Liu Sishan looked ahead and said after observing: "I see a rainforest."

"By the way, I also see a forest, but I don’t Too sure if it is a rain forest." Zhang Shouzhong said.

Zhao Yanhu contemptuously said: “What’s wrong with this? The rain forest must have more plants and heavier humidity. The difference between ordinary woods and rain forests is obvious. Is it good?”

" But my side looks very humid." Zhang Shouzhong retorted.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Although it is fatty impossible to lie, I believe in Sister Sisi's judgment."

Speaking, he stood by Liu Sishan's side, the others After watching it, he stood silently on Liu Sishan's side, and Zhang Shouzhong was speechless, so he had to stand on Liu Sishan's side as well.

"Look, this won't save many unnecessary disputes." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong didn't know whether to cry or laugh and said: "Am I so unreliable?"

"It depends on whom to compare with." Cheng Xuejie said with a smile, everyone else agrees.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Okay, we are ready to enter the rainforest. By the way, Old Mister Situ, what do we need to do to enter the rainforest to pass?"

"You Just go in." Situ Shibai sold Guanzi.

Liu Sishan sees this, opened the mouth and said: "Well, everyone is holding hands, let’s go in."

Next, everyone holding hands, Liu Sishan takes the lead to Going forward, when you walked out of the woods, the picture before everyone's eyes showed a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

The forest they were in was originally cloudy, but it became sunny immediately after entering the rain forest.

The trees all around are dense and old. Many vines and small saplings form a green sea of ​​woods. Above this sea of ​​woods, there are many plants that form huge crowns. Layers and vines form a net-like covering layer, the top of which are the ancient trees.

When the sun shines down, after being'filtered' by layers, many irregular light spots are formed on the ground. When the wind blows, the light spots constantly change shape, which looks extremely dreamy.


Liu Sishan pointed to the front, those light spots kept changing on the ground, and finally formed a line of text.

"Task: Hunting the mourning bird!"

Cheng Xuejie frowned, looking at the words formed by the light spots on the ground, slowly muttering.

Then she looked at the crowd and asked: "Who knows what kind of mourning bird is?"

"Never heard of it." Bai De shook his head.

Feng Laixian also said that he had never heard of the mourning bird.

Looking at it in a circle, no one knows.

Zhang Ping said with a bitter smile: "It seems that no one knows, but at least we know that the task in the rainforest is to hunt a mourning bird. Then... observe the environment first, and wait for it. Know the conditions of the rainforest, we will slowly find the mourning bird."

"Yes, the mourning bird must be in the rainforest. At worst, we will hunt all the birds once, I don’t believe it. The mourning bird." Bai De agreed.

Only Zhang Ping and Lu Han can fly, and the task of observing the environment naturally falls on them.

Zhang Ping covered his whole body with Nethermist and flew directly into the sky, while Lu Han stepped on the sword and flew into the air supported by the sword.

However, when the two of them looked down in the air, their faces were slightly embarrassed. Looking down from the top of this rainforest, only a patch of green could be seen.

"The trees are too dense to see anything at all." Lu Han frowned.

Zhang Ping agreed: "Moreover, there are neither rivers nor lakes all around. Once you get deep into the woods and seas, I'm afraid it will be difficult to determine the direction."

"Go down first. Seeing this, Lu Han said directly.

The two fell to the ground, and then they told everyone what they saw.

"This place is really troublesome, cough cough, is there something in the air? I feel a little uncomfortable." Cheng Xuejie said, coughing suddenly, and said with an uncomfortable face.

Zhang Ping's arm turned into blood and penetrated into her body through her shoulder, frowned: "You are poisoned."


The others looked surprised and looked at all around at the same time.

Zhang Ping closed his eyes and said after the treatment: "It should be a very small spore, Zhang Shouzhong, gas mask!"


Zhang Shouzhong immediately used fat to create a large number of gas masks and distributed them to everyone.

Zhang Ping then checked the conditions of other people. Sure enough, Liu Sishan and Zhang Shouzhong also had spores in their bodies, while Bai De and Fenglaixian were probably not poisoned because of their stronger physique.

"This place is really disgusting, humid and sultry, and it makes people poisoned without making a sound." After Zhang Shouzhong was detoxified, he spit out.

Bai De sat on a rock and said with a smile: "Actually, there are many places outside Pearl City that are more disgusting than here. The special environment formed after the alienated beast's death is far more terrifying than you think. ."

"Yes, this place is actually okay." Zhao Yanhu agreed.

He took out the knife and cut his hand open, and the blood immediately emitted a fragrance. After a while, he gathered a large number of poisonous snakes all around.

This place, the snake myriad, is far more abundant than the outside world.

Only a few minutes later, hundreds of snakes gathered around Zhao Yanhu, and there was even an oversized poisonous snake one meter thick and fifty meters long.

After Zhao Yanhu bandaged the wound, he stretched out his hand and stroked the huge poisonous snake. The poisonous snake's oblong pupils watched him, and finally lowered his head, just sticking to Zhao Yanhu's palm.

"Good child, good child, isn't it? What a pity." Zhao Yanhu muttered to the giant snake.

After communicating with the giant snake, he looked at everyone and shrugged: "These snakes don't know what kind of animal the mourning bird is. It seems that the difficulty of hunting is not low."

" Are you sure these snakes know what mourning birds are? Their heads are not even as big as an almond." Zhang Shouzhong vomited.

Zhao Yanhu gently stroked a snake wrapped around his neck, said with a smile: "Do you want to talk to them about their heads?"

All snakes are watching Xiang Zhang Shouzhong, Zhang Shouzhong suddenly felt his scalp numb.

"Okay, don’t make trouble, it’s not a solution, it’s just a waste of time, let’s determine a route first." Zhang Ping glanced at Zhao Yanhu, then continued: "We can walk along the route , Kill all the birds you see."

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "Yes, it’s just a waste of time to stay here, but how should I decide the route?"

"Ahu, do those snakes know where there are more birds?" Zhang Ping looked at Zhao Yanhu.

Zhao Yanhu nodded and said: "They know this."

"Then let these snakes open the way, and we will follow the snakes!" Zhang Ping immediately decided.

This is a way out of no way.

After all, they can't do nothing.

Continue to waste time here, and the wailing bird will not come by herself.

They must take the initiative to attack and enter this rainforest before they may encounter the mourning bird.

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