I Contracted Myself

【661】Rama's cooperation

Amid the dazzling fireworks, Aries flew out instantly, but one of its arms was already empty.

At the moment of Sos's explosion, Nunn attacked Aries. Aries avoided most of the attacks, but one of its arms was bitten by a mouth that suddenly appeared, resulting in its arm being bitten off.

The explosion continued, and the fireworks continued to expand. At the edge of the fireworks, Aries's horizontal pupils stared at Nunn in the distance with murderous intent.

In an instant, Aries unfolded the Aries Star Dome, but Nunn reacted very quickly. At the moment when the Aries Star Dome unfolded, he quickly flashed back and escaped from the capture range of the Aries Star Dome in an instant.

This is the weakness of the Aries domain. As long as the reaction is fast enough, it can actually escape the capture range of the Aries Star Dome.

"Is the Scholar Foundation idle? If you have extra energy to deal with me, you might as well think about how to deal with Rama of the Ten Thousand Demons Gate." Nunn said lightly when he saw Aries release the Aries Star Dome.

At this time, Aries' arm twisted, and the arm that was eaten quickly regrew. He said calmly: "Of course, the Ten Thousand Demon Sect must be dealt with, but... the Fictional Alliance cannot be let go!"

"What did you say? Sorry, I don't understand." Nunn said calmly.

Aries smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. Whether you understand it or not, you have nowhere to escape from now on. Just surrender obediently, Alliance Leader!"

Not good!

Nunn suddenly sensed the danger and dodged quickly to the right.

Hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, a golden fist came like light and landed directly at his original position. After hitting the air, the terrifying potential energy was transmitted in space and passed to Nunn's waist in an instant.


Nunn immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and a fist-sized blood hole appeared on his waist, and this injury was a penetrating injury, which penetrated from the left to his right.

He looked at the owner of the golden fist from the corner of his eye, and the next moment another fist came.

"Traceless Palm!"

Aries did not waste the opportunity and slapped out with the same palm.

The two attacks almost simultaneously attacked Nunn, who could even smell the breath of death at this moment.

"Original Water!"

Nun's body instantly turned into a black and white turbid liquid. The two attacks landed in the liquid. With a loud bang, the liquid suddenly exploded and turned into dense water droplets that fled in different directions.

Aries Star Dome!

In an instant, Aries Palace launched a domain, directly covering all the liquid in its own domain.

Although Nunn turned into liquid to avoid the joint attack of Aries Palace and Deep Sea Apostle, he also lost the advantage of speed. At the speed of liquid, he could not escape the capture range of Aries Star Dome.

A large amount of liquid quickly condensed in Aries Star Dome, and Nunn appeared in the distant starry sky in the blink of an eye.

He did not look at Aries Palace, but at the Deep Sea Apostle on the other side of Aries Palace, with fear in his eyes. The Deep Sea Apostle cooperated with the power of momentum, and his combat power was too terrible.

Originally, Nunn was very confident in his own strength, but he was a little unconfident when facing the Deep Sea Apostle.

He didn't know, let alone him.

Even Gao Shanggong, who possessed the power of a regional controller, could not defeat the power of momentum. The power of momentum was at its highest level in terms of attack. Unless you used softness to overcome hardness, nothing would work.

Next, both sides did not speak, but started to fight at the same time.

Dense mouths appeared out of thin air, forming a large mouth formation that covered the sky and the sun. Everything was bitten off wherever they passed. Aries used the flock of sheep, but was swallowed by a mouth.

"Autophagic Extreme Spell!"

Nun shouted in a low voice, put his hands together, and a big mouth immediately appeared behind him and swallowed him in one bite.

Then all the mouths that appeared had sharp teeth, forming dense rings that swallowed everything in the Aries Star Dome layer by layer.

"So that's it, this is his great god power!" Aries only saw the source of the power of these mouths at this moment.

Armor immediately appeared on his body, and then he roared and turned into a huge Aries warrior, shouting: "The second of the flock, the stars of all things change!"

Turning the enemy into sheep forever is not the end. In the Aries star dome, he can also extract the power of these people, and finally form a dense barrage attack.

At this time, the surrounding starry sky burst into brilliant light.

Then dense energy attacks fell from all angles, perfectly covering everything in the entire area.

As the power of the great gods, countless mouths collided with the barrage attack. Under the dense energy bombardment, some mouths were instantly defeated and turned into black matter and scattered.

However, a large number of energy bombs were swallowed by the mouths, and these mouths would split again after swallowing enough energy.

On one side is quality and on the other side is quantity. For a while, it seems that no one can defeat anyone in a short time.

The Deep Sea Apostle did not rush to attack. His fighting skills are even stronger than Wuming. At this time, he is more like a hunter, hiding in the shadows of the surrounding planets, looking for Nunn's true body.

Suddenly, he locked a mouth, and his body turned into a golden arrow and shot at the mouth.

Nunn was indeed in that mouth. He sensed the approach of the golden arrow and immediately moved his position. The original mouth was defeated by the Deep Sea Apostle in an instant.

The next moment, the arrow changed direction and shot towards another mouth again.

"Return the elegy!"

Nunn's expression was serious. At this time, the tongue of the mouth that contained him suddenly lifted up, and he instantly slid into the endless darkness.

Not far from the Golden Crow Star, a mouth suddenly spit out, and Nunn immediately appeared. He took a look at the location where the Aries Star Dome was opened, and then turned and ran.

If he were to fight Aries alone, he would not be afraid.

The problem is that in addition to Aries, there is also a Deep Sea Apostle who can't figure out the details. His injuries are basically caused by the Deep Sea Apostle, which makes him extremely afraid of the Deep Sea Apostle.

Before he knew the details of the Deep Sea Apostle, he would never fight against him.

His great power is called "Eater". The more he understands food, the faster he digests it and the stronger his ability to control food.

He can see through and understand most opponents at a glance.

These opponents are the food on the plate in front of the 'diners'.

Next time, when he gets the information about the Deep Sea Apostle, he will take revenge for today's punch.

But just as he flew dozens of meters away, a hand easily caught him, and the terrifying force instantly crushed him into a ball.


Nunn reacted belatedly and realized that he was being attacked. When he saw the attacker, his heart suddenly sank.

At this time, Aries and the Apostles of the Deep Sea also pursued. When Aries saw Rama, he immediately felt like he was facing a formidable enemy. The Apostles of the Deep Sea quickly attached themselves to the back of Aries, ready to retreat with Aries at any time. .

Rama glanced at Aries, then threw Nunn as a ball to Aries, then turned around and left directly.

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