I Contracted Myself

【652】The world is unpredictable

Chengtian area.

At a location only one mountain away from the Golden Area, Luo Jiu and Rama were observing the situation in the distance.

With their eyesight, they could easily see the scene in the distance, and even see the residents dancing around the Sword Emperor Palace.

"Gao Shanggong...what does he want to do?"

Luo Jiu squinted at the dancers, and for the first time he was confused by Gao Shanggong's behavior.

In the past, he never took Gao Shanggong seriously, and was confident that he could play with Gao Shanggong in the palm of his hand. No matter what Gao Shanggong wanted to do, he had the confidence to suppress or even defeat Gao Shanggong.

But now he was a little confused.

Is he trying to play the empty city plan?

Declare confidence with this singing and dancing posture?

"Maybe he just wants to confuse you, and respond to changes with constancy." Rama said calmly.

Luo Jiu nodded. Since he couldn't understand Gao Shanggong's behavior, he would wait and see.

Suddenly, Rama frowned slightly, and instantly flashed to the distance. Luo Jiu was a little slower, and then he found that his body began to dance involuntarily.

His face suddenly changed, and he wanted to use his identity as the regional controller to escape, but soon he found that he had no way to break free, except to dance.

"Master, take me away!" He looked at Rama and shouted loudly.

Rama observed for a moment, and pulled Luo Jiu, who was dancing, in an instant. He put Luo Jiu into his clothes and left quickly the next moment.

In the blink of an eye, they appeared on the other side of Chengtian area. Rama released Luo Jiu, and Luo Jiu was still dancing.

"I was tricked. I didn't expect Gao Shang Palace to be so cruel and use the people of the entire area as pawns." Luo Jiu said with an ugly face while dancing.

Rama said calmly: "Every failure makes you wiser. It seems that Gao Shang Palace is also growing. You underestimated him too much."

"Next time, I will kill him!" Luo Jiu blushed and gritted his teeth.

He felt extremely humiliated now. Being defeated by a strong man is not terrible. The most terrible thing is to be defeated by a defeated general.

Although he was not defeated by Gao Shanggong this time, he fell into Gao Shanggong's trap, which made him very angry. He wanted to fight Gao Shanggong immediately and wash away his shame with Gao Shanggong's head.


In a blink of an eye, a month passed quietly.

Because of the influence of the puppet original sin beast transformed by the Waltz Crossbow, a strange disease called "dancing disease" began to spread rapidly with the golden area as the center.

Those who were infected would dance on the spot and could not stop at all.

Gradually, some people found out the scope of the influence of "dancing disease" and began to use various methods to rescue people.

It's necessary to rescue them!

Many practitioners who were infected could not fast, and dancing for more than half a month would starve to death.

What's more terrible is that dancing disease cannot be cured even if it leaves the affected area. At present, people have not found a way to cure dancing disease. These patients can only be placed in a specific area and taken care of by telepaths.

"The latest news is that the number of patients with dancing disease has exceeded 10 million. The controller Bai Yu once again issued a warning. Do not go to the twelve areas centered on the golden area. All residents are requested to comply consciously."

"The following is a breaking news. A demonstration broke out again on Shangde Street in Baiyu City. A large number of practitioners demanded that Gao Shanggong and Wuming come out to explain."

Ma Lie closed the news. He did not believe that this matter had anything to do with Wuming.

"It must be a conspiracy of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect. They just want to frame Lord Wuming and Mr. Gao Shanggong. Don't be fooled!" He opened the Oracle Network and posted in the Wuming section.

Many people immediately liked it to express their agreement.

Some people black Wuming, and naturally there are people who support Wuming. A group of diehard fans led by Ma Lie began to argue with the crowd on the Internet.

Ma Lie saw a post from a hater and immediately retorted: "I just want to ask a question. What good will this incident do for Wuming and his friends?

If you think it was Wuming and his friends who did it, then show us the evidence. Does it mean that you blew up the bomb in your house?

If it were you, would you blow up your own house?"

He clicked send, and a large number of fans liked it in a moment.

Although the dancing disease broke out in the golden area, it did not benefit Wuming and his friends at all. Many people believed that this was a conspiracy of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

The Ten Thousand Demons Sect had a very bad reputation, and it became even worse after killing the regional controller of the Immortal Heaven Alliance.

The vast majority of netizens believed that this was the trick of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect. There were even many originally neutral practitioners who began to be hostile to the Ten Thousand Demons Sect because their families were affected by the dancing disease.

"Really... things are unpredictable!"

Wuming sat on the sofa, looking at the posts on the Internet that condemned the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, and couldn't help sighing.

The people who were still dancing were wearing metal rings on their heads at this time. These metal rings could form pictures in their minds, and they could go online after connecting to the Internet.

"Speaking of which, how long are we going to dance? I feel like I've lost at least 100 pounds." Zhang Shouzhong said while dancing and surfing the Internet.

Doing three things at once is a piece of cake for them.

Wuming shrugged and replied, "I don't know, maybe it will stop in the next second, maybe it will never stop."

"I want to dance too!" Maria jumped down from the second floor and started dancing with everyone.

I have to say that although forced dancing is a rip-off, everyone's dancing moves are very standard. If someone who can't dance is caught, after the effect ends, they will become able to dance.

"Oh no, oh no, everyone, check out the latest hot posts." Da Huang shouted from the second floor.

Wuming opened the Oracle network and clicked on a new post. The title of the post was: "The first killer in Chengtian area!"

He clicked on the video. The video was shot from a long distance. At first, there was only a small black dot on the screen. When the camera slowly zoomed in, everyone could see a dark mysterious man walking like a zombie.

When someone blocked him, he killed the opponent with one punch, and then continued to stagger forward.

He seemed to be looking for something.

As long as you don't block his way, you won't be attacked by him.

After a while, a large number of members of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect came out of the house and began to attack the mysterious man. When he was attacked, he immediately started to fight back, killing an enemy with one punch, and in a blink of an eye, the ground was full of corpses.

"No one can block his punch, one punch man!" Zhang Shouzhong said in surprise.

Wuming swallowed his saliva and said hesitantly: "This thing... Could it have also escaped from the pyramid?"

"Nine out of ten, it didn't escape." Gao Shanggong sighed.

Lucifer said solemnly: "Although it doesn't have any patterns or obvious features, I roughly know what it is."

If it is really that treasure, the Shenzang Space will be in big trouble.

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