I Contracted Myself

【669】Avici's greetings

After separation and reunion, Chen Yidao was filled with gratitude. He gently grasped the handle of the knife, and the whole knife immediately cheered and jumped for joy. The knife energy was like armor wrapping around him.

This knife is called 'Yingdou Yisheng Knife'. It was made by him personally and nurtured day and night with blood and sweat. Gradually, the divine knife was born. In the past countless years, they killed one powerful enemy after another together and never separated in the past.

Although they have only been separated for more than ten years, it is a long first time for each other.


Wuming looked at Chen Yidao from a distance. When Chen Yidao held the Yisheng Knife, his level actually rose rapidly.

Originally, Chen Yidao's level was only 210, but after holding the Yisheng Knife, his level quickly rose to 244, which is considered a strong level even in the Shenzang space.

"Safety first, let's put this planet away first!" Wuming thought about it and made a decision in his heart immediately.

Once he and Chen Yidao start a war, this planet will definitely not be saved, and even the world will collapse because of it. It would be dangerous to leave this planet here.

He fell to the ground, and before Chen Yidao could draw his sword, he pressed his hand directly on the ground. The whole planet twisted for a while, and finally he took it into one of the bubble worlds in his body.

In this way, the two of them were in space, and because a planet suddenly disappeared, the gravity of the entire galaxy immediately became disordered, and the distance between the two sides began to be pulled away.

"Take my sword!" Chen Yidao took the lead and slashed at Wuming with a single hand.

Wuming had no worries. Looking at the dense sword energy coming, dense fantasy flowers suddenly appeared behind him. These fantasy flowers carried various abilities and floated forward. When they collided with the sword energy, they immediately exploded, and the bright light even exceeded the light emitted by the stars.

Next, the two continued to attack, fighting until the sky was dark, the entire galaxy quickly collapsed, and even the stars were chopped into pieces by Chen Yidao.

In the abyss, a large number of fragments of the world fell from above. A demon sitting cross-legged in the middle of the abyss caught a piece of the fragment in his palm, and then looked up.

The great demon Avici has believers in many worlds outside the abyss. The believers call him Lord Avici and the Avici Demon God.

He is one of the few beings with high intelligence in the abyss. He knows that he cannot exhaust all the fish in the pond. While he gains benefits, he often gives his believers some benefits in a long-term way. Therefore, although his strength is not the strongest in the abyss, he is the demon with the most believers.

"Struggle, murderous intent, good souls, dare to fight in the abyss..."

Avici looked at the top of the abyss, and spoke slowly after a while. Then he inserted his hand into a world next to him, instantly shattering this world, and countless stars exploded. As he waved upward, they shot upward like cannonballs.

There were also countless little demons who had fought and devoured lives in this world before being pushed upward by Avici.

These demons didn't care about being manipulated by Avici. They were still killing and eating meat while flying upwards. Some unlucky demons even collided directly with the fragments of the planet, and their bodies exploded instantly, turning into meat sauce and continuing to fly upwards.

In fact, Avici was just saying hello to Wuming and Chen Yidao above.

Wuming controlled the flower of fantasy to attack continuously, and Chen Yidao gradually became passive defense. It was not that Chen Yidao didn't want to attack, but Wuming's attacks were everywhere. Wherever there were flowers, it seemed that intensive attacks could be derived at any time.

What's more disgusting is that some petals look inconspicuous, but they can instantly expand into huge arms to slap him. The key is that the power is so strong that he has to defend with all his strength to avoid being injured.

When the number of these messy attacks increased, he became very passive and had no way to deal with Wuming.

Wuming sat on a flower, drinking tea while watching Chen Yidao frantically defending his attacks. He didn't really take it seriously. If he took it seriously, he could kill Chen Yidao instantly.

Although he has not been in the realm of the Great God for a long time, and has mastered very few original characters with the power of the Great God, each original character he has mastered is of extremely high quality.

Whether it is the power of the frog or the power of the potential, it can easily kill Chen Yidao in seconds, or use the power of the crossbow to make Chen Yidao dance to death.

However, Wuming is not the kind of extreme practitioner who kills the whole family if he disagrees with him. If Chen Yidao can recognize his mistakes, apologize properly, and promise that he will not mess around in the future, Wuming will at most punish him and will not kill him.

Of course, Wuming will definitely sign a contract with Chen Yidao. If Chen Yidao dares to kill innocent people indiscriminately, Wuming can easily find him no matter where he is.

Just when Wuming was thinking about how to deal with Chen Yidao, there was a violent vibration above the universe, and then a huge gap exploded, and countless planets and demons crashed into the universe from the gap.

The alien planets collided crazily with the existing planets. Some demons were turned into thin slices by the planets, and even black holes collided with each other. In the face of the terrifying power, the "small" range of space was instantly torn apart, forming a terrible space storm.



Some more powerful demons did not care about the situation around them. They laughed exaggeratedly and weirdly, crashed into one planet after another, and finally locked the position of Wuming and Chen Yidao with their red eyes, and launched attacks one after another.

Wuming glanced at the flying demons and frowned slightly. The levels of these demons were uneven. The highest level demons even reached level 150, and the lowest level demons were only about level 60.

But the breath of these demons is disgusting, and Wuming feels a breath similar to that of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.


Strictly speaking, it is a breath similar to that of the Mad Knight Iron Box.

There is no doubt that the essence of this breath is the pollution of the abyss, so no matter how low the level of these demons is, they cannot be careless, because they have the capital to kill the strong.

Wuming thought, and countless petals formed a net, and the invisible silk thread was cast into a net wall.

Countless demons hit the net wall and turned into fragments in an instant, dead and dead.

Chen Yidao also noticed the demon's attack. When he found that Wuming was no longer attacking him, he quickly turned around and slashed at the demon. Countless knife qi sprayed out, and wherever he passed, whether it was a meteorite or a demon, it was cut in half.

"The space is folded together."

Wuming found that the speed of the demon flying was getting faster and faster, and he thought helplessly in his heart.

Normally, his full-speed flight would also cause the space to fold together. Moving in the twisted and folded space, his speed can even reach hundreds of thousands of light years per second.

Of course, his speed is not really faster than the speed of light, unless he turns into light particles and moves.

The problem is that he can distort space and make it fold together like origami. Even if he does not fly faster than the speed of light, he can still reach his destination faster than light.

Most practitioners in the cultivation world actually use spatial abilities to move quickly in the universe, not just purely by speed. Otherwise, it would take decades to reach a planet dozens of light years away, even if the speed is very close to the speed of light.

At this time, the demons accidentally folded a large area of ​​space because of their high-speed movement, so that the matter that had just crashed into this universe approached Wuming and Chen Yidao at a very fast speed.

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