I Contracted Myself

【654】Insect God

There are many familiar wanted criminals in the fictional alliance.

For example, the Sweet Potato God, the God of Sacrifice, the Great God Afu, etc. all come from the fictional alliance, and the leader of the fictional alliance is even more mysterious. Almost all the spies placed by the Scholar Foundation into the fictional alliance died at the mouth of the leader.

Of course, the alliance leader's actions are not completely traceable. He will still leave clues when he occasionally takes action. Aries Palace has been investigating and searching for the alliance leader of the fictitious alliance through big data, with the intention of digging out his true identity.

"As for professional cards, we actually don't know what they are. Professional cards existed a long time ago. As long as practitioners use professional cards, all their powers will be unified, and finally form a profession similar to that of a game. Identity, all physical attributes, and abilities will appear similar to gamification." Aries paused, then continued to explain Wuming's doubts.

Wuming said thoughtfully after listening: "In other words, we have to find the leader of the fictional alliance and seize the professional card from his hand. Then I will use the professional card to update all my abilities and control the puppet. !”

"Yes, that's it." Gao Shanggong nodded.

Once all Wuming's abilities are gamified, although version 1.0 does not evolve into version 2.0, it is equivalent to changing a shell. You can also use the skilled version of Wuming on the puppet again.

"The question is who is the leader of the fictional alliance?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Aries Palace smiled and said: "Originally, the fictional alliance was hidden very deep, and the progress of our investigation has been slow. But after the appearance of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, it was like another tiger appeared on the top of the mountain where there was originally one tiger. The two tigers met each other. The dispute will naturally cause a lot of commotion, so we have already locked in many members of the fictional alliance. As long as we continue to follow the clues, we believe that the identity of the alliance leader will soon be revealed. "

"Do you have any clues about the identity of the Sweet Potato God?" Wuming asked.

If the Sweet Potato God hadn't plotted against him, how could he have mistakenly entered the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence in the first place? He had always kept this hatred in his heart.

"The information about the Sweet Potato God has been collected. His true identity is the traitor of the True Self Clan, True Self Heavenly Man. Currently, he has betrayed the fictional alliance and joined the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, where he holds the position of elder." Aries Palace replied .

Gao Shang Palace was surprised: "The Sweet Potato God actually betrayed the fictional alliance?"

"It may be a bitter trick, but even if Rama knew it, he wouldn't refuse. With Rama's magnanimity, I'm afraid he wouldn't pay attention to the imaginary alliance that hides its head and tail." Aries replied.

After the reconstruction of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, it directly exerted pressure on all realms, making countless forces tremble with fear.

Compared with the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, the fictional alliance that hides its head and tail is indeed less impressive, and the two are more than one level behind in terms of strength.

Of course, before confirming the identity of the leader of the fictitious alliance, Aries Palace and the others cannot guarantee 100% that the Ten Thousand Demons Sect will definitely win the fictitious alliance.

After all, although the fictional alliance has been hiding its head and tail in recent years, it has also done a lot of great things.

At least in terms of reputation, the two forces are actually on par. They are both notorious and will be infamy for thousands of years.

"In that case, let's attack the True God first. If we catch him, we might be able to interrogate a lot of information about the fictitious alliance. It would be great if we could directly know the identity of the alliance leader." Wuming thought for a while and suggested road.

Aries shook his head and said: "No, we have a better goal."

Although the identity of the True God has been exposed, the True Heaven is now the elder of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect. It is not an easy task to catch the True Heaven.

Then Aries thought, and white light formed a pyramid-shaped light curtain in the living room. A monster that looked like a dragon and an insect appeared in the light curtain. He gently turned the pyramid, and the monster was displayed to everyone in all directions.

"This guy is also a member of the fictional alliance. His previous name was the Poor Dragon King. Some time ago, for some reason, he changed his name to the Insect God. He is still spreading his faith in various remote rural worlds, and his body has also changed. , changing from dragon to insect," Aries said.

Wuming asked: "Is he related to the alliance leader?"

"Well, according to the intelligence we collected, he is a close confidant of the Alliance Leader, and often plays the role of establishing authority for the Alliance Leader. After research, the Scholars Foundation unanimously believes that he must have a closer relationship with the Alliance Leader. Catching him may You can get more information about the fictional alliance and its leader." Aries nodded.

Then he looked at Wuming and said with a smile: "Mr. Wuming, do you have any questions?"

"How are you sure that the Alliance Leader must have that professional card, and how are you sure that the Alliance Leader will not get it and then just use it?" Wuming thought for a while and asked.

Aries smiled and said: "This was originally the secret of the Scholar Foundation, but since Mr. Anonymous asked..."

"Forget it, since it's a secret, let's keep it secret." Wuming said first.

He had already made a guess in his mind, it was nothing more than some kind of prophecy ability or a more complex ability, or the Scholar Foundation was also involved in the process of the alliance leader obtaining the professional card.

Although the incident in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence attracted the attention of countless people, this did not mean that the rest of the place was peaceful and peaceful.

In fact, there are countless struggles and even wars in all the worlds every day. While Wuming and others are repairing the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, various events, large and small, are also happening in other places.

It's just that these things are not like Wuming's repair of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, which can be broadcast live on the Divine Light Screen, so there are relatively few people who know about it.

Next, the topic returned to the Insect God. Although the Scholar Foundation has roughly delineated the scope of activities of the Insect God, the appearance of the Insect God is ever-changing and does not always appear in the form of his true form. It is not an easy task to lock down the insect god in dozens or even hundreds of worlds.

Fortunately, the Scholar Foundation has a lot of money and has hired many trustworthy mercenaries to set up spies in several worlds where the Insect God appears. Once traces of the Insect God are discovered, the Scholar Foundation will know the news as soon as possible.

"In what world does the insect god usually appear?" Wuming asked after listening to Aries Palace's explanation.

Aries hesitated and said: "Mr. Anonymous, you are very important now. Rama will definitely keep a close eye on you. If you want to catch the Insect God yourself, I don't think it is necessary."

Once Rama kills Wuming and settles in the Great Wilderness Special Zone, the Ten Thousand Demons Sect will completely control all heavens and realms, and neither the real world nor the divine hidden space will be able to escape the encirclement and suppression of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

Aries Palace does not want Wuming to be personally involved in danger.

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