high mountains and cliffs. Not only are the rocks hard and steep, but there are also unknown forces interference. Anyone who does not enter the place of experience from the main entrance will definitely get lost in the middle.

After entering through the main entrance, the first thing you see is a sparse wood, with a relatively open line of sight.

Because investigation teams bring newcomers to experience all the year round, there are very few animals in this place. Only some ordinary animals will stay in this place for avoiding predators or other reasons, and finally become the investigation team. The game of the members.

Bai De and Lu Han went all around the hut for a few times, and none of the alienated beasts were encountered. It can be said that the forest is quite safe.

"What's the situation behind the forest?" Zhang Ping asked after listening.

Bai De frowned, recalling and replied: "Behind the woods is a bit strange. The picture I saw is completely different from Lu Han. What I saw was a swampland, and what Lu Han saw was Desert, the problem is...we are actually on the edge of the cliff now, there shouldn’t be that much space in front of it."

"Then you guys have a look out there?" Zhang Ping was surprised.

Bai De shook his head and said: "No, Lu Han and I are in the spirit of doing more than less, so we didn't go out to check."

"hehe, the place of experience itself is a relic. On the periphery of, its space is chaotic and disorderly. Whether it is the swamp you see or the desert that Lu Han sees, it is all real." Situ Shibai said at this time.

Because of the influence of Ancient Ruins, there are eight special scenes in the periphery of Experience Land. These scenes are real, not fantasy.

The reason why the investigation team regards this place as a place of experience is precisely because the eight special scenes can hone newcomers to a great extent, and the risk is not too high.

"Snake and insect rainforest, poison swamp, scorpion desert, wolves snowfield, rare beast island, lost plain, dead plateau, and Heavenly God peak, each of these eight scenes has its own unique role , Only through the first seven scenes in turn, and then ascend to the top of the Heavenly God peak, can you see the entrance of Ancient Ruins.” Situ Shibai said slowly.

Bai De frowned: "So troublesome?"

"Old Mister Situ, can't you go directly to the Heavenly God Peak?" Zhang Ping also felt a little troublesome.

Situ Shibai replied: "The first seven scenes are actually equivalent to password locks. How do you open the door without entering the password?"

"I understand." Zhang Ping said clearly. .

The investigation team just used the peculiarities of Ancient Ruins. The place of experience itself is simply not a place of experience, but a special password used to protect the entrance of Ancient Ruins.

Bai De opened the mouth and said at this time: "Wait, since these scenes are disordered, what is the use of even knowing the password?"

"This requires With a little skill, different people will see different scenes when there are many people. If you want to enter a scene, you only need to pull the hand of the person who saw that scene, then you can follow along. I can wait. Every once in a while, the scene that the same person sees will also change. Just wait until the scene you need appears.” Situ Shibai explained.

Bai De suddenly realized, thinking: "In other words, the first thing we need to enter is the snake and insect rainforest."

"Yes!" Situ Shibai replied.

At this time, Feng Laixian opened the mouth and said: "Okay, everyone, come and have breakfast."

Everyone stopped exercising and Zhang Ping went into the house to wake up. Those who are still asleep, and the others started to eat breakfast, at the same time Bai De repeated the information just provided by Situ Shibai, so that everyone knew.

"Only those with infinite abilities are eligible to enter the ruins, so all we need to do is send Zhang Ping to the entrance to the Heavenly God Peak. Does that mean?" Feng Laixian finished listening , Cut off a piece of meat with a knife, and said while eating.

Situ Shibai said with a smile: "Yes, that's it."

"Eight scenes, I hope it won't take too much time." Liu Sishan sighed.

Lu Han sighed: "Everyone, eat quickly, clear the customs as soon as possible and save Pearl City as soon as possible. If we delay a little longer, it may be a life."

Everyone will stop talking, all Eating breakfast quickly.

After eating breakfast, everyone headed towards the other side of the forest. On the way, Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help asking: "Captain, what's the matter with the animals in this wood?"

"Hehe, some come from outside the land of experience, and some come from special scenes." Situ Shibai replied.

Cheng Xuejie was surprised: "Can the creatures in the special scene run out?"

"Why not? One of my seniors once guessed that this special scene might be this. The place, but each scene is a different time period. The best evidence is that when you enter a special scene and come out again, the time will not change." Situ Shibai said with a smile.

The time does not change?

Everyone has expressions of amazement and astonishment, which is very magical.

Liu Sishan came back to his senses and asked: "Captain, you mean... After entering the scene, the time outside will be still?"

"Is it still, I too Not sure, but I tried it with a senior, and I came out after half an hour after entering, and his side is still the same time." Situ Shibai said.

Zhang Shouzhong said directly: "That is not tantamount to being still."

"Not good said."

Situ Shibai obviously has other opinions, but he Does not intend to explain.

After more than ten minutes, everyone came to the edge of the forest.

Sure enough, except for Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu who saw the plains, the scenes that everyone else saw were different.

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