I Contracted Myself

【659】Lock on target

Dahuang Special Zone, Wenxin Courtyard.

Wuming put his hand on Wanxiang House's brain and browsed through all Wan Xiang House's past memories.

However, Wanxiang House's memory is super confusing. The way he stores memories seems to be a special password. Without the correct password, these memories are chaotic and unnecessary information fragments. Even if Xiaoxi restores them to pictures, they are still messy content.

Moreover, Wanxiang House has lived too long, and his memory is extremely large, making it very difficult to sort out.

Wuming flicked his fingers at this moment, and a triangular fragment fell in front of him. It happened to be spliced ​​together with another fragment. The picture of this fragment finally became complete.

Unfortunately, the picture that was pieced together was of Wan Xiang House swallowing a werewolf. He opened his mouth and swallowed the surrounding soil together. The werewolf clung to the ground and finally fell into Wan Xiang House's mouth.

"Another useless fragment." Wuming glanced at it and said helplessly.

We don't know how many such fragments there are, and it will probably take a lot of time to search for useful information from Wanxiang House's vast memories.

Once the leader of the fictional alliance realizes that Wan Xiang House has been captured, he will probably run away immediately. Wuming and the others are pressed for time.

"There are many practitioners who encrypt their memories in this way. Your interpretation speed is already very fast." Aries comforted.

Wuming thought for a while and said with a smile: "In that case, let's compress the time!"

As he spoke, Wenxin Villa was immediately covered by a force, forming a golden energy shield. One minute passed outside, and one day passed inside Wenxin Villa.

Wuming then started to speed up. He was going to decipher all the memories first, and finally put the puzzle pieces together.

After all, they don't actually need all the memories of Wanxiang House. They only need to find information about the alliance leader from Wanxiang House's memory.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed in Wenxin Courtyard.

The densely packed memory fragments of Wanxiang House were materialized anonymously, and finally they were all arranged in the courtyard. Maria, Dahuang, Cheng Xuejie, Su Jingyao, and Aries were all helping to piece together the puzzle.

Only when these memories are spliced ​​together with correct memories can a flowing picture be formed, otherwise it will only produce confusing gibberish.

Wuming continued to extract, and everyone continued to splice them together. Many memories were spliced ​​out.

"I'm really going to vomit. Does this bitch have nothing else to do besides eat all kinds of intelligent creatures?" Dahuang said with a sad look on his face as he spliced ​​a scene of Wanxiang House eating kobolds.

Cheng Xuejie agreed: "I have never seen a more perverted monster than this one. Wuming, how do you plan to execute him?"

"Execution? No, of course I won't execute him. I will turn him into a brick and crush him in the most crowded place, so that he will be trampled on forever!" Wuming said with a smile.

Maria's eyes lit up and she smiled: "This is a great idea, I will definitely step on him a few more times."

"Okay, everyone, come and see, I should have found the identity of the alliance leader." Aries said with a smile at this time.

Everyone came forward to check. The memory fragments in front of the Aries Palace were playing a short scene repeatedly. By the sparkling river, a blond man was fishing. Wanxiang House was kneeling on the ground, lowering his head and not daring to look at the man. .

"Is this the leader of the fictional alliance?" Da Huang looked at the blond man's back and asked with some suspicion.

Cheng Xuejie frowned and said, "But there's only a back view, how do we know who he is?"

"Look at the water." Wuming smiled at this time.

Wuming freezes the water surface, then enlarges the reflection on the water surface, and gradually a handsome man appears in front of everyone. He has long golden hair and a calm and leisurely expression, as if he has everything under control.

"Can you confirm his identity?" Wuming looked at Aries Palace and asked.

Aries smiled and said: "We are already checking."

"How are you sure he is the alliance leader?" Maria asked curiously.

Wuming smiled and said, "You touch the screen."

Hearing this, Maria stepped forward and reached out to gently touch the memory fragment. The next moment she felt the emotions belonging to Wanxiang House in this memory.

Loyalty and reverence!

Besides the alliance leader, who else could make Wanxiang House feel this kind of emotion?

Wu Ming and the others did not need to know what happened between Wan Xiang House and the alliance leader, nor did they need to know more clues. They only needed to know that the man in front of them was the object of allegiance to Wan Xiang House, and that was enough.

The time flow rate of Wenxin Courtyard and the time flow rate of Dahuang Special Zone quickly returned to normal. About half an hour later, Aries Palace received feedback from the Scholar Foundation.

"I found him, you all come and take a look." Aries Gong said with a smile.

When everyone returned to the house, Aries released the message from the alliance leader: "Nunn, the shopkeeper of Wanyi World, Golden Crow Star, and Jintungsten Gold Merchant Alliance, according to all past records, Nuen himself is very law-abiding. No criminal record has ever left Golden Crow Star, and he has won the title of Best Shopkeeper many times.”

"Is this really the alliance leader?" Cheng Xuejie showed an expression of disbelief.

The main reason is that Nunn's information records are so good. He is a perfect example of a law-abiding worker. He never makes trouble and never misses work. He even often takes the initiative to work overtime. In the Jintungsten Gold Merchant Alliance, Nunn has always been a star shopkeeper and is the leader of countless workers. the ultimate goal.

"That's ridiculous. Could it be that...the alliance leader used this face?" Wuming also found it unbelievable.

Aries nodded and said, "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"Anyway, if we go to Jinwu Star to investigate, the truth will be revealed." Zhang Shouzhong said to everyone while dancing.

Aries nodded and said, "Well, I'll go there myself."

"Wait, if Nunn is really the leader of the alliance, it means that he is hiding very deeply. Such a guy is definitely not a weakling. I'll let the Deep Sea Apostle go with you!" Wuming thought about it and said.

Aries knew the strength of the Deep Sea Apostle and nodded, "Okay."

Next, Wuming summoned the Deep Sea Apostle, and then pressed the force of potential into the body of the Deep Sea Apostle. In an instant, the surface of the Deep Sea Apostle was covered with golden scales, and it looked like a golden dragon man.

"Go, we will continue to interpret Wanxiang House's memory here to see if there is more information." Wuming looked at Aries and said seriously.

After sending off the Aries Palace and the Deep Sea Apostle, Wuming looked at Dahuang and the others and said with a smile: "Let's take a break and continue to interpret Wanxiang House's memory."

Dahuang and Cheng Xuejie's faces changed slightly, and they felt nauseous and wanted to vomit.

"Ah, Master Wuming, I remember that I still have homework to do. I'll go do it!" Maria immediately stood up and said.

Compared to interpreting Wanxiang House's memory, she suddenly felt that doing homework didn't seem so scary.

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