I Contracted Myself


For the Tate bulls, straying into the wild tiger forest is like delivering food to the wild tigers.

The wild tiger is a super beast about three meters tall, five meters long, and weighs 1,500 kilograms.

If it is on a plain with open vision, it takes about five adult Tate bulls holding stone tools to fight an adult wild tiger.

But if it is in the forest, ten adult Tate bulls will find it difficult to take down an adult wild tiger, and there will even be heavy casualties.

Because although the wild tiger is a creature of huge size, it is extremely proficient in lurking hunting. It ambushes prey in the forest and is often difficult to be detected before it attacks.

So in the forest, the wild tiger is the real king of all beasts.

At this time, the Tate cow was spinning in place, frightened and at a loss, and didn't know where to run.

Wanxiang House slowly passed through a bush, his eyes fell on the Tate cow spinning in place, his tongue couldn't help licking his lips, and drops of saliva fell on the grass.

Suddenly, he found that not far from Tate Cow, a brute tiger seemed to have set its sights on Tate Cow.

The brute tiger's big meat pads can absorb sound very well, and the tiger stripes on its body move softly when walking, so it won't touch a single leaf. It stared at Tate Cow with its eyes and approached silently.


Wanxiang House's eyes suddenly curved into a crescent shape, and his mouth split to the roots of his ears.

The next moment, his body quickly changed from Tate Cow to brute tiger, sneaking towards Tate Cow in the same posture.

"Woo, mom..."

Tate Cow became more and more scared, tears were already rolling in her eyes, and she mumbled but didn't dare to cry out loud.

Suddenly, the grass shook, and a brute tiger jumped out of the forest. It opened its mouth and bit Tate Cow fiercely. Tate Cow was completely scared and could only watch the bloody mouth getting closer and closer to her.

But at this moment, another brute tiger jumped out of the forest and collided with the brute tiger in front in the air.

The next moment after the collision, the brute tiger that appeared later bit the brute tiger that appeared first, and the brute tiger that appeared first didn't even have the chance to wail. In an instant, its body was sucked into the mouth of the brute tiger that appeared later like jelly.

"Delicious!" Wanxiang House showed a satisfied look, fell to the ground and looked at the frightened Tate cow.

"Woo woo..."

Tate cow wanted to escape, but her hands and feet were completely out of control. She tried several times but couldn't get up, and tears suddenly burst out.

The next moment, Wanxiang House opened his mouth excitedly, ready to swallow Tate cow into his stomach, but the space next to him just opened his mouth was like a calm lake with ripples, and a hand stretched out from the ripples.

Not good!

Wanxiang House immediately realized that it was an enemy attack.


The palm gently slapped his cheek, and his body suddenly rotated 360 degrees at high speed, and finally flew backwards with a bang.


Wanxiang House could feel that the life swallowed in his body was quickly replacing him to bear the damage caused by the palm. It felt like squeezing plastic bubble wrap, and a large number of bubbles were squeezed and burst in an instant.


After smashing countless trees, accompanied by a loud bang, he hit a thousand-year-old giant tree heavily and finally stopped.

His body squirmed for a while, and in an instant he transformed from the brute tiger form to his original form. His original form looked extremely strange, like a frog, a human, and a little like a wolf.

Getting up from the ground, he immediately looked at the side of Tate the cow. A sheep-headed man in a tuxedo was looking at him with a smile. The two sides met eyes, and he immediately grinned: "Despicable guy, what are you?"

"Aries Star Dome!"

Aries Palace had no interest in communicating with Wanxiang House at all, and at this time he lightly snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the surrounding space collapsed violently, and Aries Palace and Wanxiang House fell rapidly downwards, and in an instant they appeared in a vast starry sky.

"Not good!"

Wanxiang House fell into the Aries star dome and immediately realized that the enemy was stronger than him.

His body suddenly split apart the next moment, turning into dense clones that fled in different directions.

Aries Palace instantly appeared in front of one of the clones and smiled gently: "Give up, you can't escape."

If Wanxiang House turned back to his original body and split and fled as soon as possible, he might not be able to catch Wanxiang House. It can only be said that Wanxiang House underestimated the enemy.

Ten minutes later, all of Wanxiang House's clones were caught by Aries Palace. Aries Palace punched Wanxiang House's original body hidden in a planet out of the void and smiled: "I ask you to answer, where is the alliance leader of the fictional alliance?"

"What are you saying, I don't understand." Wanxiang House's pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately asked back.

Aries smiled faintly, and before Wanxiang House could react, dense fists fell on Wanxiang House's body, knocking out most of the life in Wanxiang House's body, and then Aries asked: "Where is the leader of the alliance?"

"I really don't know what you are talking about. I'm just an ordinary bad guy." Wanxiang House said while spitting blood.

Aries was not angry, and smiled: "It doesn't matter, I believe you will know, we still have a long time to play slowly."

Next, Aries began to use all kinds of torture knowledge learned from books, and put them all into practice. Wanxiang House had a strong willpower, and no matter how Aries tortured him, he would not reveal any secrets.

"Okay, I've had enough fun, so now we should go to the place where we can really get all your secrets!" Aries saw that the time was almost right, so he smiled slightly.

The Aries Star Dome was instantly lifted, and Aries appeared in the Wild Tiger Forest with Wanxiang House. He looked at the Tate Cow who was still sitting on the ground and dared not move, and smiled: "Little friend, it's very dangerous here, go home!"

After that, the Tate Cow was teleported back to the Tate Cow people's group. He then used the teleportation bracelet to take Wanxiang House back to the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

Wenxin Bieyuan.

Wuming drank tea in the yard and waited for Aries to come back.

With Aries' strength, catching the Insect God is a sure thing, and there is basically no chance of an accident.

He had just finished the third cup of tea when Aries' voice came from outside the yard. He moved his mind, and the door opened automatically, and Aries walked in with Wanxiang House.

"This guy is the Bug God. There are several seals and restrictions in his brain. I was afraid of alerting the enemy, so I didn't touch the information in his brain. Come and see!" Aries threw Wanxiang House in front of Wuming and said with a smile.

When Wanxiang House saw Wuming, his pupils shrank instantly. Realizing that something was wrong, he immediately wanted to commit suicide, but as soon as the idea of ​​suicide came up, his body was frozen by Wuming.

Time lost its effect on Wanxiang House, and everything about him stopped at the second he wanted to commit suicide.

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