I Contracted Myself

【649】Desperate and lost

At this time, Lucyphile opened the eyes of the corpse that had opened before. She pointed her finger at the cloudy eyeballs. In an instant, the corpse's mouth opened automatically, and the tongue kept stretching out. At the same time, the back of the tongue was filled with dense secret codes.

"Let's go to the altar of the Lord of the Forest." Lucyphile stood up and said.

Wuming took a look at the corpse and immediately stood up and followed. Everyone returned to the hall together. Gao Shanggong was still being beaten. When he saw Wuming and the others coming out, he could only grit his teeth and continue to hold on, while slowly turning the direction so as not to affect Wuming and the others' work.

Although everyone had no time to communicate, Gao Shanggong still chose to believe Wuming and the others.

The altar of the Lord of the Forest is in the center of the hall. In fact, it is very conspicuous. In the past, the Worship of the Forest Cult worshipped the Lord of the Forest in the hall.

Lucyphile walked to the back of the altar of the Lord of the Forest, because the Worship of the Forest Cult actually didn't know what the Lord of the Forest looked like, and then everyone could only use their imagination freely.

Since the Lord of the Forest has a word "Forest", will it be in the form of a forest?

So, the altar of the Lord of the Forest is actually a young man with a green forest on his head.

The roots of these forest trees hang down from the back to the ground, looking like long hair.

Lucifer pinched one of the roots and twisted it, and a big gap appeared behind the altar of the Lord of the Forest, and a thick book was placed inside the gap.

She took out the book and said, "This is the treasure of the Baisen religion, the "Senluo Treasure Book", which records the effects of all the treasures of the Lord of the Forest."

"Then find out what the original sin beast that is beating your father is." Zhang Shouzhong said.

Lucifer looked at Zhang Shouzhong helplessly, and then began to search. Her search speed was not slower than the search software, and the Senluo Treasure Book introduced a treasure on one page, and it was also equipped with a three-dimensional rotating animated picture, so it was not difficult to find.

After a moment, she stopped at one of them. Many characteristics of the treasure on that page can be found on the original sin beast. She said, "It should be this one!"

"Absolute Fist Armor?" Lin Renmei read.

Wuming compared the characteristics of the original sin beast and the Absolute Fist Armor, and indeed found many characteristics.

Moreover, the book also gave the attributes of this treasure:

Absolute Fist Armor, treasure attribute: [Absolute] Passive: With absolute potential energy, all obstacles will be destroyed.

"No wonder Uncle Gao was beaten so badly, this treasure has too strong attack power." Wuming sighed.

Lin Renmei said unhappily: "Now is not the time to talk about this, now that you know the attributes of the original sin beast, what do you think the original text of this original sin beast will be?"

"Fist, I think it is a fist, look at the action of it beating Lucy Phil's father, how neat and clean it is." Zhang Shouzhong said immediately.

Lucyphile showed a dangerous smile, looked at Zhang Shouzhong and said: "Do you also want to try its fist?"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." Zhang Shouzhong bowed his head decisively to apologize.

Wuming frowned and said: "Jue Shi, I think the original text may be one of the two words. If I have to choose... I will choose Shi, Renmei, what do you think it is."

"Hurry up if you have any plans, I can't stop it." Gao Shanggong's voice came from the front of the altar.

Everyone was hiding behind the altar at this time. After hearing Gao Shanggong's words, they immediately started to think. Lin Renmei continued Wuming's words and said: "I think it should be Kai."

"Why do I feel that except for the word Zhi, every other word is possible." Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help complaining.

Lucyphile was silent for a moment and said: "I also think it should be Shi, two to one, choose Shi."

Her father was almost unable to bear it. Now he had to choose either way. Compared with the word 'quan' said by Zhang Shouzhong and the word 'kai' said by Lin Renmei, she did prefer the word 'shi' said by Wuming.

"Let's take a gamble!" Wuming nodded.

Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help but said, "Wait, I have a very strong feeling, probably... how should I put it? Deja vu or something, I think you should choose the word fist."

"Intuition?" Wuming asked.

Zhang Shouzhong said distressedly, "It's not intuition, but a very strange feeling, as if there is a voice in the dark, saying... the word fist."

"You are so dramatic." Wuming sighed.

Then he looked at Lucyphil and asked, "What should I do? Choose the word momentum or the word fist?"


Lucyphil looked embarrassed, it was not easy to choose.

"Then let's use the word fist. If the fat man's intuition is wrong, then we will eat braised fat man tonight." Lin Renmei said. Zhang Shouzhong was surprised and said, "Wait, why don't you continue to choose the word 'momentum'? I also think that word 'momentum' seems to be good."

"Just choose the word 'fist'!" Lucy Phil glanced at Lin Renmei, and then said to Wuming, "If Fatty guessed wrong, let Fatty take over my father later."

Zhang Shouzhong wanted to cry but had no tears, and said, "I take back what I just said. You can't be so cruel."

"Then choose the word 'fist'!" Wuming looked at Zhang Shouzhong with amusement, and then stood up and prepared to use his great god power.

But at this time, he noticed something behind Zhang Shouzhong from the corner of his eye.

Because Zhang Shouzhong was leaning against the wall on the other side, everyone couldn't see his back when they squatted, but now Wuming could see it when he stood up.

"Fatty, what's behind you?" Wuming squatted again and asked.

Zhang Shouzhong was stunned, turned his body, and turned his head around. He was stunned when he saw the steering wheel behind him, and then asked in confusion: "Why do I have a steering wheel behind me?"

"Don't move, this is the 'Lost Steering Wheel', the ability is that when faced with a choice, you will definitely choose the wrong road." Lucyphile glanced at the steering wheel behind Zhang Shouzhong, immediately checked the Senluo Book, and then said seriously.

Zhang Shouzhong frowned and said: "So the very strong feeling I just had... was actually caused by it?"

"It's possible." Lucyphile said.

Wuming observed carefully and was surprised: "It's amazing, this thing is perfectly installed on the back of the fat man, the clothes and the body are all glued together."

"Let's solve the Absolute Fist Armor first. Since the fat man is affected by the Lost Steering Wheel, it means that the word fist is wrong, and the probability of the word armor being wrong is also very high, so let's continue to try the word momentum!" Lin Renmei said.


Compared to the Lost Steering Wheel, the Original Sin Beast that is now beating Gao Shanggong crazily is much more dangerous.

Wuming weighed the pros and cons, and immediately stood up and looked at the original sin beast that had punched Gao Shanggong away. The next moment, a golden light suddenly shot out from his finger.

The original sin beast reacted very quickly. The next second after it noticed the golden light, it jumped up, kicked the ceiling with its short legs, and immediately dived towards Wuming.

Its movements were just right, just avoiding the golden light and counterattacking Wuming at the same time.

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