I Contracted Myself

[664] Occupation: Flower Arranger

Wuming became a plankton, swallowed by monsters in the sea, swallowed by fish, swallowed by reptiles, swallowed again, fell to death in the mountain stream as a flying bird, and died at the hands of hunters as a beast.

After countless changes, he finally became a flower.

A girl walked by gently and touched his petals with her hand. He inexplicably wanted to become a human and look at her again, but everything suddenly fell into darkness.


Wuming slowly opened his eyes, frowned and cursed: "Broken chapter dog!"

"What's wrong?" Aries asked curiously when he saw Wuming's uncomfortable face.

Wuming rubbed his temples and sighed: "Just now I seem to have experienced everything in the past, but I always feel... How to say it, a part is missing. It feels like going to the cinema to watch a movie, and suddenly wanting to go to the toilet in the middle, and when I come back from the toilet, I find that I can't understand the plot of the movie anymore."

"What about the profession?" Aries asked with some concern.

Wuming took out a chair and sat down. With a thought, a light screen appeared. He showed his attributes to everyone.


Name: Wuming

Profession: Flower Arranger

Status: Special Zone Controller

Life Level: 250

Professional Level: 1

Professional Skills:

Main Skill: [Flower Shape, Level: 1]

Effect: Can turn everything touched into imaginary flowers and manipulate them at will. The stronger the will, the longer the duration.

Secondary Skill: [Mirror Flower Water Moon]

Effect: Form a large number of virtual and real phantom flowers, and manipulate them at will. The stronger the will, the higher the sense of reality and the greater the confusing effect.

Secondary Skill: [Playboy]

Effect: Can actively transform the body into countless petals to dodge attacks, and can produce a linkage effect with Mirror Flower Water Moon, replacing the lost petals with phantom flowers.

Other Abilities:

Major Ability: [Wuming, Level: 250]

Effect: Inject Wuming into the target's body, so that the target's body surface forms the original text that only the target can see.

Derivative skills: [Guess the text]

Effect: You can guess the target's original text, copy the target's original text and inject it into the target's body. If you guess correctly, you will get everything from the other party. If you guess wrong, you will greatly enhance the target's original ability.

Derivative skills: [Give text]

Effect: You can actively give the target the original text you master or deprive the target of the original text you have given.

Superpower: [Contract Gem, Level: 220]

Effect: You can consume physical strength and mental power to condense the contract gem. Once the target voluntarily accepts the contract gem, life, soul, and consciousness will be dominated by the summoner, but at the same time, you will also gain the summoner's potential and luck. After taking it for the first time, taking it again will slightly increase your potential, and there is a 55% chance of awakening a new talent. 】

Superpower: [Mutated Eyes, Level: 220]

Effect: Every second, the eyes will mutate once. If the same mutation occurs, the power will be enhanced. All mutated eyes will be automatically activated according to the emotion classification. 】

【Next page】②③④⑤【Last page】


Because Wuming has too many skills, Guangping has to keep turning pages to record all the abilities.

Everyone turned page after page, and finally Da Huang couldn't help but complain: "Master Wuming, you have so many abilities, why don't you use them?"

"There are obviously simpler options, why should I use more troublesome abilities to solve the problem?" Wuming asked back.

Just like when he usually fights minions, he usually just shoots laser eyes and sweeps them, and the battle is over. Does he have to change his tricks every day just because he has many abilities?

"Flower artist, this profession looks quite standard." Aries commented.

A golden glazed flower appeared on Wuming's finger, and he smiled bitterly: "I don't know why it is such a profession, but the three skills are of high rank. Although they are only level one, they can be used in conjunction with my other abilities."

While speaking, he flicked his finger, and the golden glazed flower flew to the sea outside the island. After falling into the sea, it exploded with a bang. The dazzling light shot out from the sea. The terrifying high temperature instantly evaporated a large amount of seawater, and the mist spread to the surroundings.

"Golden Fiery Sun?" Aries was stunned and asked.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, it just turned into a flower, but it is still the golden Fiery Sun in essence."

"In short, Master Wuming, your profession is to put a flower skin on all your skills?" Da Huang couldn't help complaining again.

Wuming thought about it, and it seemed that he really couldn't refute it. At present, his professional level is only level 1, and his professional skills are really useless. It's not an exaggeration to say that it is a skin.

Of course, it's not completely meaningless.

At least after using the flower form, his ability is extremely confusing. If the enemy underestimates his attack, he will definitely suffer a lot.

Besides, the profession is not always at level one. When his professional level is raised, his professional skills will become stronger and stronger. According to the information he gets after using the profession card, he can also change his profession to a higher level after reaching a certain level.

There seem to be two branches above the flower arrangement master, one is the Taoist fruit master, and the other is the monarch of flowers.

However, more specific information can only be figured out when Wuming is really facing a job change.

In fact, the profession formed after using the profession card is not always unchanged. According to the records of the Oracle Network, there have been big guys who have changed their professions hundreds of times, and the profession they finally worked in is completely different from the original profession.

Afterwards, Wuming familiarized himself with his abilities on the island, and then prepared to return to the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

Next, he will go to the golden area of ​​the Shenzang Space alone, and use Wuming to turn the origin of the puppet into text, thus completely solving the chorea that has troubled countless people.

"I'm back!"

Wuming returned to Wenxin Villa, playing with a fantasy flower with his fingers, and couldn't help but smile at everyone.

"Wuming, did it succeed?" Zhang Shouzhong asked immediately when he saw Wuming coming back with a smile.

Wuming nodded and said, "Not only did it succeed, but there is also good news. We have at least two chances, and it shouldn't be a big problem to solve the chorea."

When testing his abilities on the island, he accidentally discovered that Wuming counted as one when used alone, and another time after using it in the shape of a flower.

In short, he can guess twice when he uses guessing text on others in the future!

"Fuck, isn't that amazing!" Zhang Shouzhong said in surprise.

Although there seems to be little difference between guessing once and guessing twice, everyone present can understand the difference. If Wuming could guess twice when he met the puppet, there would be no such thing as chorea now.

"It's not amazing, but it's a big surprise." Wuming smiled happily.

He had actually prepared to slowly cultivate the profession of flower arrangement master. It doesn't matter if he is a little rubbish in the early stage, at least he can look forward to the future.

But he didn't expect that after using the flower shape to give other abilities skins, the fantasy flower formed actually gave him an extra chance to guess the text.

It felt like going to a public toilet and finding that there was no toilet paper. When you were about to bite your teeth and use your hands, the neighbor handed you toilet paper.

Do you think it was a surprise or a happiness?

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