I Contracted Myself

【667】Since we are here, let’s save the world before leaving.

Chen Yidao's legs were very strong. After more than ten minutes, he arrived at the hilltop where the colorful light fell.

He pushed aside the grass and looked at the place where the colorful light hit the ground. His eyes suddenly widened slightly, revealing an incredible expression.

There was no trace of impact on the ground. It was obvious that the impact point should be at this position. With his eyesight, it was basically impossible to make a mistake.

"What are you looking at?"

At this time, Chen Yidao heard the man's voice.

Chen Yidao suddenly shuddered, almost instinctively drew his sword, and then slashed in the direction where the sound came from. When he realized that something was wrong, it was too late.

The next moment he saw the man who spoke, he regretted it very much, mistakenly thinking that he might accidentally kill someone this time.


A finger blocked Chen Yidao's chopping path.

Wuming looked at Chen Yidao and apologized first: "Sorry, it seems that I scared you."


Chen Yidao swallowed his saliva, looked at the finger of Wuming blocking his knife, and thought to himself, you really scared me now.

At this time, Wuming's nose moved, and his eyes fell on Chen Yidao's knife. He pinched the blade and easily took the knife from his hand, and asked: "What did you just cut with this knife?"

"Senior... No, Lord God, I just used this knife to kill two beasts." Chen Yidao reacted and found that his knife was already in Wuming's hand, and he spoke quickly.

Wuming frowned and said: "Beast... The breath of corruption, strange."

He was hit by the colorful light, and when he came to his senses, he appeared in this world inexplicably. He was about to leave when he sensed Chen Yidao's breath, so he circled back.

But he didn't expect that Chen Yidao's knife would actually have a trace of corruption.

This kind of breath is usually only contaminated by the Abyss Cult after multiple sacrifices to the Abyss, or... Demons.

Is this world invaded by demons?

Wuming read a lot of books in the library of the Scholar Foundation, and the knowledge he learned now quickly came into play. If a world was invaded by demons, it would be impossible for Chen Yidao to survive with his strength, let alone kill demons.

In other words, there are two possibilities in this world. One is that there are demons lurking and preparing to drag this world into the abyss. The other possibility is... this world is already in the abyss.

"Well, let's contact Mei and the others to report safety first, and then see the situation in this world. Since we are here, if there is really a big problem in this world, let's save this world before leaving." Wuming thought helplessly after thinking it through.

It is not his style to watch someone die without saving him. Since he realizes that this world may fall into the abyss, he will do something to the best of his ability.

At worst, transferring the people of this world to the vacant bubble world is also a good choice.

"Master God?"

Chen Yidao saw that Wuming seemed to be thinking, and called carefully.

He was very curious about Wuming's origins, and he was a little bit looking forward to it. After all, meeting a god when he just started out was even more bizarre than the plot of a novel.

What if the god saw that he was talented, and then accepted him as an apprentice and taught him the supreme fairy method...

Chen Yidao's heart was thumping, and he inexplicably had a little expectation for Wuming.

After a moment, he saw Wuming seemed to come back to his senses, and he bravely said again: "Master God, this is a wild mountain, it is very dangerous, how about we leave first?"

"Well, it's okay, but I'm not a god, my name is Wuming, strictly speaking, I'm... a relatively powerful ordinary person." Wuming nodded after hearing what Chen Yidao said.

Chen Yidao asked curiously: "Then how can I practice to be as powerful as God... Master?"

"Practice? I'm not sure, I'm cheating." Wuming said as he walked.

Chen Yidao followed Wuming, and was a little confused after hearing Wuming's answer. After thinking for a while, he asked: "Then Master, what is cheating?"

"Cheating, you understand!" Wuming said.

Chen Yidao widened his eyes and said in shock: "So you can cheat!?"

"Yes, my power is more cheating, it's just like cheating." Wuming nodded.

In fact, he always felt that his strength was improving too fast, even more exaggerated than cheating. At first, he couldn't even beat a mutant beast, but in just a few decades, he had reached a level of strength that countless practitioners could not reach in hundreds of thousands, tens of millions of years, or even several cosmic eras.

Although the whole process was normal, Wuming himself still felt that he was cheating when he looked back and summarized his past experiences.

There were several stages in his life when his strength was greatly improved. The first stage was to obtain the contract gem, and from then on, he had unlimited possibilities.

The second take-off point was the birth of the Dream River, which allowed him to quickly complete the original accumulation that others could not achieve in countless years.

Any ability requires energy and cannot be separated from energy.

The Dream River connects countless worlds, extradites the aura of countless worlds, and brings him huge energy. This is the fundamental reason for his rapid growth in strength.

If there is not enough huge energy, even if he gets the Golden Sun, the Hand of the Titan, and the Golden Crow Armor, he does not have the energy to start.

Therefore, the importance of the Dream River is actually higher than the Nameless Sea.

Of course, both are actually very important and indispensable to Wuming.

The third time his strength was greatly improved was during the Shenzang Trial. When he drank the Transformation Wine, his life essence was sublimated. When his level reached 220, he was considered a strong man in the third echelon of the cultivation world.

Then he became the controller of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, a transformation in his identity, and used the Hedao Jade to increase his level to 250, squeezing into the second echelon of the cultivation world.

Strictly speaking, Wuming really didn't practice seriously, and he was cheating all the way.

Therefore, when Chen Yidao asked him how to practice to be as strong as him, he really didn't know how to answer.

Chen Yidao didn't believe it in his heart, but seeing that Wuming didn't look like he was pretending, he was a little confused for a while. He followed Wuming down the mountain, and it took him a while to think of a question, so he asked Wuming: "Then... Sir, what do you think is the most important thing in practice?"

If it was before, he wouldn't ask this question, because he had the answer in his heart, that is the knife!

"What is the most important thing in cultivation? Let me think... It should be the choice and the team!" Wuming thought seriously, and then gave an answer that surprised Chen Yidao.

Wuming saw that Chen Yidao looked like he had a broken heart, and said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, this is just my personal opinion, don't take it too seriously."


Chen Yidao was in a state of despair, and his hand holding the knife seemed to have no strength.

Choice and team?

Then did he make the wrong choice of knife?

How should he stand?

Suddenly, Chen Yidao felt a pain in his heart, and his eyes widened.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, his body shook a few times, and countless memories gushed out from the depths of his consciousness.

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