I Contracted Myself

【648】Original Sin Beast

"Wu Ming, we'd better not touch the things here anymore. Since the Beisen Cult is risking their lives to seal everything here, there must be unimaginable crises here."

Gao Shanggong saw Wuming looking at the crack in the door and warned him seriously.

Everyone has curiosity.

He was also curious about what was inside the door, but they had enough troubles now, and it was not appropriate to continue to add trouble.

Wuming nodded and said: "Don't worry, I have no intention of touching anything here..."

Before he finished speaking, strange sounds sounded.




Mechanical chameleons stood on the shoulders of the corpse, wrapped their tails around the nails connecting the chains on the corpse, then pulled them out and threw them on the ground.

Everyone present was stunned. The next moment, Gao Shanggong grabbed the mechanical chameleon with his telekinesis. In less than three seconds, his face turned pale and he said, "Bipson, you bastard!"

This was the first time Wuming heard Gao Shanggong curse someone with bad words. You can imagine how angry Gao Shanggong was now.

Lucifer also pinched a mechanical chameleon and frowned: "When someone approaches here, these mechanical stealth lizards will start. When they find that the entrant is not a specific person, that is, Bipson, they will start to execute One order, that is, to pull out the nails from these corpses.”

"Fuck you, you old Yinbi!" Zhang Shouzhong immediately cursed after hearing this.

Wuming looked at the surrounding doors and said, "The most important thing for us now is to quickly reseal these doors. Don't be stunned. Use all your abilities."

"Well, the day the seal is sealed, the day it will be lifted will inevitably come. Everyone, please listen to me!" Suddenly, a corpse in the formation opened its eyes and said in a helpless tone.

Wuming and Gao Shanggong immediately looked over when the corpse started to speak, but they soon determined that the corpse was indeed dead. Now that it could speak, it was actually no different from the corpse that gave the warning before, except that it talked a little more.

"The great Lord of the Forest has left our world, and the treasures he left behind are stained with too many desires.

We later discovered that they were actually absorbing various original sins, such as pride, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust. When these treasures absorbed enough original sins, they would evolve into original sin beasts. We warned the world, but what we did in the past We have done so many wrong things that no one wants to believe our words anymore.

We can only try our best to collect all the treasures of the Lord of the Forest and reduce the frequency of their use. However, there are still original sin beasts hatched. They are born with original sin and are the most evil creatures in the world. Please be careful about everything in the seal. Please be careful with it! "

The corpse babbled, and after finishing a long string of words, it closed its eyes again.

After hearing this, everyone looked at the surrounding doors, as if there were some terrifying monsters coming out at any time.

"Who the hell is the Lord of the Forest? He's dead and still leaves such a big trouble." Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help cursing at this time.

Gao Shanggong said seriously: "Don't talk nonsense, the other party may not be dead."

"But he already said that the Lord of the Forest has left this world, so he is dead." Zhang Shouzhong retorted.

Wuming said helplessly: "It's better not to worry about anything sinister now, and find a way to reseal these doors first. I have a bad feeling."

"Me too, something seems to be waking up." Lin Renmei said.

Wuming thought for a while, took out the materials for the formation, and prepared to set up a small sealing formation that could isolate energy.

But before he started to move, a door suddenly fell down with a bang, and a golden monster slowly walked out of the door. Its movement pattern was a bit like a gorilla, but its body was more like a combination of a lion and a dragon.

"Original Sin Beast!"

Everyone stepped back and prepared to fight.

After the original sin beast came out, it didn't look at the corpses around it. After scanning the surroundings, its eyes fell on Gao Shang Gong, and then it punched Gao Shang Gong.

court death!

Gao Shanggong also punched out, and the collision of the two fists produced a huge impact. Wuming and others immediately retreated quickly, and they did not feel the pressure until they retreated to the main hall.

"What the hell is that Original Sin Beast? It's so strong." Zhang Shouzhong said in surprise.

If Gao Shanggong hadn't actively resisted most of the attacks, even if Zhang Shouzhong hadn't been attacked head-on, just being hit by the aftermath would have been fatal.

"Its aura...is a bit like the elf that makes wishes come true." Wuming said hesitantly at this time.

Although the monster was an entity and the wishful thinking elf was a ball of light, he did have a strong feeling that the original sin beast and the wishful thinking elf were probably from the same source.

"That is to say, you can try to control or even subdue it with no name?" Lucifer asked.

Wuming smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that easy. Unless you can guess its original text, no text is actually useless."


At this time, Gao Shanggong was punched out and his body was dented in many places.

Within the area, the area controller is a nearly invincible existence, but near invincibility does not mean true invincibility. After all, if it is truly invincible, wouldn't every area controller be safe as long as they stay within the area?

In fact, every time Gao Shanggong collided with the original sin beast, his body would be deformed. He was even almost punched through by the original sin beast several times. Fortunately, he fought the original sin beast in the area, otherwise he might not even be able to lose the original sin. The beast couldn't stop it with a punch.

"Let's go!"

Gao Shanggong shouted.

However, the actions of Wuming and others made Gao Shanggong dumbfounded.

Wuming and others did not flee outside the pyramid, but ran to the other side of the hall. Before Gao Shanggong had time to think about what Wuming and others wanted to do, the original sin beast chased him again, so he had to retreat to the hall.

On the other side, Wuming and others returned to the back hall from the passage on the other side of the hall.

The main hall and the back hall of the pyramid are actually separated by a wall. There are passages on both sides that lead to the back hall. Gao Shanggong came out from the left hand side, and Wuming and others went in from the right hand side.

"Quick, check every corpse to see if there are any clues." Wuming said.

Since these believers of the Baisen religion can seal these original sin beasts, they must know the information of the original sin beasts, otherwise it would be difficult to prescribe the right medicine.

It was precisely because of this that Wuming and others did not flee the pyramid, but went back to find clues.

"Wuming, these people don't even have a ring on them. Could it be that the bastard Baipson took them all?" Zhang Shouzhong turned over several corpses and asked with an ugly face.

Baipson could install these mechanical chameleons, which are difficult to detect when not moving, on the shoulders of corpses, and also use them to search for valuables on corpses.

The people who were looking for clues looked a little unhappy when they thought of this possibility.

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