I Contracted Myself

【663】Use occupation card

Fictional Stomach Sea.

Wuming and others came in their true bodies through the Chaos Eater and found that this was a world.

"Is this really a stomach?" Cheng Xuejie looked up at the sky and said in disbelief.

Aries said, "This ability to open up a small world is not uncommon, but Nunn's fictional stomach sea is indeed special. I can no longer sense the location of the Great Wilderness Special Zone."

"The power of the great god is indeed incredible. It can even do such a thing. I am very curious... whether the practitioners in the past, that is, the practitioners before the Great Destruction, can also cultivate the power of the great god." Wuming said.

Aries shook his head and said, "I don't know. A lot of information before the Great Fault Event has disappeared in the long and ignorant time. Although historians and various scholars are trying their best to study the practice methods before the Great Fault Event, there are too few materials."

The current practice method is actually combined with various messy knowledge in the heavens and the worlds, slowly sorted out, connected and created.

For the strong above level 200, most of the roads are actually dug by themselves, because there is no road ahead of them.

Everyone walked forward while chatting, walking on the sea as if walking on flat ground. After a few minutes, they arrived at an island. Wuming flicked his finger, and the power of return fell on the ground, and in an instant he turned into Nunn.

"Take me to your treasure house!" Wuming said lightly.

Nunn had lost his "self" and was a bit like a deep-sea apostle. After Wuming's order, he led the way in front, and Wuming and others followed behind.

There are many areas in the Fictional Stomach Sea. For example, the "stage" is actually the "Imaginary Sea", which is where Nunn manages the Fictional Alliance. There are also various islands, including islands for cultivation, islands for refining, and islands for storing precious treasures.

These islands are separated from the stage. Each island is equivalent to a world, and only Nunn can enter and exit freely.

Of course, Wuming can also enter and exit freely now. After all, Nunn has become his captive, and everything about Nunn has become his thing.

Led by Nunn, the group came to an island whose total area was larger than the total area of ​​all the land on Earth. The ground of the island was covered with gold bricks and rows of treasure chests were placed. Even the treasure chests themselves were very gorgeous and inlaid with various precious gems.

Wuming and his friends could feel the elemental breath emitted by the gems without touching them.

"Good guy, he is worthy of being the leader of the Fictional Alliance. This wealth... is amazing." Da Huang stared at the countless treasures in front of him in amazement.

Wuming and Aries were very calm. Although the wealth on the island was amazing, they had passed the stage of pursuing wealth and did not value these wealth.

"Go and get the career card." Wuming ordered Nunn.

Nunn immediately flew to a high place and took down a treasure chest, then opened the treasure chest and walked to Wuming and presented the treasure chest.

There was a career card in the treasure chest, and some books related to career cards.

Wuming picked up a book and flipped through it. He found that it was a book he had read. It was called "The Mystery of the Origin of Occupational Cards". This book introduced many abilities similar to occupational cards, and also mentioned that some worlds also have the ability to attribute people.

However, those abilities are not as advanced as occupational cards.

Once occupational cards are used to professionalize everything about oneself, the potential of the person using occupational cards will be enhanced.

Moreover, the occupation formed by blending everything about oneself must be the most suitable occupation for oneself. The author believes that these occupations have infinite possibilities.

Wuming put the book on the air next to him, and then took out another book, which was also a book he had read.

He flipped through it to make sure that the content was no different from what he had read, and then put it aside. Finally, he found a relatively worn book, but the title was still what he had read, but this book had notes.

The annotator believed that occupational cards were likely related to a small world in ancient times. Perhaps someone in that small world had transcended, so he gave that small world the ability to produce occupational cards.

The annotator had seen fragments of that small world, so he had many speculations about occupational cards.

Wuming read through all the notes one by one, and finally his eyes fell on the occupation card in the treasure chest. The value of this occupation card is inestimable. If it is put in the outside world, it will cause bloody storms. Its value is basically equivalent to the treasures of the Shenzang Trial, and it may even be slightly higher.

Because treasures are always just treasures, and occupation cards will give practitioners unlimited possibilities.

Wuming took the occupation card out of the treasure chest and gently stroked the card body. I don’t know what material this card is made of, and it’s hard to tell its material when I touch it.

Moreover, the card is very hard, but it is not subject to force. Once you squeeze it a little harder, you will feel a force rebounding back.

If you don’t use it, you can actually use it as a heart-protecting mirror, which is estimated to be able to block a lot of attacks.

"Master Wuming, how is it, is it real?" Da Huang asked curiously.

Wuming nodded and said, "It is indeed real."

"That’s good, use it quickly, and then subdue the dancing puppet so that everyone can stop." Cheng Xuejie smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Gao Shanggong and the others were dancing in the living room. She felt uncomfortable watching them dancing every day.

"Well, I'll use it!"

Wuming glanced at everyone and said seriously.

Aries smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you. If there is any situation, I will open the Aries Star Sky as soon as possible."

"Then I'll leave it to you."

Wuming nodded, and the next moment he looked at the occupation card.

His mind moved, and the occupation card immediately turned into light dust and merged into his body.


An ant crawled in the light, and countless rings of light flowed back in time.

Brilliant light fell from the sky, and countless bubbles seemed to rise in the raindrops. In an instant, everything turned upside down, and a towering tree rejuvenated and returned to the state of sprouting.

There were countless traces of Tao flowing between heaven and earth, extending outward and extending...

Wuming felt like he had become a particle, shuttling through all things, blending with light and dust, and then separating from all things.

He penetrated layer after layer of worlds, and finally saw the void where all things were still. The giant beast that was far beyond imagination opened its mouth and moved slowly, and everything that was still in the void slowly fell into its belly.

Before Wuming could come to his senses, the beast swallowed him and the world behind him in one gulp. Everything twisted again, like a huge vortex. He was in the vortex and couldn't distinguish anything. He was finally lost.

When he regained consciousness again, he turned into light and was moving forward. Countless light particles collided and merged with him, and finally separated again.

This separation and combination continued, and he also slowly changed from various particles into different things.

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