Zhu Family base.

Zhu Zeming angrily broke into Zhu Jiuyang's residence.

But when I saw Zhu Jiuyang, all my anger was instantly cleared, leaving only a deep fear.

There are blood stains everywhere in the room. The maid who was in charge of Zhu Jiuyang's daily life has become'fragments', and the whole room is everywhere.

Zhu Jiuyang is surrounded by dozens of'specimen'. He looks at the comic with a gloomy expression, as if the next moment is about to flies into a rage.

"Cough Cough, Jiuyang, what's the matter?" Zhu Zeming asked with a slight sweat on his forehead, which was embarrassing and blunt.

Zhu Jiuyang glanced at Zhu Zeming, then lowered his head and continued to look at the comic strip. About ten minutes later, he opened the mouth and said: "Zhu Yuanlong is really a trash. Trifling can't do a little bit. Uncle The person you want to kill is not dead yet, but today I will send out my collection No. 10 and No. 9 to kill him. Come back tomorrow."

"Okay, okay, Then I will come tomorrow morning, and you should take care of yourself." Zhu Zeming quickly nodded and said, he quickly left Zhu Jiuyang's room after speaking.

In the room, Zhu Jiuyang looked at the comic strip, with four red characters written in the screen: The game failed!

His ability is called'evil game', which is an ability that can only be won without fail. Once the game fails, he will be deducted from a random'good' quality.

To put it simply, all virtues recognized by humans may be deducted.

This time, he was deducted for his integrity.

In fact, he is already not in the commission of Zhu Zeming, he just wants to prostitute the specimens of the sea people.

Unfortunately, Zhu Zeming is a master who don't act without some incentive. If he wants to get a specimen of the Ocean People through Zhu Zeming, the white whoring is impossible, so he can only find a way to kill Zhang Ping.

"Then invest a little bit more, it just happens that Ajiu and Ashi are tired of having fun." Zhu Jiuyang thought for a moment, and looked at the two female specimens.

The surfaces of these two women are painted with a layer of colorful oil. They look like the material is similar to plastic, but in fact they were both living humans.

In an instant, Zhu Jiuyang condensed two coins in his hand.

【Joker coin: Consume conscience and spirit strength to create a clown coin. The bearer of the clown coin will need to complete the'mission' to get out of the game. 】

This is the advanced skill that Zhu Jiuyang got after he advanced to the intermediate awakened. At the beginning, he used the clown coin to overshadow Zhu Yuanlong.

It is a pity that Zhu Yuanlong has been buried in the belly of Shanzu along with the Sun God bird, and has no ability to avenge him.

He took two coins and walked to Ah Jiu and Ah Shi, said with a slight smile: "Your mission is to kill Zhang Ping, remember!"

After speaking, he pressed a clown coin into Ah Jiu’s chest, and then pressed another coin into Ah Shi’s chest. The two clown coins immediately exuded evil smiles, Ah Jiu and Ah Shi’s beautiful faces Followed with the same smile.


From time to noon.

Zhang Ping and the others take a rest in the rainforest to rectify.

In fact, Zhang Ping is not tired, but Zhang Shouzhong, Liu Sishan, and Lu Han are tired.

The main attribute is often reflected in these details. Zhang Ping, Bai De, and Feng Laixian are also lively dragon and animated tiger, while Liu Sisi is already tired sitting on the ground and can only rest with eyes closed. Seize the time to regain strength.

Feng Laixian made a bonfire on the ground, and then went hunting with Bai De, ready to pick up some game and come back for lunch.

The place where they rest is directly surrounded by the giant snake Ada. If other animals want to enter the circle, they must pass the level of Ada first, so relatively speaking, this place is relatively safe. .

Little Theron was jumping around the bonfire from time to time. Cheng Xuejie looked at it with a smile, always thinking about it.

"Little Theron, come over for lunch." Zhang Ping put the roasted meat on a plate and shouted to Little Theron.

Little Theron glanced at the flame, and then bounced back to Zhang Ping.

"It's great, I also want such a cute pet." Cheng Xuejie trailed over like an idiot, and said with eyes full of stars.

Zhang Ping corrected: "Little Theron is not my pet, it is my partner!"

"Yeah, I also want such a partner." Cheng Xuejie did not Rebutted, but said with a face of approval.

At this moment, Zhang Ping suddenly got a white hand from his neck. Cheng Xuejie saw Huarong’s butt sitting on the ground suddenly, crying out in surprise: "Zhang Ping, there is something on your neck. A hand!"


Zhang Ping looked down, but didn't see any hands.

He looked at Cheng Xuejie suspiciously and asked: "Senior Sister, are you dazzled?"

"It's on your head!" Cheng Xuejie pointed to Zhang Ping's head. cry out in surprise.

Zhang Ping frowned, stretched out his hand and touched his head, his arm passed directly through the white hand, didn't touch everything, he looked at Cheng Xuejie more suspiciously, dissatisfied:" Senior Sister, your prank is too low-level."

"Really, ah, it appeared in your ears again." Cheng Xuejie screamed.

Zhang Ping saw that Cheng Xuejie’s expression did not seem to be fake, and after thinking about it for a while, he smiled helplessly, opened the mouth and said: "Come out, don’t scare others."

A Spirit Physique immediately emerged from his body. This Spirit Physique was relatively small, and it was obviously only a child before his death.

"little fellow, you should stay in a clean world now, why do you run out?" Zhang Ping reached out to flick this little Spirit Physique's head, but was swiftly avoided.

This little Spirit Physique looked very lively, it watched Zhang Ping curiously, and then floated in front of Cheng Xuejie.

"Don't come here, I'm a little scared." Cheng Xuejie hurried back.

The little Spirit Physique left ignorantly and hid behind Zhang Ping, observing Cheng Xuejie with only his head exposed.

"You scared it." Zhang Ping helplessly said.

Then explained to Little Spirit Physique: "Senior Sister doesn’t hate you, don’t take it to your heart."

At this time, Little Theron finished the barbecue and saw Little Spirit Physique's jewel-like red eyes lit up slightly, and immediately went behind Zhang Ping, watching Little Spirit Physique curiously.

Little Spirit Physique also found Little Theron, so the two sides started to observe each other and played together after a while.

But Little Theron can jump around the flames, Little Spirit Physique is a little afraid of fire, and can only look at it from a distance. Little Theron saw it and turned back altogether. The two little fellows didn't know how to communicate, and ended up fighting around Zhang Ping altogether, having a great time.

About ten minutes later, a large Spirit Physique that obviously retained the body shape of a woman appeared behind Zhang Ping. It floated to the side of the small Spirit Physique, grabbed the small Spirit Physique’s ears, and then returned. By Zhang Ping's side.

After bowing slightly to Zhang Ping, the big Spirit Physique returned to the clean world with the little Spirit Physique.

In fact, these Spirit Physiques have long forgotten the memory of the past, and after the resentment and pain are purified by Zhang Ping, they are equivalent to a new life, and everything in the past has nothing to do with them.

But some things still remain, such as the child’s innocence and liveliness, and the mother’s purest love for the child.

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