I Contracted Myself

【651】Dancing incident

This puppet wears gorgeous dance clothes and dances to the rhythm of the music, giving it a special sense of beauty.

Everyone was stunned at first, but when they came back to their senses, they found that their bodies were also moving. Everyone danced to the music, and the dance movements were exactly the same as the puppets.

"What's going on? My body can't stop at all." Zhang Shouzhong asked with a panic look on his face while dancing.

Wuming closed his eyes and his body suddenly stopped, but when he opened his eyes, his body continued to dance.

"This puppet seems to just make people dance, and it is not harmful." Lin Renmei said, then she came to Wuming and started to dance a pas de deux with Wuming.

Lucifer said: "This is the ability of the Waltz Crossbow. Any target hit by the Waltz Crossbow will be forced to waltz for 1 hour."

"But we didn't hit the arrow!" Zhang Shouzhong complained.

Wuming guessed: "Could it be that after the Waltz Crossbow evolves into the Original Sin Beast, anyone who sees it dancing will be forced to dance with it, right?"

"It's possible." Lin Renmei said.

Gao Shanggong said helplessly: "So now we can only wait for one hour?"

"What if it doesn't stop, and we can't stop, and the time is... forever?" Zhang Shouzhong asked worriedly.

After all, even the conditions for the ability to take effect have changed. Who can guarantee that everyone will be able to stop after an hour?

"It could be an hour, an hour, an hour... As long as it continues to dance and we continue to be affected by it, there will be no end," Lucifer said.

Everyone felt helpless after hearing this, and then they all looked at Wuming.

"What are you looking at me for? Okay, okay, guess the word!" Wuming was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

Then he and everyone looked at Zhang Shouzhong again. Zhang Shouzhong was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he had a strong premonition. He said, "I guess it's the word 'arrow'. This time I felt it very strongly. I can confirm... it's not the word 'arrow'." "

In the end, he realized that there was still a lost steering wheel hanging behind him.

"It should be the word dance!" Gao Shanggong guessed.

After all, everyone is dancing, not even the word "dance" can be used.

Lin Renmei also agreed: "Indeed, in this case, the probability of dancing is the highest, but... what if it goes wrong?" "The crossbow actually has a good chance." Lucifer said.

Although they were dancing, they were actually shot by invisible sound arrows and danced involuntarily. Therefore, this kind of dancing can actually be regarded as enslavement.

The word "crossbow" is on the top and the bow is on the bottom, which perfectly explains their current situation.

Wuming thought: "In other words, it's another choice between two?"

"Wu or crossbow, one of them should be the correct answer." Lin Renmei said distressedly.

In the past, she didn't understand why people who had chosen to suffer from depression had such strange problems, but now she understood, because it was really too difficult to choose.

"Two words, a fifty percent chance. Now I can only take a gamble." Gao Shanggong said with a bitter smile.

Wuming looked at Zhang Shouzhong and asked, "Fat man, which word do you think it should be?"

"I don't know." Zhang Shouzhong replied.

He still has a strong feeling that the answer should be the word 'arrow', but his reason tells him that the word arrow is definitely the wrong option.

This weird feeling interfered with his judgment, and he really couldn't help Wuming make a choice.

Wuming was silent for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Then choose the word dance. I still think the chance of the word dance is higher."

"Then let's dance!" Others agreed.

Wuming closed his eyes, and his body immediately returned to freedom. He locked the direction of the puppet, flicked his fingers, and a ball of light immediately shot towards the puppet.

The puppet didn't know how to dodge, and the ball of light immediately landed on its chest, and then Wuming wrote a dance character and flicked it over.

When the dance characters entered the puppet's body, the puppet seemed to gain great power. The dance characters quickly dissolved into golden light and was absorbed by the puppet. Then the puppet's originally gorgeous dance clothes appeared with gold edges, and the dancing posture became more graceful.


Everyone looked disappointed when they saw this scene.

Apparently, they guessed wrong.

Nameless guesses the text. If the guess is correct, Nameless can control the opponent. But if the guess is wrong, the opponent's original ability will be greatly improved.

Now Wuming doesn't know to what extent the puppet's power has been increased.

"This is trouble."

Gao Shanggong could feel his dancing movements getting smoother and smoother, and he had a strong feeling that if he danced like this, he would be assimilated into a puppet.

"Wu Ming, quickly set up the teleportation array, and then you can teleport us away one by one." Lin Renmei said.

Wuming closed his eyes and nodded in agreement: "Okay."

He took out the special zone node stone from the storage space and scattered it casually to create a teleportation array.

Then, he lifted Lin Renmei and placed it in the teleportation array. His mind connected with the teleportation array and sent Lin Renmei away in an instant, followed by Zhang Shouzhong, Lucy Phil, and Gao Shangong.

After everyone was teleported away, he entered the teleportation array and returned to the Great Wilderness Zone in an instant.

When he teleported over, he saw Zhang Shouzhong and the others dancing in the teleportation square. Many people were watching happily. Wuming sighed and moved everyone to Wenxin Courtyard with a thought.

"You are back!" Dahuang smelled everyone's breath and ran out of the house happily.

However, when it saw Gao Shanggong and the others dancing, it was surprised and asked, "Is today a special day?"

"They are affected by some special power, and it will be fine after a while." Wuming said to Dahuang while sitting on the swing chair.

Then he took out the oracle stone and opened the oracle network. Sure enough, the video of Gao Shanggong and the others dancing in the transmission square had been posted on the Internet.

Gao Shanggong was quite famous in the oracle network, especially after the complete collapse of the Yongji Prison Tower, there were almost as many people who cursed Gao Shanggong as those who cursed Wuming, so Gao Shanggong was also a celebrity.

Many people gloated over the misfortune on the Internet, especially those who still insisted on blacking them. They said that Gao Shanggong had gone astray, and some cursed that Gao Shanggong was not far from death.

Wuming frowned, and there was no other way. If these blacks did not enter the Great Wilderness Special Zone, he would not be able to do anything to them.

It is possible that these blacks are actually the demon cubs of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect. If he gets angry, he will lose instead.

He closed the post and was about to close the Oracle network, but a hot mark appeared on a post. He was stunned when he saw the text.

"Sudden situation, all the people left in the gold area started dancing, suspected to have brain problems."

Wuming clicked on the post and the video started playing immediately. Sure enough, everyone outside the Sword Palace was dancing, and many people showed fear and doubt on their faces. Obviously, they didn't know why they suddenly started dancing.

"What the hell."

Wuming looked at the video and had a very bad premonition in his heart.

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