After everyone had lunch, they immediately set off for Zhuyuan Village.

On the way, Zhang Ping said curiously: "Zhuzhu, you didn’t seem surprised just now that we were here to hunt the mourning bird. Could anyone have been here before?"

" There has always been such a legend in our village that whenever the mourning bird appears, there will be warriors who will come to kill the mourning bird. It is said that my grandfather has also encountered a warrior who hunted and killed the mourning bird." Zhu Zhu nodded and said.

Zhang Ping feels a bit wrong after listening to it. Why is there always a warrior whenever the mourning bird appears?

Could it be the reverse?

For example, because there are warriors to hunt and kill the wailing bird, so there is the wailing bird!

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Ping feels a bit awkward. Is it possible that some mysterious power releases the mourning bird in order to test them?

"Old Mister Situ, is the mission of each special scene the same?" Zhang Ping thought for a while and asked.

Situ Shibai replied: "Well, the task in each scene is a fixed task. When I came, I also hunted and killed the mourning bird, but I didn’t Zhu Yuancun at that time."

"Wait, what happened to Zhuyuan Village?" Zhang Ping asked in surprise.

Situ Shibai thought for a while, speculated: "It may be that some people enter the rainforest after me, and then... just thrive here."

"Then Zhuyuan Village People who are awakened should also be awakened?" Zhang Ping doubted.

Situ Shibai did not answer, because he did not know the answer to this question.

A few minutes later, everyone came to Zhuyuan Village.

The houses in Zhuyuan Village are all living on the trees. After generations of expansions, they have become a large piece of connected buildings, which look like fungus growing on the trunk of a giant tree.

"Zhuzhu, which room does the mourning bird live in?"

Looking at the densely packed house on the tree, Zhang Ping asked.

Zhu Zhu pointed to the house closest to the edge. Zhang Ping and the others looked over, but did not see the mourning bird.

"I'll go up and have a look first."

Zhang Ping thought for a while, opened the mouth and said.

But Lu Han objected: "Wait, I'll do it."

Only the two of them can fly and can go up silently.

Lu Han knows how important Zhang Ping is, so Zhang Ping is not allowed to get involved easily. Even if he is going to die, he should die first.

After that, he didn't give Zhang Ping a chance to object, and just stepped on the Flying Sword and flew towards the house where the mourning bird lived.


About half a minute later, suddenly there was a sharp cry from the house.

Everyone except Zhang Ping was holding their heads in pain. Zhang Ping hurriedly collected Little Theron into the storage deed, and then Nethermist flew to the tree building.

When he came up, he saw Lu Han rolling on the ground, while a woman opened her hands and made a sharp cry.

There is another face under this woman's face. The two faces overlap each other, but one is young and old.

Zhang Ping quickly walked around behind it, severely chopped on its neck with a knife, and the scream stopped abruptly.


Avoided a catastrophe, Lu Han was sweating profusely, he collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath.

Zhang Ping stepped forward and asked: "Lu Han senior, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, the sound just now was not a sonic attack, but a Spirit Attack. Take a rest for a while Just fine." Lu Han replied.

Zhang Ping was surprised: "So this is Spirit Attack!"

"Zhang Ping, although your main attribute has spirit, doesn't it still have physical strength? Why Spirit Defence Taller than me?" Lu Han asked with a surprised look after reacting.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Probably my nerves are rougher."

In fact, after purifying countless dead souls, his mental toughness has reached the inhuman level.

It is estimated that he is completely immune to all mental attacks below the King level.

Don't look at him simply and tidy up the mourning bird. It's not that the mourning bird is too weak, but he is too strong.

And his spirit strength is more'valuable' than in the past.

If spirit strength can be quantified, then a little bit of spirit strength can be used as a ten-point flower, and this equivalent to spirit strength has increased tenfold.

"Forget it, since we have hunted the mourning bird, let's go back." Seeing that Zhang Ping was unwilling to say nor force it, Lu Han glanced at the unconscious mourning bird and stood up and said with difficulty.


Zhang Ping was also worried about the others below, so he complied and grabbed the mourning bird and flew out of the room.

Going down the tree building, he placed the mourning bird on the ground, and seeing everyone rising from the ground to rest against the tree, he stepped forward and said with concern: "Are you all okay?"

"It's a bit like after a hangover." Bai De rubbed his temples and replied.

Cheng Xuejie replied miserably: "I feel like my brain was beaten fiercely with a sledge hammer for more than ten times."

"I feel like it is I was stabbed with a tiny needle a lot of time." Feng Laixian said in amazement, seeing that everyone's feelings are different.

Liu Sishan's face is only slightly pale, she calmly said: "This is Spirit Attack, because everyone's spirit strength is different, so I feel that there is nothing common with each other."

"This little fellow is the worst." Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhu Zhu.

Zhang Ping then discovered that Zhu Zhu was leaning against the tree, but in fact he was still in a coma and did not wake up at all.

"Then you guys have a rest first. I'll go to see if there are any other survivors in the village." Zhang Ping thought of the villagers in Zhuyuan Village, so he said.

Liu Sishan stood up and said: "I will go with you."

"No problem, right?" Zhang Ping cared.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "Well, my Spirit Defence is relatively high, so I'll be fine after a while."

"Let's go." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

The two of them climbed up the tree tower this time along the rope ladder.

They inspected room by room. Some rooms left a corpse, and some rooms were empty. After the inspection, both of them were frowned.

"There is not even a single survivor. This mourning bird is really damned." Zhang Ping said angrily.

Liu Sishan was a little puzzled: "Have you discovered that the dead here are basically all men, only a few women, and no children at all."

"Yes, it is always impossible that there is only one child in Zhuyuan Village, Zhuzhu." Zhang Ping reacted and realized that the problem was not right after thinking about it carefully.

He thought for a while and speculated: "Will it be like Zhu Zhu that he noticed the mourning bird and ran away?"

"Not good said, let’s take a look ." Liu Sishan said, but apparently she didn't quite agree with Zhang Ping's guess.

Zhang Ping also feels that he thinks things very good, so many people run away, the wailing bird will definitely chase, so the probability of escape is very low.

The two went around a few more times, and finally determined that at least half of them were not here.

The traces of these people's lives cannot be faked.

Liu Sishan walked out of the house and said lightly: "When Zhu Zhu wakes up, maybe I can ask something, let’s go."


Zhang Ping is a bit heavy and nodded.

He really hopes that those missing are still alive, but judging from the current situation, those missing are probably also bode ill rather than well.

Get down to the ground, Zhang Ping directly uses Appraisal Technique on the wailing bird to obtain various information about the wailing bird.

He didn't expect this mourning bird to be a male!

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