I Contracted Myself

【668】Dao Tianzun

There is a surplus of knives and a shortage of knives.

Together they are the Yingque Dao.

Surplus refers to excess, deficiency refers to lack.

These are two completely different realms. Ying Dao pursues more, which is beauty, and bigness, which is strong. If it can cut out hundreds of millions of knives with one sword, that is the beauty of beauty.

Que Dao pursues the goal of reducing complexity into simplicity. If he can kill with one sword, he will never use a second sword. If the battle can be resolved within a small area, it will never spread beyond the small area.

Chen Yidao remembered that his real name was Chen Yidao, and the technique he practiced was called "The True Secret of Winning and Fighting", which was a complete "Ying Dao Kung Fu".

He has spent countless years on the road of gaining swords, gradually practicing from one sword per second to one quadrillion swords per second, which is equivalent to one sword per femtosecond, although he feels that he can continue to become faster, such as one femtosecond. Two swords per second, three swords per second, but it is meaningless.

The upper limit of the power has been locked. No matter how fast it goes, it will be like that against opponents of the same level.

After countless hesitations and struggles, Chen Yida finally decided to do the opposite, temporarily sealing his memory and power and rebuilding the missing sword.

If the power of each of his swords is equivalent to the past one trillion swords, then when his memory is restored and he regains the power of the surplus sword, he will enter a new realm.

This is the legendary Yingque Dao.

He deliberately chose a world that was about to be captured by the abyss, and decided to start over. In this world, he would not lack battles, and only when there was a huge disparity in strength could he better practice Que Dao.

Who knew... his encounter with a super-standard existence inexplicably broke his Taoist heart.

When Que Dao's Taoist heart was broken, his sealed memory and power returned to his body. His mood was very complicated. Que Dao had only been practicing for fifteen years, and he hadn't even learned the basics yet!

"Are you okay?" Wuming asked worriedly when he saw Chen Yidao vomiting blood.

He could actually use his mental power to scan Chen Yidao's body, but it was a bit impolite to do so. Under normal circumstances, unless the other person was about to die, or had passed out and needed treatment, he would not infringe on other people's privacy.

Of course, if it is an enemy, everything can be excepted.

Chen Yidao opened his eyes, looked at Wuming with complicated emotions, and said, "I'm fine, it's just... I have a merciless request."

"If it's an unkind invitation, uh... then don't say it." Wuming hesitated for a moment, then said seriously.

This guy had a look of admiration just now, but when he spit out blood, his eyes became weird, and his tone suddenly became disrespectful. Instead, he seemed eager to try. Could it be that... he was gay?

Wuming thought of several famous 'goblins' in the spiritual world, quietly took a step back, and decided to find an excuse to run away quickly.

"Since it's an unkind invitation, of course it has to be done regardless of whether you agree or disagree!"

"Please...eat my billions of knives!"

Chen Yidao's tone slowly brewed with murderous intent, and finally he suddenly drew his sword and slashed towards Wuming.

Damn it!

Wuming realized something was wrong the moment Chen Yidao drew out his sword, and then a dense sword light struck, and at the same time, the knife in Chen Yidao's hand was immediately shattered.

Probably because of the poor quality of the knife, Chen Yidao's attack this time did not cut out 100 billion knives in one second, but only cut out 100 million knives.

Silently, the sword light flashed across the sky and the earth.

In an instant, the space was shattered like glass from the position where Chen Yidao came out.

Countless knife marks split the universe and landed on a huge maggot. The maggot instantly turned into countless slices, twisting its body and falling deeper into the abyss.

Chen Yidao slowly sheathed the sword. Although only the handle of his sword was left, the action of sheathing it had already become instinctive.

At this time, a nameless voice came to his ear: "If you want to kill me, I can't accept it. Anyway, I have seen too many unprovoked malices, but is it too much for you to kill the whole world?"

Only then did Chen Yidao notice that there was a small flower floating next to him. When his eyes came into contact with the little flower, the little flower suddenly started to rotate, and then countless petals spread out from the small flower. In an instant, Chen Yidao could see it. It’s all a sea of ​​petals.

"It's a little trick, I actually wavered my Taoist heart because of this little acrobatics, it's really...ridiculous!" Chen Yidao's expression remained unchanged and he slowly closed his eyes.

The next moment, he used his hand instead of the sword to strike quickly, and for a while, the dense sword energy centered on him continued to slash out.

"What a fast, sharp knife!"

Wuming sat on a huge golden glazed flower and couldn't help but admire Chen Yidao as he watched Chen Yi's swords coming out continuously.

To be honest, he didn't actually understand the current situation. He was inexplicably transported to a world that was about to be swallowed by the abyss, and he met a young swordsman inexplicably.

Originally, this young man was careful to treat him as an idol and a senior, but after asking a few questions, he suddenly turned his back and turned into a fool who only knows how to use a knife.

The experience was so bizarre that if he told it, others might think he was telling a story.

You wouldn’t even dare to write a novel like this.

However, Wuming felt that Chen Yidao could not continue to use the sword, otherwise the planet would not be able to bear it.

In fact, when Chen Yidao launched his first attack, the planet almost collapsed, but Wuming reacted quickly, avoiding the attack while limiting the scope of the sword's energy.

But this restriction also extends the attack distance of the sword energy.

It was probably like a high-pressure water cannon. As a result, the sword energy not only penetrated the space barrier, but also smeared abyssal maggots in the face.

Now Wuming has more time to deal with Chen Yidao's attack, so the range of Chen Yidao's attack is compressed even smaller.

"Flower Binding!"

Wuming's mind moved, and the petals fluttering around him suddenly became connected, and countless golden threads appeared.

As the petals rotated around Chen Yidao, these golden threads quickly wrapped around Chen Yidao's body, and in a blink of an eye, Chen Yidao was wrapped like a dumpling, with only his head exposed.

Wuming's figure condensed, standing in front of Chen Yidao, and asked: "Can we talk now?"

"Do you think you won?" Chen Yidao was not panicked at all, and asked fearlessly at this time.

Wuming frowned slightly, his expression became serious, and he warned: "I don't know why you are angry, but if you continue to make trouble, all the consequences will be at your own risk!"

"The hatred of blocking the way is irreconcilable, go to hell!" Chen Yidao became more and more angry, and his eyes suddenly shot out two sword qi.

The flowers around Wuming just happened to block the attack of the sword energy. Then Wuming sensed the danger and instantly turned into petals and scattered.

A knife flew from space, instantly cutting through the atmosphere and landing with a bang. Countless sword energy wrapped around the blade, floating like flying catkins.

These sword energy easily cut off the gold thread on Chen Yidao's body.

Chen Yidao walked forward, looked at the knife stuck in the ground with nostalgic eyes, and said: "Long time no see, old friend!"

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