I Contracted Myself

【653】Target level 260!

The ultimate boxing gloves, the original ability is to activate once a day, can kill the opponent with one blow.

But after evolving into the original sin beast, it seems that there is no limit to the number of times it can be used. The video on the Internet can show the original sin beast punching and killing multiple enemies in seconds.

When Lucy Phil told everyone about the ability of the ultimate boxing gloves, Zhang Shouzhong lamented while dancing: "It's over, it's over, there are the Ten Thousand Demons Gate outside and the original sin beast inside, otherwise we might as well just stay in the Dahuang Special Zone and die. Sometimes there's nothing wrong with being a salted fish."

"The problem is that we just keep dancing like this?" Lin Renmei asked a little tired.

This dance has been dancing for a month, she really doesn't want to dance anymore, she doesn't want to dance again in this life.

Gao Shanggong guessed: "Maybe we are too optimistic. I guess if the puppet doesn't stop, maybe we will never be able to stop. Only by finding a way to stop the puppet can we stop."

"It's a pity that Wuming's ability failed, otherwise the puppet original sin beast can be turned into text." Zhang Shouzhong sighed.

Maria danced and asked curiously: "Is there no other way?"

After saying that, she felt that she had danced enough, so she sat on the chair next to Wuming, picked up her cup and took a big gulp of the drink. After swallowing it, she continued: "There are more than one great god-level strongmen, don't other great gods have similar abilities?"

"It's hard to say. Under normal circumstances, the power of each great god will not be easily revealed to others. Even if a certain strong man has the ability to target the original sin beast, it is difficult for us to know.

Another point is that not every strong man is willing to do these things. Many people often stand by and watch when it doesn't concern them. If you want to ask them to take action, you may have to pay a lot of price." Gao Shanggong sighed.

Da Huang lay on the chair and agreed: "Many practitioners are actually very selfish. I have met so many strong men like Lord Wuming...very few."

"In fact, there is another way." Lucyphil said at this time.

Maria looked at Lucyphile and asked, "Sister Lucyphile, is there any other way?"

"As long as Wuming is promoted to Venerable, his great god power will evolve for the second time. Although the ability will not be completely transformed into other abilities, it can be used on the puppet again." Lucyphile said.

In short, when Wuming is promoted from a great god to a Venerable, the ability of Wuming will also be upgraded from version 1.0 to version 2.0. The original restriction on version 1.0 will no longer be restricted to version 2.0, so Wuming can use the 2.0 version of Wuming on the puppet again and guess the original text of the puppet again.

"This is indeed a feasible method, but the problem is that Wuming has just broken through not long ago and is too far away from the Venerable." Gao Shanggong smiled bitterly after hearing this.

Wuming immediately nodded in agreement. He is only level 250 now, and the promotion to Venerable means that he has to level up ten levels in a row to reach level 260.

With his current strength, it would be difficult to upgrade to the next level, let alone ten levels. Without sufficient accumulation or rare treasures, it would be impossible for him to significantly improve his strength in a short period of time.

"Dad, didn't you get a renewal token when you participated in the Shenzang Trial?" Lucyphil looked at Gao Shanggong and said seriously.

Renewal token?

Wuming and others looked at Gao Shanggong.

"It's too dangerous. I don't agree." Gao Shanggong was stunned, and then refused decisively.

Da Huang asked curiously, "What is a renewal token?"

"The renewal token allows the user to enter the Shenzang Trial again and continue to challenge from the level they left last time. It is equivalent to not leaving but temporarily saving the file." Lucyphil explained.

In other words, if Wuming uses the renewal token, he will appear in the Shenzang Trial and continue to challenge the tenth level.

Obviously, the renewal token is very precious, which is equivalent to allowing the trialer to slowly digest the power he has gained in the Shenzang Trial and make sufficient preparations before continuing to participate in the subsequent trials.

"If you participate in the Shenzang Trial, you do have a chance to quickly advance to the Venerable. The problem is that the Shenzang Trial is strange and unpredictable. No one knows what will happen in the next level. Even I am not absolutely sure that I can come out alive. Don't just consider the good side, you should also consider the worst result." Gao Shanggong said unhappily.

Once Wuming continues to participate in the Shenzang Trial, he must fight from the tenth level to the nineteenth level. There are too many variables.

Lucyphile naturally understands how dangerous the Shenzang Trial is.

But this is indeed the only way for Wuming to quickly improve his strength. No one knows how many original sin beasts there are in the pyramid. Once all the original sin beasts run out, the Shenzang space will be finished.

"In fact, there is another way." Gao Shanggong gritted his teeth and said in the face of Lucyphile's gaze.

He would never agree to Wuming to take risks in the Shenzang Trial again, but he knew very well that if there was no other way, Wuming would most likely agree to take a chance in the Shenzang Trial. With Wuming and Lucyphile, it would be difficult for him to refuse.

For this reason, he could only choose the lesser of two evils and replace Lucyphile's method with another method he didn't want to talk about.

Lucyphile didn't expect Gao Shanggong to have another method. She immediately asked, "What method? Dad, don't try to lie to me. If you lie, I will expose you immediately."

"Fei'er, is your dad that kind of person? There is a method, but it's a bit difficult." Gao Shanggong was dissatisfied at first, and then said with embarrassment.

Wuming stood up and said, "Uncle Gao, if you have any idea, just tell me. As long as I can do it, I won't refuse."

"What should I say? I can't explain it very well. I'll let Aries come over. Aries is responsible for this matter. He knows the details better than me." Seeing everyone looking at him, Gao Shanggong thought. He thought about it and said.

After a while, he contacted Aries, hoping that Aries could come over.

About ten minutes later, Aries Gong rushed to Wenxin Villa. Wuming welcomed Aries Gong into the house. Aries Gong looked at Gao Shang Gong with a smile and said, "If you have anything to say, I have to come over." ?”

"Regarding the imaginary alliance, Wuming has a way to solve the dancing problem, but he needs a professional card. As far as I know, the leader of the imaginary alliance got a professional card a few months ago." Gao Shangong said.

Aries nodded and said, "That's true."

"Wait a minute, what kind of organization is the Fictional Alliance? What is a professional card?" Wuming was confused and couldn't help but ask.

Aries looked at Wuming and replied: "The Fictional Alliance is the most...ever most dangerous organization in all the worlds. In the past, many evil gods were members of the Fictional Alliance. My mission is to collect information about the Fictional Alliance. Dig out the true identities of the members of the fictional alliance, and then...catch them all!"

Of course, the most dangerous organization now is the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, and fictional alliances are a thing of the past.

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