Although Zhang Ping has absolute control over the clean world, can determine their own will decide whether to allow the Spirit Physique them out, but he does not want to control Spirit Physique their freedom, the clean world development for the cage.

So, Spirit Physique can freely access clean world.

Small Spirit Physique is great Spirit Physique back clean world, a small Theron feeling a bit lost, Zhang Ping had to hold small Theron, Haoshenghaoqi of coax and said: "well-behaved small Theron do not upset, and so on back to stabilize that child, you can often play together, I promise. "

Spirit Physique actually very fragile.

Spirit Physique those little more lively, and therefore will not run out under the premise of the Spirit Physique stable, steady temperament of the Spirit Physique will spontaneously in a clean and stable world in his Spirit Physique.

and clean world have the ability to continuously enhance Spirit Physique structure, a long time alone in a clean world, the benefits of the Spirit Physique great.

Finally, there is the capacity.

Spirit Physique will gradually become different Spirit Physique world in a clean, resulting in different capabilities.

This is similar to the ability awakened capacity, but differ depending on the type of Spirit Physique.

As Su Jingyao, she died at that moment my heart concerned about Zhang Ping, miss the most is Zhang Ping, and therefore naturally into Guardian Spirit, and she want to protect objects there is no doubt that Zhang Ping .

So she has the ability of Guardian Spirit: spiritual guardian!

The white of the Spirit Physique same is true when they have a goal, in a clean world will naturally be converted to a different Spirit Physique, master different skills.

"I really like kids."

Chengxue Jie is really like a small Theron.

She sat beside Zhang Ping, looking listless listless small Theron, is distressed is funny.

After about half an hour, to Xian and Bai De Feng with a huge stick together carry back a tiger, the next two skilled peeling cramps, the tiger meat interspersed with a small stick carried above barbecue.

small Theron mood to go fast too fast, such as tiger meat aroma drifting, its attention tiger meat was transferred in the past, so it went to the campfire, watching helplessly skewers.

"call, finally cross the border." Zhang Ping to see it again lively up, fiercely relaxed.

Chengxue Jie envy said:. "A child, I especially like a white dog, but then it became alienated beast, one day father put it away"

"your father is for your own safety." Zhang Ping sympathy Road.

Chengxue Jie nodded and said: "ah, I know, all I never blame my dad."

"really like small Theron, and then have it lay a good relationship small Theron actually know you like it, just a little shy. "Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Chengxue Jie scared happily said: "? Really"

Then she got up and conspire Theron small side, looked at the little silly Lehe Theron, Theron is seen small not very comfortable, immediately went to Zhang Ping arms, not to Chengxue Jie look.

"Well, we come to the meat." Bai De then loudly said.

They all gather around the campfire, Zhang Ping picked up the two strings skewers, while they eat while feeding a small Theron.

Suddenly, Zhang Ping moved his ears, eyes slightly narrowed, eyes noticed his eyes to look at Bai De, Bai De, nodded to see location right hand side of the two.

"I come?" Zhang Ping asked.

Other people also noticed that the two expressions, meat and slow down.

Bai De nodded and said: ". Be careful, there should be only one"

". Assured"

Zhang Ping slightly smiled, next moment Nethermist on wound in his body.


Not far from there, a little girl to see this scene, immediately illegal channels is not good, she immediately turned to jump from one tree to another tree, a quick escape.

Unfortunately, Zhang Ping fly, then quickly catch up with her, while Nethermist into a rope tied to her.

"unlike Zhu Family of man."

Zhang Ping observation after Song Shengsuo a little loose, but still the little girl back to the campfire down.

"Do not be afraid, we are not bad people."

spread his body Nethermist, the little girl said with a smile.

The little girl winced body, still looked frightened everyone, and especially to see Bai De cents to Phoenix, but moved back some distance.

"I and the Phoenix Hall Master have so terrifying it?" Bai De aggrieved Road.

Chengxue Jie want to be near the little girl, but was holding down the shoulder Zhang Ping, he said with a slight smile: ". I still to communicate it"

said the little girl, in fact, the other party should have eleven or twelve, simply because too thin and tender face, thus giving a younger feel.

Zhang Ping took the chicken, and asked: "? You should be hungry, you do not"

The little girl head down, do not speak stubborn, but look at her quietly swallow the way we know she is very greedy this kebab.

"rest assured, we really did not malicious, we are called to hunt one kind of sad woman bird alienation beast, I do not know you have not heard?" Zhang Ping the chicken in his mouth, eat while said.

The little girl stared, opened the mouth and said: "You are to kill birds of sorrow woman warrior?"

"Oh, you know the sad woman birds??" Zhang Ping eyes shined.

The little girl nodded and said: ". Ah, you know, a lot of people in our village have been mourning woman birds control, I escaped, many days without eating"

" that get something to eat it. "Zhang Ping said with a smile.

He withdrew Nethermist, then the chicken and handed the little girl.

Both exchanges while eating side, finally learned some basic information.

little girl named Pearl wish, I wish from the source of the village.

In fact, I wish Zhang Ping Yuen Estate from the location where they are now not far away, about one thousand meters is the wish to move forward thirty-four source of the village.

Good source villagers for generations are living in a tree building, floor, these trees and ancient trees combine to provide shelter for humans here.

But recent wish beads cousin shelter with a beautiful woman, the situation has changed.

The woman every morning to sing beautiful songs soon win all village residents wish the source, gradually residents are no longer working, hunting, singing every day looking forward woman.

Originally wish beads, too, until she was knocked unconscious fruit of the tree fall.

again woke up, she found terrified, we all pale and thin, looked like a walking corpse, then she found 'beautiful woman' cousin brought back, yet there are two faces.

a young woman's face, but still below this face a senile, terrifying matchless old face.

I wish she immediately thought of the story of ancient source of the village's old legend, sad woman bird's story.

According to legend, sad woman birds will be beautiful woman image of the show, followed by singing to control all the people, when the control over and over again, these people Essence, Qi, and Spirit will become its food, gradually it was drawing a blank.

I wish beads are so thin, in fact, because they were drawing too much Essence sad woman birds, Qi, and Spirit.

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