I Contracted Myself

【660】A fireworks display

High-end force: Members can travel across the void with their bodies and can easily crush stars.

Low-end forces: All members must take a vehicle such as a spaceship to leave the planet. Once thrown out of the spaceship, they will be killed by space.

The Roosevelt Pirates are a low-end force.

Most of their members do not have the ability to survive in space, let alone survive in the void.

Once they lose the shelter of their warships or are boarded by enemies on their warships, they will have nowhere to escape in space.

After discovering that Nunn had broken into the battleship, Soth realized that the other party was not something they could deal with, and he immediately ordered the battleship to separate.

This pirate warship can be split into dozens of modules to isolate certain dangers.

After all, anything is possible in space. If the battleship is damaged beyond repair, in order to avoid greater losses, they can choose to split some modules.

But now Soth's purpose of separating the battleship is to buy time for his escape.

The members of the pirate group originally gathered together for profit, but now they cut off their tails to survive when they encounter danger, and there is nothing wrong with them leaving the others behind and running away.

After the separation of the battleship was completed and the bow of the ship accelerated away from the Golden Crow Star, Soss breathed a sigh of relief. This way, the other party should not be chasing him again.

After all, there is no valuable property on the head of the battleship. Even if the other party is the master behind the Golden Crow Star, seeing that he has offered such a generous property, he should not continue to pursue it.

"But I think you are more valuable!" Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in the command room. Soth's pupils shrank instantly and his body stiffened in his seat.

Through the reflection of the glass in front of him, he saw the murderer who had just killed Baite. The other person was sitting in Baite's seat and looking at him with calm eyes!

Soth swallowed his saliva and said flatteringly: "Sir, what can I do for you?"

Since the other party said that he was more valuable, there should be some place where he could be used. As long as he could survive, he wouldn't mind being a dog for the other party.

A truly strong person can shrink and stretch, kneel and stand.

It was not like South had never knelt before establishing the Roosevelt Pirates.

Kneel down, just to stand better next time!

"Service? No, I just think your face has a little bit of value, and it can be used as a transition." Nunn said calmly.

not good!

South instantly realized that the other party wanted to replace him.

In an instant, his head tilted back, and a mouth opened from the void, almost biting his head from top to bottom. There was sweat on his forehead, he kicked his legs hard, and his body quickly retreated.

The backrest of his chair originally broke when he leaned back. Now because he pushed back with force, the entire backrest exploded, and countless fragments flew everywhere in the command room.

As he flew backwards, his toes kept tapping the fragments on the backrest, and instantly a large number of fragments shot towards Nunn who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Good sense of combat." Nunn quickly connected his fingers and blocked all the debris in an instant.

Then several mouths appeared out of thin air and bit down on the retreating Soss. Soss grunted and twisted his body like a willow belt to avoid the fatal position. Several semicircular teeth marks appeared on his body instantly. .

It hurts, but it's bearable.

Soth hit the wall of the command room, and the wall suddenly cracked open quickly. A large number of nanobots wrapped him up. In the blink of an eye, a spear pierced from the wall, and the tip of the spear struck Nunn.

"So there is such a back-up plan." Nun held the spear between his fingers and said calmly.

Soth had already fled outside the command room. He was wearing nano-armor and penetrated wall after wall, escaping from the battleship into space in an instant.

Must run!

What the other party wants is his identity, and he will die if he doesn't run.

And he can't inform others, because informing others will not only not help, but will kill them.

If Nur really wanted his identity, he would definitely accept his power. To Nur, the members of the pirate group must be more valuable alive.

But once he informed the other members of the pirate group, everyone who knew about it would be dead.

Besides, there was no point for him to inform others, because he was the strongest being in the entire pirate group, and other losers and cannon fodder couldn't help him at all.

He could ruthlessly abandon the pirate group and run away alone, but he would not deliberately cause trouble and bring everyone to death together.

This is a matter of principle.

But as soon as Soth flew out of space, he saw Nunn standing on a meteorite not far away. His eyes widened suddenly, but his heart sank to the bottom.

"Why don't you give it a try?"

Nunn waited for a moment and saw that Soth still did not dare to defeat the enemy, so he asked calmly.

"No, you win."

Soth lowered his head and sighed, but the energy in his body was building up crazily, preparing to give Nunn a cruel blow the moment Nunn took action. Even if he died, he would bite off a piece of the opponent's flesh.

"I probably understand that sometimes memories can be deceiving, but personally observed information cannot." Nunn nodded, then left the meteorite and approached Soth.

Soth took a deep breath through the air circulation system of the nano-armor, directly activated the self-destruction ability of the nano-armor, and at the same time prepared to self-destruct himself.

But at this moment, Nuen seemed to notice something, and turned around to look at the Golden Crow Star in the distance.

"Let's die together!"

Soss was worried that something would change later, so he immediately roared and flew towards Nunn quickly.

"Just in time!"

Nun glanced at Soth, and the next moment he grabbed Soth's head at a speed that Soth could not react at all. In a blink of an eye, Soth and Nunn's appearances were reversed.

"Nun? Or should I call you... Alliance Leader?" At this time, a white light shot out from the Golden Crow Star, and an arm penetrated the white light and instantly grabbed Soth's neck. The white light dissipated and revealed the figure of Aries.

Soth was about to say that he was not Nunn, but the countdown for the self-detonation of the nano armor was up, and the energy accumulated in his body finally reached the critical point.

With his mind shaken, he lost control of the energy.

"It's going to... explode!"

He used all his strength to say three words, and the next moment his body exploded.

Although Soth was afraid of death, he was actually a ruthless person. He didn't know whether he would die in the future, so in order to avoid the situation where his death would benefit the enemy, he prepared a lot of back-up plans.

Once he exploded, the nano armor would explode first, and at the same time, the several storage rings on his body would also explode.

These storage rings contain the energy blocks of the entire pirate group. Once detonated, the power is enough to sweep the entire galaxy. Add to that the other messy curse puppets, curse-killing bombs and other things, even the 150th-level strongmen will die with hatred.

However, Soth didn't know that the powerful explosion in his cognition was just fireworks in the eyes of the strong.

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