After half an hour.

Many animals are looking for food in the hot and humid woods.

A spider is forming a web on a tree. It hangs upside down between two branches, and its eyes reflect the terrifying giant snake that is winding underground.

Beside the giant snake, there is a line of walking people.

Feng Lai Xian and Bai De are at the end, while Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan are at the top, and the rest are in the middle.

Zhang Ping held the restless little Theron, looked up from time to time, and then focused on little Theron's body.

This little fellow ran out of the deed after waking up. Now he is terrifying vigorously. After eating, he glanced around and observes the rain forest. It seems that he is very curious about everything here.

Zhang Ping had to hug a little tighter, lest it be left like a husky.

Of course, Zhang Ping knows that Little Theron is actually very smart, and he won't really let it go, but in a strange environment, he must pay close attention to Little Theron, so as not to regret it.

"Little Theron, do you want to eat sugar?"

Cheng Xuejie stepped forward from time to time, looking at Little Theron with dazzling eyes.

Although she knows that Little Theron is an ant, the problem is such a cute ant, she has never seen it.

Especially the small sleek head, just seeing it makes people want to play a game. The problem is that Little Theron is not familiar with her, so she won't give her a game at all.

So she tried to make a good relationship with Little Theron over and over again.

Little Theron took a look at the candy in her hand, and then continued to look at all around the weird trees, especially the big multi-colored mushrooms, which looked delicious It looks like, it kind of wants to try the taste.

"Zhang Ping, why does little Sailong obviously like to eat the candy you give, so I don't want it?" Cheng Xuejie said depressed.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Because what I gave is not sugar, but a contract gem, but the shape is a little fancy."

The contract gem he gave to Little Theron, The shapes are all custom-made, some are pony, some are puppies, anyway, how cute it is.

"Will the little Theron absolutely obey your orders?" Cheng Xuejie's eyes lit up slightly.

Zhang Ping solemnly said: "I will not use commands to distort anyone's will. If you really want Little Theron to like you, it is best not to have such thoughts."

"Zhang Ping, since the absolute command can control the target 100%, why not order the target to breakthrough in place and directly advance to King?" Zhang Shouzhong pondered and asked.

Zhang Ping asked rhetorically: "If your mother orders you to have 100 points in the exam, you will definitely be able to test 100 points?"

"This is different." Zhang Shouzhong retorted. .

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "What's the difference? Absolute orders mean to let the other party execute the order 100%, but the other party can't do things that can't be done. You can't let a fish Running on the land, you can’t order the bird to dive underwater, as it should be by rights. There is only so much knowledge in your head. How can it be possible to get the other party to score 100 points through the order?"

In fact, he has thought about this kind of problem, but it is just like the APP software in his hand. If you don’t download the relevant APP software, the mobile phone cannot provide this service out of thin air, even if the mobile phone is in your hand, you The mobile phone has 100% control.

At this time, Lu Han's sword flew out suddenly, and then quickly flew back, with a sparrow-sized bird interspersed on the sword.

"It doesn't seem to be a mourning bird." Lu Han took the bird off and threw it to the snake next to it.

These snakes especially like to gather around Lu Han, because Lu Han will beat the birds from time to time, and then feed the dead birds to them.

"By the way, if we couldn't find the mourning bird for a lifetime, wouldn't we be trapped here for a lifetime?" Zhang Shouzhong stayed away from the snake beside him, and then asked.

Liu Sishan walked in the forefront and calmly said: "This is just a place for the investigation team to experience. If you can't even pass the most basic tests, you can just quit the sweeping team."

"Yes, the sweeping team is certainly not weaker than the investigation team. We will find a just and honourable pass." Cheng Xuejie agreed.

There is also a hidden chain of contempt among the three major organizations.

Among them, the patrol team looked down on the investigation team, thinking that the investigation team was always doing nothing, and the veteran put some alienated beasts around Pearl City, which caused their workload to increase continuously.

The investigation team also looked down upon the patrol team, thinking that the patrol team was just helping them. Some alienated beasts that they disdain to solve, it was the patrol team's turn to solve it.

The sweeping team looked down on both sides.

Since this is a place for the investigation team to experience, there is no reason why the people who clean up the team will not be able to pass the level.

"Look, that tree is so special!" Cheng Xuejie now saw a big red tree on the right front and shouted.

Liu Sishan took a look and said indifferently: "Don’t grow branches, just go around."


Zhang Ping took a look The red tree, then opened the mouth and said.

A large amount of Nethermist poured out of his body to cover his whole body, and then he floated towards the red tree.


He landed next to the red tree, bent down and picked up a red feather.

This feather is very long, almost thirty centimeters in length. You can imagine how big the owner of this feather is.

He picked up the feathers and returned to the crowd, then handed the feathers to Zhao Yanhu, opening the mouth and said: "Ahu, ask these snakes, do you know what the owner of this feather is? "

"Okay, let me ask." Zhao Yanhu took Feather, and nodded responded.

Liu Sishan asked after seeing this: "Do you suspect that the feathers belonged to the mourning bird?"

"Just ask, after all, Lu Han senior has just hit a lot of birds. , But I have never encountered a bird of this size." Zhang Ping explained.

For a moment, Zhao Yanhu walked back and opened the mouth and said: "A Ju said, this is Cui Yi’s feather."

"Cui Yi?" Zhang Ping slightly frowned, some Puzzled.

Zhao Yanhu nodded and said: "Well, it said it was Cui Yi. I asked him what Cui Yi is. It said Cui Yi is Cui Yi, and I don’t understand."

"So... let's make a mark on this place first, and look back." Zhang Ping did not continue to entangle what Tui Yi was talking about by the giant snake, and said simply.

The sweeping team has a secret medicine specially used to track targets.

Just apply a little bit on the target's body, then they can find each other no matter how far they go.

Liu Sishan smeared the secret medicine on a big tree in the vicinity, and then everyone went on walking.

Shortly after they left, the red tree slowly cracked a human-high crack, and a red creature that was half human and half bird walked out of the crack. Its upper body looks like a human except for its wings, but its lower body looks like a bird, and it has long legs that resemble a flamingo.

After it came out, it looked all around, and finally walked to the route passed by Zhang Ping and the others, looking down at the footprints left by everyone.

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