I Contracted Myself

【657】Golden Crow Star

The universe is actually just an adjective.

For example, the world of Tate is not actually counted in the "All Heavens and All Realms". The worlds that can really be regarded as "all heavens and all realms" are actually worlds that are related to each other.

Wanyi World, as a trading transfer station in the "All Heavens and Worlds", all habitable and uninhabitable planets in Wanyi World have been utilized to the extreme.

Planets that are not suitable for living creatures have all been transformed into warehouses.

The livable planets are occupied by various shops, and traders from countless worlds complete transactions on various planets every day.

In the past, different commodities from different worlds were all transported to Wanyi World, and then transferred to various worlds that needed these commodities.

But in recent years, Wanyi World has been declining.

The rise of Wan Mo Sect has caused an impact on Wanyi World, and the trading center is gradually moving to the Dahuang Special Zone.

Compared with Wanyi World, Dahuang Special Zone has many advantages. It connects both the real world and the hidden space, allowing merchants' goods to be easily transported on both sides. At the same time, the policies of Dahuang Special Zone are also conducive to business.

Of course, the most important thing is that in the Great Wilderness Special Zone, businessmen do not need to worry about the threat of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

However, the centipede insect is dead but not stiff. Although Wanyi World is gradually declining, it is still a holy land for many small businessmen, so there are still various spaceships carrying goods to and from Wanyi World every day.

At this time, a warship disguised as a merchant ship slowly sailed from space to the Golden Crow Star.

Golden Crow Star is a planet specially used for trading various metals in Wanyi World. Most of the metals in the world can be purchased from Golden Crow Star. In the past, some relatively poor swordsmen would travel to and from Golden Crow Star, hoping to use the most precious metals. Buy the metal you want at a cheap price.

"Captain, the Golden Crow Star has arrived."

At this time, a female pilot in the merchant ship said in a cold voice.

In the command room, Captain South Roosevelt was sleeping soundly. The voice of the female pilot came. He slowly opened his eyes. The screen in front of him was showing the huge Golden Crow Star.

Golden Crow Star is a planet made of metal. Mixed with various metals, it looks like a silver metal ball with a faint light when viewed from space.

A large number of floating cannons move in the orbit of the Golden Crow Star. Once space pirates are discovered, they will shoot directly. In recent years, all pirates who dare to take advantage of the Golden Crow Star have fallen victim to these expensive floating cannons.

In fact, the floating cannon is not the strongest defense force of Golden Crow Star.

There are also a large number of crater-like star destroyer cannons on the surface of the Golden Crow. This weapon can easily destroy a planet with one shot.

If the pirates can avoid the floating cannon and approach the Golden Crow, then the star-destroying cannon will tell them what it means to be wealthy.

Of course, the amount of energy required to fire a shot of this kind of star destroyer cannon is extremely exaggerated, and if converted into resource coins, it would be an astronomical amount. If it is not necessary, no one would want to use the star destroyer cannon.

"It's finally here, damn, I wanted to kill the Golden Crow tens of thousands of years ago, but before I was ready, the Golden Crow was about to be destroyed." South Roosevelt looked at the silver planet in front of him and said to himself said.

The deputy captain next to him smiled and said: "Who is calling the Ten Thousand Demons Sect so great? It is said that Rama doesn't have to do anything now. He can get more wealth than the Golden Crow Star every day. One Golden Crow Star a day. Do you think it's cool or not?" "

If there was no threat from the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, even if the businessmen knew that the Dahuang Special Zone was more conducive to transactions, they would not move to the Dahuang Special Zone so quickly. After all, the business here is stable. Who knows what would happen if they went to the Dahuang Special Zone.

But because of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, the Great Wilderness Special Zone suddenly became popular, and the Wanyi World became miserable.

In a few years' time from Golden Crow Star, pirates probably won't even bother to rob.

Soth has been planning to plunder the Golden Crow for many years. It was precisely because he realized that the Golden Crow was about to be destroyed, and in order to prevent his early investment from being wasted, that he decided to implement the plan in advance and completely plunder the Golden Crow. All the wealth within!

"Damn it, you beasts and dogs, tear off your disguise and take action!" Soth couldn't help but cursed when he thought of the impact of the Ten Thousand Demons Gate and the Great Wilderness Zone, then pressed the talk button and gave orders to all pirates. road.

In the cockpit of the battleship, all the pilots began to operate, and the battleship that was originally disguised as a merchant ship suddenly tore off its disguise.

In space, what originally looked like a merchant ship loaded with cargo twisted and suddenly turned into a huge battleship. The shape of this battleship was somewhat similar to the reverse 'concave' shape, and in the concave position was a huge planet. .

Obviously, this is a planet battleship that can move a planet in space. There are various resources on this planet and it can be self-sufficient. Even if it travels to areas where resources are scarce, it can stay for a long time without worrying about food and drinking water.

After tearing off their own camouflage, countless small fighter planes flew out of the planet and flew towards the Golden Crow Star.

Golden Crow Star.

Countless merchants were walking through the streets, some were trading, and some were looking for buyers.

Suddenly, the guard tower in the distance glowed red, and at the same time the alarm sounded: "Alarm, alarm, the Roosevelt Pirates have been discovered. The Roosevelt Pirates have been discovered. Please take shelter in the shelter immediately. Please take shelter in the shelter immediately."

The merchants who were trading, the workers who were transporting goods, and some traders who lived on the Golden Crow Star all changed their expressions when they heard the alarm, and then ran towards the nearest shelter.

They were not afraid of the pirates, because the defense of Jinwu Star was very strong, and the pirates were courting death. What they were really afraid of was the large-scale cleanup after the alarm.

In the past, there were pirates who first mixed some members into the crowd, and when the pirate warships attacked, they took the opportunity to cause chaos on the ground, and finally caused great damage to Jinwu Star.

After the first big loss, the controller of Jinwu Star issued a new rule, that is, once there was a pirate attack, everyone on the ground must enter the shelter to hide.

This not only protected ordinary people, but also prevented pirates from taking the opportunity to cause chaos.

If someone did not enter the shelter in time, they would be treated as a pirate accomplice, so if you don’t want to die, you must rush to the shelter as soon as possible.

In a blink of an eye, everyone in Jinwu Star hid in the shelter.

Countless people crowded together in a mess. Some people simply went online to post the news that Jinwu Star was attacked by pirates. Some people broadcast live and even bet with the audience whether the pirates could attack Jinwu Star.

Heath sat in the corner of the shelter, quietly observing the people in the shelter, while searching for his own target.

Once the Roosevelt Pirates entered Jinwu Star, as one of the leaders of the pirates, his task was to lead his men to control these people.

There were several strong men in the crowd that he had secretly remembered in his mind, and these strong men would definitely be able to sell for a good price after the matter was accomplished.

Jinwu Star, what is valuable is not only various precious metals and a large amount of currency, but these people are actually also very valuable!

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