I Contracted Myself

【665】Ripples of Destiny

The divine hidden space, the golden area, and the entrance to the Sword Palace.

The guard danced numbly, feeling neither sad nor happy, and everything was empty.

He also experienced fear, anger, confusion, suspicion, and despair, but in the end all emotions were erased by time.

At this time, a gust of wind blew, and he looked in the direction of the wind. Countless petals came with the wind, and in a blink of an eye, the petals condensed into human shapes.


The guard's eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't help shouting as he looked at the human shape formed by the condensed flower petals.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Wuming closed his eyes and used his mental power to scan the body of the guardian god, who was emaciated, and suddenly felt guilty.

Although the trap was set by Bipson, Wuming and the others were not completely responsible as the triggerers. The spread of dancing disease had harmed many people, and he would find ways to compensate for it in the future.

"Hold on a little longer and the problem will be solved soon!"

Wuming passed by the guard, and the next moment his body turned into petals and spread out, floating into the Sword Palace in an instant.

His method of turning into flower petals was actually the shape of a flower plus the Path of Glory. Among the skill stones supported by major forces, he chose the Path of Glory because it had the dual spatial attributes of shrinking into an inch and flickering.

Usually the effect he uses is to appear in other places in a flash. Now with the addition of the flower shape to the Path of Glory, there will be a large number of petals spreading and converging special effects.

But it's not just special effects.

These petals are very fast and can have a very good guiding effect. With the existence of these petals, Wuming can even easily turn and dodge attacks.

All in all, after adding the flower shape, Wuming's operation will be more flexible and smooth.

In fact, Wuming originally thought that the ability to add petal special effects was a bit girly, and he was still a little resistant, but after using it a few times, he really liked it.

Just be your mother, ease of use is the way to go.

In an instant, Wuming came to Bipson's palace. Through the original path, a large number of petals quickly passed through the tunnel, and once again arrived at the secret room where the pyramid was located.

He gathered at the entrance of the pyramid, and his spiritual power quickly extended to the inside of the pyramid.

To be honest, he was a little worried that there were other original sin beasts in the pyramid. He had only one goal this time, and that was to convert the origin of the dancing puppet into text. If branches grew out of one joint and the dancing disease was solved, another disease would arise. It's troublesome.

"Only puppets?"

For a moment, the nameless spirit entered the hall, and the gorgeous puppet was still dancing. Nothing seemed to have changed.

However, Wuming thought of the steering wheel that appeared inexplicably behind Zhang Shouzhong, and the original sin beast that ran to the outside and killed everyone in its way, and he knew very clearly that everything had changed, and there was definitely something else inside the pyramid.

"No matter what, let's get rid of the dancing disease first!"

The nameless mental energy wandered around the hall and found nothing unusual, so his body immediately turned into petals and quickly entered the pyramid.

Speaking of which, the gate of the pyramid was blocked at that time, and Wuming and the others escaped from the pyramid through teleportation.

This time he came back, and the door of the pyramid was open. He didn't know whether it was the original sin beast that instantly killed anyone in the way or another original sin beast.

He entered the hall and immediately a golden light popped up from his finger.

But just when he thought that the golden light would definitely hit the dancing puppet, an armored man with a shield-shaped face but a mirror surface appeared out of thin air and instantly blocked the puppet.

The golden light fell on the mirror and bounced back in an instant.

Wuming quickly turned into petals and spread out, then appeared on the other side, and another golden light popped up.

This time, the armored man did not stand in front of the puppet again. The golden light smoothly penetrated into the puppet's body. Then Wuming wrote the word "crossbow". With a flick of his finger, the word "crossbow" turned into golden light and shot towards the puppet.

When the word "crossbow" was printed on the puppet, the puppet immediately turned into the word "crossbow" and flew back to Wuming's hand. He held the word "crossbow" in his hand and thought about it. All the people who were dancing stopped and completely got rid of the influence of dancing disease.

The Gate of Ten Thousand Demons.

Luo Jiu danced with a gloomy expression.

Suddenly he felt that the power controlling his body disappeared.

He subconsciously followed the inertia and danced a few more waltzes, and finally stopped with a disgusted look on his face.

Although at first, he mistakenly thought that everything was a conspiracy of Gao Shang Palace, but later the dancing disease continued to ferment and its scope of influence became wider and wider, and he also realized that he might have been wrong.

Gao Shang Palace would never be able to do such a thing, so everything was probably an accident.

He felt very, very unhappy when he thought that he was so angry that he mistakenly believed that he had fallen into Gao Shang Palace's conspiracy, and that he had doubted himself for a long time.


At this time, Rama came back from outside. When Luo Jiu saw Rama, he immediately shouted with shame.

Rama sat down, glanced at Luo Jiu, and said calmly: "Confidence is a good thing, but you must be cautious. Next time, you should take care of yourself."

"Well, I understand."

Luo Jiu nodded like a child who had done something wrong.

He also felt a little aggrieved. Normally he would not be careless, but Rama was around at that time, so he relaxed his vigilance a little, and bad things happened.

"Master, what price did you pay to treat me this time?" he asked.

Rama looked at Luo Jiu and said calmly: "It's nothing, it's just a small matter, no need to worry."


It just makes the fate they resisted slightly return to its original track. The ripples caused by the backlash of fate will eventually bring them trouble.

Rama practiced the "Ten Thousand Demons Sutra" and perfected it. He was mentally prepared to face everything. A little ripple of fate was not enough to move him.

Moreover, this backlash was caused by him.

On the other side, Wenxin Villa was full of joy. Everyone who got rid of the influence of dancing sat in the living room, eating, drinking, and closing their eyes to rest.

"Freedom is really beautiful. I didn't think freedom was so important before, but after this time... I'm a dog if I dance again!" Zhang Shouzhong swallowed a chicken in one gulp, and then smiled comfortably.

Da Huang said resentfully: "Is it difficult for you to be a dog?"

"Since the dancing disease has been cured, why hasn't Lord Wuming come back yet?" Maria said with some worry at this time.

Lin Renmei frowned and said, "Maybe he met another original sin beast. Let's wait and see. If he doesn't come back tomorrow, we will go find him."

"Trust Wuming. Even if he meets another original sin beast, he has two chances to guess the words. It shouldn't be a big problem." Aries comforted.

Gao Shanggong agreed, "With Wuming's wisdom, guessing the words twice is enough to solve most original sin beasts. After all, Wuming knows the details of the original sin beasts. There is a chance to try and fail. I dare not say it is a sure thing, but it is almost certain."

After hearing what the two masters, Aries and Gao Shanggong, said, everyone felt relieved and continued to eat and drink, celebrating their escape from dancing in their own way.

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