I Contracted Myself

【666】Falling into the abyss

Inside the pyramid, Wuming stared at the Shield-faced Armored Sin Beast with a look of embarrassment on his face.

He had already guessed the details of the Shield-faced Armored Sin Beast. If he was right, this Sin Beast should have evolved from the [Reflection Metal Shield].

In fact, although the Reflection Metal Shield evolved into the Sin Beast, its danger level was very low.

The reason was very simple. The emotion it absorbed was laziness. Compared with the Sin Beast that absorbed killing intent, anger, and control desire, the Reflection Metal Shield that absorbed a lot of laziness was not very harmful.

It was too lazy to move!

Although Wuming didn't know who moved it out of the sealed room, it had never moved except for the first time it blocked the attack. Even if Wuming walked in front of it, it still didn't move, looking like a statue.

But it was also very troublesome.

Wuming tried to seal it, but all the golden light it shot was bounced back, and Wuming couldn't do anything about it.

"Forget it, there's no harm anyway, so let's just leave it like that."

Wuming thought to himself after he was sure that he couldn't do anything with the Sin Beast.

He turned around and prepared to leave, and the gate of the pyramid was suddenly blocked by a huge stone that appeared out of thin air. He frowned and looked around, saying, "Come out!"

In the empty hall, the statue of the Lord of the Forest was gloomy and terrifying, and something seemed to flash through the forest-like hair.

Wuming looked at the top of the statue of the Lord of the Forest, but didn't find anything. He thought about it and his body suddenly turned into dense petals and spread out. The petals filled the entire hall. The naked eye, mental power, biological force field, force and other abilities monitored the hall.

Ten minutes later, he regrouped into a human form and frowned at the passage leading to the back hall.

In addition to him and the Mirror Shield Sin Beast, he could be sure that there was no life in the hall. After excluding all possibilities, even if he didn't want to think about it, he had to suspect that the problem was in the back hall.

To be honest, he didn't want to enter the back hall, because no one knew how many original sin beasts were hidden in the back hall.

Once he stepped into the back hall, if he woke up those sleeping original sin beasts, it would not be as simple as dancing.

"Forget it, I'd better leave directly."

Wuming looked at the back hall and thought to himself after some consideration.

No matter what the other party's purpose is, as long as he doesn't enter the back hall, the other party's purpose will not be achieved.

The next second, he directly used the teleportation bracelet and prepared to leave the pyramid and return to the Great Wilderness Special Zone, but when he teleported, a colorful light bounced from the passage leading to the back hall and instantly hit his body.


In the red sky, dark red clouds rolled wildly, and golden lightning kept falling.

On the charred land, countless strange creatures were fighting, and there was no end at a glance. These creatures killed each other and devoured each other, and the cycle continued.

A one-horned demon used its horn to knock another one-horned demon to death, and the next moment it opened its mouth and devoured the other's flesh and blood crazily. Then a sickle behind it instantly slashed across his waist, and he rolled to the ground in pain, and his lower body was swallowed by another demon.

Under the earth, the demon worms that absorbed the blood of the demons thrived, and finally drilled out of the ground to sneak attack the demons who were fighting, biting the flesh and blood of those demons, gradually growing into new demons, and joining this endless war.

In the sky, countless flying demons watched the battle below with cold eyes, until a bigger demon appeared, they swooped down in unison and ate the other side in an instant.

Above the clouds, a huge demon stretched out his hand and swept the flying demons under the clouds, grabbed a full hand of demons and swallowed them in one bite, and the blood and bones made crazy squeaking sounds when chewing.

Outside the planet, a spider-shaped demon weaved a huge spider web that covered the entire planet. After the giant demon ate the flying demons, it stretched out its sharp spider hand to pierce the giant demon's innate sense and lifted the giant demon out of the atmosphere. The demons on the entire planet could hear the screams of the giant demon when it was eaten.

In the dark universe, countless red planets constantly repeated the above scene. A demon with demon wings on his back and a red halo on his head sat cross-legged in front of the galaxy, waiting boredly, waiting for a bigger demon to appear so that he could have a full meal.

Outside this universe, the red abyss hangs one world after another. All the worlds washed by the breath of the abyss gradually degenerate, and the original creatures either become demons or become food for demons. Some huge maggots in the abyss crawled slowly in the red flesh wall. When they crawled in front of a certain world, their mouths cracked layer by layer, and the innermost was dense tentacles. These tentacles wrapped around the world, and the sharpest tip inserted into the world, sucking the nutrients of the entire world.

In a certain world, a certain planet captured in the abyss.

A swordsman gritted his teeth and killed a ferocious beast. He stood on the ground and gasped for breath. When he was almost done resting, he looked back at the caravan that suffered heavy casualties and sighed helplessly.

Since the day of the change in the sky, the world has become more and more difficult.

The ferocious beasts that came from nowhere are fearless and pose a great threat to villages and towns everywhere. Now the risk of traveling merchants is very high. It is a business that really puts your head on your belt. If you are not careful, you will be wiped out.

But precisely because traveling merchants are difficult, traveling merchants have also become a truly lucrative industry. As long as the specialty of a certain area can be transported safely to Kyoto, you can make a lot of money and obtain wealth that you may not have been able to obtain in the past few decades.

The problem is that the success rate is too low.

Most of the merchants who ventured into business ended up dying halfway, either being robbed by strong men or encountering ferocious beasts and dying under the sharp teeth of ferocious beasts.

Chen Yidao is not a businessman, he is just a warrior obsessed with swordsmanship. Although he traveled with the caravan, he just wanted to meet the legendary No. 1 swordsman Wang Jindao.

Who knew that the caravan was so unlucky that they actually encountered a ferocious beast. Although he fought hard to kill the ferocious beast, almost all the people in the caravan died.

"This is trouble."

Chen Yidao watched the last shopkeeper take his last breath, thinking helplessly in his heart.

He grew up in his master's blacksmith shop since he was a child. Before that, he had never left the street of the blacksmith shop. Although he could not be said to be a road idiot, it was actually not much different.

If there was no caravan to lead the way, he really didn't know where to go in this desolate mountain.

What if he accidentally ran to the beast's lair, wouldn't it be a dish for the beast?

Just when Chen Yidao was in trouble, suddenly a colorful light flew across the sky like a meteor and finally landed on a hill not far away. He blinked, thought of his current situation, and simply gritted his teeth and ran towards the location where the colorful light fell.

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