I Contracted Myself

【655】Wanxiang House

Tate World, Tate Star.

In fact, Tate World is the name given to Tate World by the Ten Thousand Worlds, while the natives of Tate Star do not have this concept.

The creatures of Tate Star do not have the ability to leave the planet where they grow and travel in the universe, let alone leave Tate World to go to other worlds.

This world that is not connected to the Ten Thousand Worlds has many names given by practitioners, such as rural world, marginal civilization, indigenous world...

Under normal circumstances, only those practitioners who are particularly miserable will consider becoming local tyrants in a remote world. Most practitioners who are used to the conveniences of the Ten Thousand Worlds civilization actually find it difficult to get used to living in such a world.

However, the Insect God is an exception.

His real name is Wanxiang House. He is neither a dragon nor an insect, but a strange flower among the fishmen, a member of the big-mouthed and stomach-grabbing frog sea wolf tribe.

Because the name of his race is very long, the fishmen generally call this race the Frog Wolf Tribe.

The Frog Wolf Tribe has a very special talent, which is autophagy and disguise.

Simply put, it is to swallow itself, use special stomach acid to change the structure of the body, and thus change into various images. This ability is very powerful, and the camouflage ability is first-class, so Wanxiang House can simulate any race at will.

At this time, he is simulating the intelligent race of Tate Star, the Tate Bull, while sitting on the rock and eating grass while observing the Tate Bulls around him.

The IQ of Tate Bulls is not particularly high, but compared with ordinary animals, it is already an intelligent life.

They are extremely powerful, with thick skin and rough flesh, hard bones, and they can already use stone weapons to hunt. Ordinary Tate Bulls often hunt in groups of animals called cock-crowned lions.

This kind of lion is famous for its strange cock-crowned crest on its head. There is a regional controller named Ziwu Tianzun in Shenzang Space who particularly likes to eat the cock-crowned lion's cock-crowned crest, and he also specially introduced a batch of cock-crowned lions from Tate Star.

Today, the number of cock-crowned lions on Tate Star is about one million to one and a half million, and there are tens of millions of cock-crowned lions living in the area of ​​Ziwu Tianzun.

Wanxiang House likes remote areas very much, because the people here are often simple and easy to deceive, which is the most suitable for developing faith.

He uses the simplicity of the indigenous world to continuously collect faith and slowly condense a pseudo-god body to conceal his true goal.

Faith God is shit.

Wanxiang House has no interest in becoming a faith god. The reason why he got the body of a faith god is just to fool the fictitious alliance and confuse other organizations. His real purpose is to kidnap people!

This has to say about his ability.

He is born with special abilities that other frog wolf tribes do not have.

All the life forms eaten by him are not actually dead, but are completely absorbed by him and become part of life, and the behavior of these lives will be synchronized with him.

In battle, his punch is equivalent to all the life forms he has eaten punching at the same time, and his practice is equivalent to all the life forms he has eaten practicing together.

He can even use these life forms to achieve the effect of death in place of death.

In short, the more life forms he eats, the stronger his strength will be and the faster his practice will be.

However, there are differences between life forms. The higher the quality of life forms, the more help they provide to him, especially intelligent life forms, which can speed up his thinking when he is thinking.

With so many benefits, he naturally targeted intelligent life forms.

"According to my observation, at least 20,000 Tate bulls die every year. I should not attract too much attention from Tate bulls if I eat 8,000 quietly." Wanxiang House looked at the Tate bulls in the distance and thought silently in his heart.

Every time he made a move, he would investigate in advance and strive to swallow the life forms without anyone noticing.

Although the leader of the alliance laughed at him for being too cautious many times, he had no intention of changing. It is better to be safe than sorry. In the past, he was the one with the lowest bounty in the fictional alliance because he was cautious enough.

Now that the Ten Thousand Demon Sect has risen strongly, a small character like him will not be noticed at all. As long as he continues to act carefully, he can live happily in the indigenous world.

"Uncle, what are you doing here?" At this time, a Tate bull came forward and asked curiously.

The Tate calf is very cute, just like a chubby yak, with long hair covering his eyes, looking a little silly. Wanxiang House looked at the Tate calf and smiled, "I'm looking at how much food I have."

"Oh, do you want to eat flowers? I'll give you one." The Tate calf took out a pink flower from his back and asked.

He thought Wanxiang House was very special. Other Tate calfs were busy looking for food all day long and never ate grass in public, for fear that others would look down on them and say they were grass-eating cows.

But Wanxiang House was different. He was quiet, unsociable, and liked to eat grass.

The Tate calf also liked to eat grass, so he thought Wanxiang House might be his kind.

"Thank you, but I prefer to eat... you!"

Wanxiang House took a look at the joke, then showed a weird smile, and before the calf could react, his mouth split open instantly and swallowed the calf in one bite.

Because his movements were so fast, no one around him noticed his movements.

He swallowed the calf man and continued to sit there and eat grass. Suddenly he felt something and looked towards the wooden shed not far away. A Tate heifer man was looking at him with horror.

"Oh, I've been discovered." Wanxiang House laughed.

Then he stood up and walked towards the little cow, who immediately turned around and ran, wanting to seek shelter from the adults.

However, she did not realize that her five senses had been distorted. She was not running in a crowded place, but in a remote forest. In a blink of an eye, she ran into the forest.

"Fresh, vibrant, and delicious!" Wanxiang House licked his lips and said with enjoyment.

The taste of the Tate calf was really great. Although he was not very smart, the vitality contained in his body was extremely amazing. This power could strengthen his body and make him stronger.

Of course, with his current strength, even if he ate the creatures of the entire planet, it would actually help him very little.

Now he was just enjoying it.

The little Tate cow was very scared. She soon found that no matter how she ran, she could not get to the adults. She was so scared that she was about to cry, and her five senses gradually recovered.

She discovered in despair that she had run into the Wild Tiger Forest, a place that even adults did not want to set foot in easily.

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